Black diamond in nature. What is the name of the black diamond? Ring with black diamond

What geology and gemology thinks about this is interesting. First on the moon, and then on Earth in places of volcanic, meteorite and even nuclear explosions, black diamond is found in nature. It is extremely unusual: it has a simple graphite structure, but the properties of a diamond. Nature, as expected, poses riddles to man. This is just one of the assumptions. Black diamond is a mystical mystery. There is a hypothesis that this is cosmogenic diamond dust. Glass is cut with these diamonds, like plain paper with scissors. In Russia, at the mines of the village of Kartun (Primorye, Far East), small, non-jewelry black diamonds were discovered. Their black color depends on trace elements - nitrogen, boron and hydrogen. It is these elements that are considered cosmic inclusions.

There are other hypotheses

In the depths of the Earth, where the highest pressure and temperature, carbon atoms were transformed due to the inclusion of hematite or graphite in black diamonds.

Another theory suggests that black appeared due to a violation of the diamond lattice.

black Diamond

That is, a unified theory of the origin of natural, natural black diamond does not exist. But meanwhile - it really is a diamond, only of a different nature: a black diamond does not reflect, does not refract light, like ordinary whites, but only absorbs it. It is this quality that makes it black. When the question arises: “What is the name of a black diamond?”, The right answer is carbonado.

Where are the industrial developments

Deposits of black jewelry diamonds are found only in Brazil and Africa, once connected by one ancient continent - Pangea, but not at all in places where conventional diamonds are mined. In the 18th century, the Portuguese called it carbonados, which means “burning” or “burned”. There is another variant of the origin of this name. It is associated with porous black coal, which is similar to raw stone. This is how a rough black diamond looks (photo).

black diamond photo
Here and the lunar surface, and coal.


There are two types of black diamonds: dense and porous. The first type is rarer and allows you to cut and polish it better. The quality of the diamond is much higher. In addition, some of the stones are not black. It can be uneven, from dark brown to dark gray. But all of them belong to black diamonds.

black diamond stone

Some gemologists do not consider black diamonds to be diamonds. However, the trade name “black diamond” was firmly entrenched in trade, and everyone got used to it.

But natural, natural black diamonds are extremely rare. In them, unlike processed diamond, the color will be uniformly black. There are no shades or spots. But black diamond, with all its rarity and attractiveness, does not have such brilliance and radiance as ordinary transparent diamonds. It does not scatter light. But graphite, which is part of it, absorbs light and gives the stone color and luster.

black diamond in nature
Only a special cut allows you to get a shiny shiny diamond from black diamond. But this is a very painstaking work, because in not very experienced hands the black diamond begins to crumble. So the cut and subsequent polishing greatly affect its appearance. Only the brink of a diamond reflects the light, and not all of it. It is the edges that will shine and sparkle. The consistency and clarity of drawing faces is very important.

ring with black diamond
Only proper processing will make the black diamond glow. The stone will play.


The price of black diamonds is lower than regular, transparent diamonds, and this is because black diamonds are obtained from low-quality transparent diamonds in a fairly large amount. A well-polished round black diamond costs $ 1,400– $ 1,700. Moreover, he has no defects. Black diamond is a very ancient stone, but only relatively recently, in the twentieth century, it began to be appreciated in the jewelry market. Therefore, prices for black artificial diamonds are noticeably lower. Weight, color and cut are quality indicators. Of them is the price. The price of one carat can start at $ 1,000 and go up to one and a half thousand. Of course, to buy an elite stone is not cheap, but it has become available not only to persons of blood. A wide range of products will allow you to choose jewelry to your liking and people of average income.

This stone has become fashionable. Marketing companies work by “spinning” a black diamond, and its prices are gradually growing. It depends on suppliers, their shares and market demand.

Quality assessment of artificial black diamond

It is necessary to examine all the faces and make sure that there are no chips, pores and scratches on them.

In addition to the certificate, a laser engraving of the certificate number inside the stone can serve as a guarantee of quality.

In jewelry

A black diamond dazzles with its beauty, especially in combination with white diamonds. The black, satin luster stone is good in and of itself. But framed by sparkling diamonds, jewelry makes a stunning impression.

what is called black diamond
It is no coincidence that they are acquired by creative natures, as well as business, restrained men. They are magnificent framed by pink and especially white gold, the brilliance of which they emphasize. But they are also good in silver. Earrings, rings, and bracelets are made from them. Any woman will be able to choose something that more emphasizes her attractiveness. These can be modest accessories that unobtrusively place accents, but a catchy bright thing is also possible, from which it will be impossible to look away.

Black diamond ring

Like none of the stones, a black diamond suits men. The ring with black diamond looks courageously and noble on a man’s hand and goes well with evening costumes.

Man ring
The image of a man becomes strict and luxurious at the same time. It reveals aristocracy, as well as the fact that its owner has a pronounced personality.

Ring for men
In a woman of any age, a ring with black diamond will emphasize her refined taste and style, add subtle femininity, fragility and insecurity, grace.

Female ring
Flickering of space on a finger - what could be more poetic? To date, it has become customary to make wedding rings with black diamonds. Usually in the center is one large black diamond, which is surrounded by smaller transparent diamonds. Any jewelry with black diamond is a beautiful accessory that you can dream of, emphasize the style and excellent taste of its owner. Any design of the ring will attract respectful attention, as it looks organically with any style.
Fantasy stones
Evening attire, formal business suit, cocktail dress, made in the style of “black & white” - everything is in perfect harmony with the ring. Business meeting or office work - the ring is appropriate everywhere.

Refined Diamonds

Since the popularity of natural black diamonds is growing, and natural diamonds are not enough, ennobled diamonds enter the market. They are mined in the same mines where ordinary diamonds are mined.

Only a few countries have the technology to create jewelry black diamonds. Laser processing is carried out in Israel and Italy; faceting is done again in Israel and also in Belgium. In Israel, there are technologies to improve the purity of ordinary diamond. Those inclusions that are in the stones become invisible. "By eye" they are almost invisible. Only a specialist (jeweler or gemologist) will determine which stone is in front of him. And the visible result is a pure sparkling stone. At the same time, the cost of artificial diamonds compared with natural ones drops by more than half. Due to the exclusion of small voids by the laser method, light passes through the entire diamond from bottom to top. As a result, the stone “plays” and shines brilliantly.

Diamond color enhancement

To get a perfect black diamond, use diamonds with defects, which then hide the black color. Therefore, their cost can fluctuate very sharply: from $ 100 to several thousand per carat. Too much depends not only on the quality of the laser-treated stone, but also on the cutting and polishing. The certificate and guarantee of such a stone always indicates how the stone is processed, but its price is never stamped.

Gemstones give rise to desires and lusts, and carry in themselves insanities, entail death and crown love stories.


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