Beet Pablo F1: features of the variety, yield, reviews

Beets are eaten in almost all countries of the world. It can be found in the first and second courses, salads and desserts, because this root crop has many useful properties and excellent taste. Today, Pablo's beets are considered quite popular, reviews of which are mostly positive. This article will tell in detail about it.

Grade description

Pablo's Beetroot is a hybrid variety created by Dutch breeders. The vegetation period is approximately 105 days, that is, it is considered mid-early. Pablo tolerates low temperatures, lack of moisture, and is resistant to diseases. Also, the variety is not demanding on the care and quality of the soil. This hybrid has a stable yield, an increased content of betanine and sugars in the fruits, as well as the ability to remove radionuclides from the human body. The variety is valued for its high commercial performance, characteristic resistance to major diseases, non-susceptibility to flowering and darting, and resistance of mature fruits to cracking.

beet pablo

Pablo's beetroot is well stored, until the new harvest, while it practically does not deteriorate and does not lose its taste. A characteristic feature of the variety is considered to be its high productivity - almost 700 centners per 1 hectare (i.e. 6-7 kg root crops per 1 square meter). The fruits of Pablo's beets are solid, large (weighing 100-180 grams, and individual root crops reach 500 grams), round (diameter 10-15 cm), with a thin tail and smooth dark red skin. The flesh of this root vegetable is tender, juicy, ruby โ€‹โ€‹red in color with a purple tint. Rings and white blotches are completely absent.

Rosette Pablo erect with oval leaves of medium size. The color of the leaves is light green; there are purple streaks and wavy edges. Thus, the characteristic of Pablo's beets is generally positive.

Features planting beets Pablo F1

Pablo needs to be planted in well-warmed soil (at least 7-10 degrees). This is approximately the end of May-June, when the air temperature warms up to 18-20 degrees. Autumn sowing of this beet hybrid is also possible (October-November). The root crop does not like acidic soils, it will feel good in a light fertile soil, in which you need to put a little humus and peat. You can plant beets in the place where before it grew cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes. The landing site should be well lit.

pablo beet seeds

So that the seeds of Pablo's beet sprout quickly, and the seedlings are friendly, they are pre-processed. To do this, they need to be soaked with a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 2-3 hours. Sowing should be done in furrows to a depth of 2 cm. The distance between the furrows should be approximately 30 cm. After sowing, the bed should be abundantly watered. When 3-4 leaves appear, the beets need to be fed. Boric acid and nitroammophoska in a ratio of 1:30 are well suited for this purpose.

Seedling method of planting

Pablo's beetroot can also be planted with seedlings. Seeds are also cultivated and sown in a greenhouse in late April or early May. The distance between the seeds should be about 3 cm. The seedlings should be moderately watered, regularly ventilated, and the optimum temperature (18-20 degrees) maintained in the greenhouse. Before transplanting seedlings need to be tempered.

beet table pablo

When 3-4 leaves appear, seedlings can be planted in open ground. After this, the plants need to be watered, preferably with the addition of growth stimulants. It is important to remember that seedlings are afraid of the cold, it will not survive the night frosts, so you need to plant them when the threat of low temperatures passes. When planting seedlings, it is important to leave an earthen lump on the roots, and after transplanting, pritenit plants to seedlings better adapted.


Pablo's beets are not demanding in care. To increase yield and improve fruit quality, you need to remember the simple rules of care. An important aspect of beet care is loosening and weeding. Loosening is necessary after the seeds have germinated, after irrigation and precipitation. Thus, air circulation in the soil occurs, which affects the growth of the root crop.

Pablo beet variety

Weeding is carried out regularly, as weeds grow. Especially important is weeding at the very beginning, when beets need good lighting, moisture and nutrients. It is also important to regularly water the plants. Pablo's beetroot tolerates a prolonged lack of moisture, but watering is still required. Watering should be done at least once a week, and during the period of fruit ovary and active growth - twice.

Diseases and pests

The Pablo variety is resistant to the main diseases inherent in root crops. This is one of the positive characteristics of the variety and one of the reasons for the popularity of this beet. Timely weed removal and soil fertilization significantly increases the plant's resistance to disease.

beet pablo characteristic

It is important to remember that nitrogenous fertilizers penetrate the root crop and accumulate in it. This can adversely affect the health of the person who ate this beet. It is better to use potash and phosphorus fertilizers. Rodents act as pests that can ruin the beets. Itโ€™s difficult to deal with them, but you can. To do this, be sure to dig the soil in spring and autumn, as well as pour ash, tobacco dust or special chemicals into the furrows.


Pablo's beet variety ripens in early autumn. It is important to harvest the crop on time so as not to spoil the appearance of the root crop and its taste. Maturation can be determined by the lower foliage - it dries, turns yellow and fades. The fruits themselves reach their optimal size - 10-15 cm in diameter and are covered with characteristic growths. When harvesting, it is convenient to use a pitchfork so as not to damage the fruits and remove the topsoil. After the beets are dug up, the leaves need to be cut, leaving small petioles (1-2 cm). For storage, the vegetable is placed in a container, sprinkled with sand and stored at a temperature of 0 to +2 degrees.

Reviews about beets Pablo F1

Gardeners really like Pablo's beets. They note that the hybrid variety is practically not sick, the seeds germinate well, do not require special care. This beet is also unpretentious to the soil - it grows in any land, the main thing is to water it on time and feed it 1-2 times a season. In general, it is easy to grow it, and how many dishes can be prepared from it! In winter, you canโ€™t do without it.

beet pablo reviews

Pablo's beets are a wonderful variety. Root crops do not grow very large, they themselves are smooth, beautiful, round, regular in shape. The tops are not big; they grow in a small bunch. Especially summer residents are pleased with her thin skin and very sweet, dark red flesh, without white rings and extra blotches. It does not require special care, you just need to sometimes water the weed, even fertilizing is not necessary, and it grows well.

Judging by the reviews, Pablo's beets are very tasty and sweet. The pulp is red, beautiful. Root crops grow medium-sized, we pull out especially large ones and eat them in the summer. In addition, it is perfectly stored until next summer. Variety Pablo is the most favorite beet variety for many housewives.


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