David Gareji Monastery in Georgia: photo and address

Georgia is a country with a rich history. Ancient fortresses, beautiful temples, ancient cities and monasteries have witnessed many interesting and important events in the history of the country.

Georgia has many holy places, some of which appeared in the Middle Ages. They attract pilgrims from many countries. One of the most revered monasteries in sunny Georgia is a complex named after St. David Gareji. It occupies a vast territory. Many monasteries are concentrated here, whose age is very respectable: their creation dates back to the VI-XIV centuries.

David Gareji

The monastery complex David Garengi: history

The monastery was founded in the VI century by Assyrian fathers. Together with John of Zadazeni, St. David came and settled on Mount Zadazeni. The monks dispersed in different directions. David Gareji chose Tbilisi and settled on Mount Mtatsminda near the city. Until our time, its cave and temple have been preserved.

After some time, David had a conflict with the Tbilisi Zoroastrians. He decided to move to a more remote, uninhabited area. Such a place is the Gareja desert, the most difficult place to survive in the whole country.

Having settled with his pupil Lucian in a cave, David Gareji ate wild deer milk and roots. As the life of St. David testifies, a dragon was discovered and driven out near the cave itself. From the top of the ridge, which rises above the cave of David, today you can see the path of the retreating dragon.

david gareji monastery

Gradually, like-minded people and followers appeared in David, who built caves for themselves, carving them in sandstone rocks near the dwelling of David. So there was a cave monastery of David Gareji. Ten kilometers from the David's Cave, the Natlismcemeli Monastery was built. Over its long history, the monastery has been repeatedly subjected to enemy invasions. Shah Abbas in 1625 killed all the monks, and the monastery ceased to exist.

The monastery in Soviet times

He was accidentally remembered during the reign of L. I. Brezhnev. Medea Mizvrishvili, who was then authorized for the affairs of Kakheti, arrived at the monastery. At that time, Azerbaijanis lived in Udabno. An ethnic conflict arose with them, which came to the shooting at Mizvrishvili. Medea complained to the almighty Shevardnadze, and punitive measures were taken against the Azerbaijanis: they were relocated from Udabno to the Svan village, where they still live.

david gareji georgia

Through the efforts of Mizvrishvili, an asphalt road was laid to the monastery, which is well preserved today. At the same time, several houses were built here and electricity was supplied.


The David Gareji Monastery consists of hundreds of rooms carved into the rocks - cells, temples, rooms, warehouses. A unique cave complex is located in Gak Kakheti. Its length is 25 km along the semi-desert slopes of the Gareji ridge.

Nowadays, there are nine large complexes in the Gareja desert, which have been preserved differently. In order to examine them all, it will take a lot of time. The interest of tourists is caused by:

  • Mohatuli;
  • Lavra of David;
  • Tsamebuli;
  • Tetri Udabno Monastery;
  • Natlis-Mtcemeli;
  • Natlismtsemeli Monastery.

We will introduce you to some of these monuments in more detail. But first, we want to give advice. David Gareji is a functioning monastery, so you can’t come here in shorts and without a scarf. Prayed for centuries and pacified atmosphere creates a unique feeling. Here, lonely exclamations of travelers break the peace and ringing silence.

Lavra St. David

One of the main monasteries of the complex is the Lavra. This ancient monastery is a cell of monks carved, or rather hollowed out, in rock. Looking at a very dense rock, one wonders: β€œHow many efforts did people cost to create these premises?”

From a bird's eye view, the Lavra resembles a huge cross in shape. The relics of David of Gareja are kept in the Lavra of St. David. According to some reports, the ashes of the disciple of David - St. Dodo, are also stored here. There is no documentary evidence of this version, and no place for its burial was found.

monastery complex david gareji

In the Lavra there are two chapels that are located on a hill. It offers great views of the surroundings. Visible and neighboring Azerbaijan. In the VI century, after the death of David of Gareja, the monastery complexes of Natlismcemel and Dodos Rka were erected. In the IX century, in David Gareji (Georgia), St. Hilarion Kartveli built new temples and completed the main church of the Lavra.

A source

According to researchers, the construction of a monastery in such a difficult place to live is due to the presence of a source. This is the only place where you can get water. Besides him, for many kilometers in this area there is no moisture.

If you visit an excursion to this amazing complex, the guide will surely draw your attention to the furrows made in the rocks. During rain, water flowed down them and accumulated in a special tank.

David Gareji Cave Monastery

Natlismcemel Monastery

This is a working monastery, which is strikingly different from the Lavra. You cannot get here by bus. Only a good off-road vehicle will master the difficult road. There are very few tourists here. To get to this monastery, it is necessary, before reaching five kilometers to the Lavra, turn right at the sign and drive another four kilometers.

If you arrive by car, you must leave it at the gate. This monastery is made up of caves in the rocks. As a rule, tourists are not allowed in them. In addition, there is a cave temple of John the Baptist and a stone tower above the rocks. A path leads to it. To get to the tower, you must go through a small cave. It’s always dark and damp inside. It is inhabited by many bats. Near this building there is a downward path leading to the monastery caves, but not everyone is allowed to use it.

If you go along the path to the left of the monastery, then you can see several catchment areas and another small cave. The monk Serapion lived in it. He was buried in the main temple, and his former cave is considered a very revered place.

david gareji how to get

Shrine of the cloister

In the monastery of David Gareji for a long time one of the greatest shrines of Georgia was kept. This is the stone that St. David brought from pilgrimage to Jerusalem. When he reached the Holy City, David experienced trepidation that did not allow him to enter it. He lifted three stones from the earth and went back.

That night, the ruler of Jerusalem had a dream, from which it followed that someone had taken away the spiritual power of the city. The soldiers were ordered to catch up with David and take the stones from him. They took only two, and the third David managed to hide. He brought it to Georgia. Today he is brought to David Gareji only for ceremonies. And the stone is stored, which is the third spiritual power of the Holy City, in Tbilisi, in Zion Cathedral.

Excursion to David Gareji

Such day tours are organized in Tbilisi. Duration - about 10 hours. You can visit David Garengi as part of an excursion group of up to 45 people. Cost (for one person) - $ 45.

excursion to david gareji

Why is it worth visiting the monastery?

The current monastery complex David Gareji is a vivid example of history and building art. It is striking in its scale and grandeur. In the desert of David, almost five thousand cells and churches were hollowed out by the hands of hermits. The Gareji complex is special, because its length on the Gareji ridge is more than 25 km.

The monastery occupies a worthy place among the numerous cultural monuments of the feudal era of Georgia. In addition to amazing stone buildings, it is famous for its beautiful landscapes, so every tourist after a visit has a lot of magnificent photos.

Way to the monastery

Many travelers are attracted by David Gareji. How to get here? From Tbilisi you can take a minibus to Rustavi or Gardabani. Then you need to hire a taxi that will take you to your destination. The nearest town is Sagarejo, so you can call a taxi from here. In the warmer months, you can come to the monastery by sightseeing bus.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F23569/

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