Natural crafts. We create beautiful products from natural materials with our own hands.

Gifts of nature - this is a fertile material for creativity. Of these, you can carry out a wide variety of products, ranging from simple applications to furniture. You can teach your baby to do natural crafts from natural material with his own hands from a very young age. A child of 1.5-2 years old will already be able to glue the dried leaves on your paper with your help or sprinkle a large blank for application. Develop creative abilities and imagination of children, performing natural crafts along with them . You can make interesting products with your own hands from a natural material with your child. What exactly and how, we will tell you in this article.

do-it-yourself natural crafts from natural material
Cones, acorns, chestnuts

Children collect these gifts of nature with pleasure. They bring full pockets of these fruits from a walk. Here we will make a bear figure from them. For work, you need a cone, chestnut, two caps for acorns, four pumpkin seeds, rowan berry, plasticine.

All parts are fastened with plasticine. Attach the chestnut to the bump on top. It will be the head and torso of the figure. Attach the ears - caps of acorns to the head. Form paws from pumpkin seeds. Fashion eyes from plasticine. Rowan berry is a nose. That's all, the bear is ready.

Using the same principle, you can create natural crafts from natural material with your own hands in the form of other figures of animals, birds, fish and people.

Fallen leaves

A bouquet of autumn foliage is itself a wonderful composition. But together with the kids, you can make flowers from this material, which in appearance are very similar to roses.

crafts made of natural material in the summer
To make such a product, prepare maple leaves and threads. The process of creating a flower is described in the subsequent instructions.

  1. Fold the maple leaf in half lengthwise and roll it tightly into a roll.
  2. On the second sheet, folded in half, we stack the resulting workpiece and also wrap it like a roll.
  3. The third and fourth leaves are wrapped around the roll is not so tight. Holding the structure from the bottom with your fingers, let the upper part down and form the petals.
  4. Thread the base of the product and tie a knot. Rose is ready. Similarly, perform 3-5 flowers.
  5. Put all these items in a bouquet. Overlay the flowers with leaves of a different shade and tie the entire composition with thread. It turns out a wonderful craft that can be put in a vase with water or dried.

Vegetables and fruits

What crafts can be made from natural material in the summer? The most diverse, from seasonal vegetables, fruits and berries. Such products, of course, will not be stored for a long time, but for several days they will be able to please you and the child with their beauty.

making crafts from natural material
For example, let's make a boat out of a vegetable marrow. In addition to this vegetable, you will need wooden sticks for work, wide leaves from the tree. At the zucchini, cut along the top and select the seeds. Already got a boat. Put the leaf on the skewer, puncture it in two places (top and bottom). You made a sail. Stick the wand in the zucchini. In the same way, perform 2-3 sails. That's all. In just a few minutes you can make a whole flotilla - natural crafts from natural material with your own hands (from vegetables). Similar boats can be made from cucumber, pumpkin, and large potatoes.

Making crafts from natural material is a very exciting and useful activity. The child in the process of needlework develops imagination, fantasy, fine motor skills and sleight of hand, creative abilities. Help the kids show their talents!


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