How to help nature: compliance with environmental regulations, landscaping, garbage collection, conducting specialized environmental programs

Helping nature is easier than you think. Small things that each of us can do every day can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and have a less harmful effect on the environment. Caring for nature today is not just a duty - it is a necessity. In this article, you will learn about 18 things you can do to save the Earth.

1. Pay attention to how you use water

Tap water

Small things can make a big difference. Each time you turn off the water while brushing your teeth or washing dishes, less water is wasted than you would leave the tap open. Try using tap water instead of bottled water, so as not to purchase additional packaging. You can also install a special filter that allows you to get purified water, ready for use. If possible, wash clothing in cold water.

2. Use less chemicals.

Household chemicals

The chemicals used for personal hygiene, house cleaning, car washing and everything else are washed off into the sewers or absorbed by grass, and eventually end up in the water supply. Do your best to reduce their use. Give preference to buying more environmentally friendly household chemicals and cosmetics, or do it yourself.

3. Dispose of toxic waste in the right way.

Toxic waste

Paint, engine oil, ammonia, and a host of other chemicals should not be poured into the sewers or directly into natural water bodies. They soak into the ground and fall into groundwater. Contact your local sanitation department for best practices on the disposal of hazardous waste and toxic chemicals. This is very important, since a person helps nature by properly handling waste.

4. Buy local goods

Local fair

Buying local products helps fight air pollution in two ways. You do not need to travel far to get what you need, and products do not have to travel long to reach you. Making the right choice of what you eat and wear can help contribute to reducing air pollution. Buy products that have been manufactured as close to your home as possible.

5. Eat locally produced vegetables and meat

Local products

The practice of industrial farming is not only harmful to individual animals, but also unsafe for the planet itself. Factories produce colossal amounts of waste polluting the air and water. Also, industrial livestock rearing is extremely detrimental to our planet. You can solve this problem personally by following these steps: eat more vegetables, try to reduce the consumption of beef and choose other types of meat.

6. Leave the car in the garage

Different cars

If you can afford to use public transport and use your personal car only two days a week, you will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by an average of 721 kilograms per year. Try to combine several cases in one trip - a visit to the post office, grocery store and shoe repair shop can be scheduled for one day. This will save you money on fuel and valuable time that you can spend on more important things.

7. Transfer to a bicycle

Girl on a bicycle

Using a bicycle as a means of transportation to work or school is an easy way to help nature. You can reduce greenhouse gas emissions, spend extra calories, and improve your health. If you cannot ride a bike, use public transport. Thus, both a schoolboy and an adult can help nature.

8. Dispose of garbage

You can help reduce pollution by directing your waste to recycling. Today, in many cities special containers for separate collection of garbage begin to appear. Also, when choosing one of two products, give preference to the one that has less packaging. If an office building of 7,000 workers recycle all of their paper used during the year, this would be equivalent to the export of nearly 400 cars.

9. Use organic waste as fertilizer

Just imagine how much garbage you produce in a whole year. Reducing the amount of solid waste means that it takes up less space at landfills, so your taxes may work elsewhere. From organic waste, such as waste fruits and vegetables, paper, you can make compost and use it as fertilizer for plants.

10. Replace your light bulbs and equipment with more economical ones.

Different light bulbs

Compact fluorescent bulbs (CFLs) last 10 times longer than a standard incandescent lamp and use at least two-thirds less energy. If you buy new appliances or even consumer electronics, look for products with energy class A. Economical household appliances are twice cheaper during use.

11. Make your home more energy efficient.

Clean the air filters so that your air purification system does not work overtime. Install a programmable thermostat to avoid wasting energy when you are not at home. When you go to bed, reduce the temperature of the thermostat - during sleep it is even useful to be in a cool room.

12. Monitor your vehicle

Flat tires reduce fuel economy by up to 3% and lead to increased pollution and higher greenhouse gas emissions. It also increases tire wear. Therefore, if you check the pressure in the wheels of your car well, it will save you money in the long run.

13. Drive wisely

Cars in the mountains

Driving at 96 km / h instead of 112 km / h on the freeway will save you a gallon of fuel. Sharp acceleration and braking too much can reduce fuel economy, so try to drive more smoothly. It is good both for nature and for your safety.

14. Save energy

Light off

Turn off the lights when you are not in the room, and turn off electrical appliances when you are not using them. Household electrical appliances can consume energy even in "sleep" mode or in "standby" mode. The shutdown process will only take a second, but will allow you to be more environmentally conscious. It is very important to teach children to help nature in this way.

15. Go shopping with your package.

Shopping bags

A huge number of plastic bags are used to bring purchases to your home. The time of their use is calculated in minutes, however, the decomposition time is tens of years. Use reusable bags of fabric for shopping trips, this will significantly save the cost of additional packaging and will help significantly reduce the amount of garbage on our planet.

16. Go to the Subbotnik

Garbage collection

The Soviet tradition of holding subbotniks is not so bad. Garbage collection activities are often organized at school, university or at the place of work. Also, residents of the houses can independently organize the cleaning of their local area. Take the initiative, thereby setting a good example for others and helping nature.

17. Plant trees

Trees protect the earth from erosion and are an integral part of the ecosystem. By preserving the trees, you will protect not only the earth, but also water and air. If you have a place in the yard, consider planting a few trees. Research to find out which trees are most beneficial to the environment. Strive to plant species that are tall and can provide shade.

18. Teach children to protect nature by example

Children of different countries

Children are a complete reflection of their parents. Only informed and responsible people can set a good example for the future generation. Communicate with children on the topic of ecology, respect for nature and waste sorting.


So, now you know the basic ways to help nature. Try to gradually introduce these tips into your life and then the world around you will be significantly transformed, and future generations will live in a world with good ecology. Help nature with business and never forget about its well-being.


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