Hallux valgus installation of the feet of a child: causes, massage, exercise therapy, shoes

The valgus installation of the feet in a child is considered the most common orthopedic pathology. Parents of babies may encounter a problem already in the first year of life, because at that time walking skills are mastered. Many begin to panic and do not know what to do in this situation. Therefore, the article describes in detail the problem, its causes and solutions.

What is the problem

The valgus installation of the feet in a child is often confused with the usual flat feet. However, orthopedists emphasize that these are two different diseases of the lower extremities that require a different approach to adjustment. In babies, a combination of such diagnoses is often found, such as a decrease in the arch of the foot, which is also characteristic of flat feet and a curvature of the foot inward while standing, which indicates the presence of valgus.

Hallux valgus is characterized by the following setting of the feet of the baby:

  • the child, while standing and walking, rests on the inside of the sole of the foot;
  • the heel and fingers are turned outward.

This is especially noticeable if you look at the legs of a standing baby from behind.

Hallux valgus in the child

Features of the norm

With normal development of the bones of the skeleton, the legs should be even. If you look at them from behind, they should be two straight lines. The valgus installation of the feet in a child is characterized by the refraction of a vertical line in the part of the ankle joint, and the deviation is reduced to the outside. As a result, the symmetry of the legs is broken, and they resemble beech X, which led to the second name of the disease - X-shaped pathology.

Do not confuse the problem with flat feet. In this case, it is quite difficult to diagnose crumbs in the first or second year of life, because in all children, from birth, the foot is physiologically flat. However, experts consider both diseases in a complex and often make a diagnosis that so scares parents - flat-valgus deformity.

Hallux valgus in the child - causes

The causes of the disease may be several. Sometimes pathology is congenital, but such cases are quite rare. For some reason, in a child who is still in the womb, lower limbs begin to develop incorrectly. Already in the maternity hospital, doctors diagnose the baby, because such legs have a characteristic appearance. The orthopedist confirms (or sometimes refutes) the diagnosis in two to three months.

Hallux valgus installation in newborns

But most often the problem is acquired in nature. Hallux valgus installation of the feet in a child may occur due to too much load on them. Experts blame the too early posing of the baby in jumpers or popular walkers. Orthopedists warn that before the baby is 9 months old, it should not be placed in any upright devices.

Many children are diagnosed with congenital weakness of the connective tissue. Therefore, any exorbitant load can lead to pathology. Often, due to the age and physiological characteristics of the skeleton of the baby, the problem develops in parallel with flat feet, which leads to health problems in the future. Also, do not forget that the muscles and tendons of a small child are still very weak and not designed for heavy loads.

Disease classification

A fairly common and dangerous pathology is the valgus installation of the feet. ICD 10 is an international classification, which means that the disease was acquired as a result of rickets. However, such a diagnosis is more common in developing countries, where children receive malnutrition.

A code can be applied to the abbreviation ICD, which shows other causes of the disease:

  • Q6 code. It means that the disease is congenital, but the diagnosis was delayed (usually about two years).
  • Code M 21.0. This classification is most applicable to adolescents, because valgus occurs as a result of trauma to the lower extremities.

Risk group

There is a category of children who are most susceptible to the development of this disease. Therefore, orthopedists are advised to carefully monitor the health of the feet in the following category of patients:

  • premature babies;
  • children born with low weight;
  • children who suffered rickets during the neonatal and early childhood period;
  • overweight children;
  • kids who are not able to wear suitable shoes with a hard back;
  • crumbs weakened by frequent diseases;
  • children who are diagnosed with hip dysplasia;
  • babies with a history of tendon, ankle, muscle, or foot bones injuries.

Such children are usually registered with a specialist who regularly monitors the development of the child's feet.

Symptoms of pathology

Hallux valgus installation in newborns is associated with intrauterine pathology. Such legs are identified by doctors immediately and sometimes require surgical intervention. Otherwise, the problem at an early age is more difficult to notice. All babies are clumsy at first, when walking, they can fall over and scuff legs, which is not a sign of illness. But the orthopedist is able to notice the beginning pathology in time for certain symptoms and prescribe corrective treatment in time. Therefore, it is so important to undergo regular medical examinations.

The following symptoms will suggest the possibility of valgus installation of the feet in a child at 2 years old:

  • fatigue when walking;
  • complaints of pain in the legs;
  • swelling of the feet and lower legs in the evening;
  • inability to run fast.

It is worth noting that if the legs, when viewed from the back, began to resemble beech X, then this already indicates a serious anomaly requiring immediate medical attention.

Is this a sentence?

Methods of treating foot deformity in children depend entirely on the degree of the disease. If parents and doctors noticed the pathology in time, then when all medical recommendations are followed and a responsible approach to the disease, the functions of damaged feet are restored in full.

On examination, the doctor determines how badly the foot is damaged. The severity of the problem can be determined by measuring the angle of inclination of the ankle joint and comparing it with the norm. The indicators of the height of the arch of the foot are also important. Pathology is considered the more severe, the angle is larger and the height is lower.

However, parents should not panic ahead of time. Surgery, perhaps, will be shown only in the most extreme cases, when a third or even fourth degree of the disease is placed. In other cases, a conservative adjustment will be required.

Necessary treatment

The valgus installation of the feet in a child at 2 years of age is already well defined by visual inspection. If the orthopedic surgeon has made such a diagnosis, then complex treatment will follow. It should be understood that individual procedures, even the most effective ones, will not bring results. It is also necessary to be prepared for the fact that the process of correcting pathology can drag on for more than one year. Moreover, treatment time will be required if the pathology is too neglected.

Experts emphasize that treatment should not only be a separate part, but the lifestyle of the baby. Parents and children should clearly follow all the recommendations of the attending physician.

Wearing special shoes

Orthopedic shoes for children are made by individual standards and are necessary for the forced placement of the foot in the correct position. Such a measure is necessary for children who have a second or third degree of pathology. Also, similar models can be prescribed for babies who underwent surgery in the third or fourth degree of the disease.

Orthopedic shoes for children can not be picked up by parents on their own. The orthopedist will personally recommend the necessary treatment pair, focusing on the developmental characteristics of each leg. In order to make the appropriate shoes, the specialist describes in conclusion the features of the anomaly and the exact degree of deviation of each foot. Moreover, the parameters of the height of the arch of the foot also must be considered.

It is this serious approach that requires the treatment of valgus feet. Shoes can be selected, in accordance with the conclusion, in an orthopedic store, or sewn to order. The latter option is always preferred, but also the most expensive.

Orthopedic shoes for children

Is there a replacement

Parents sometimes do not know what is dangerous flat valgus installation of the foot. As a result of an untreated pathology, the child develops abnormalities throughout the body. After all, the load on the skeleton is not distributed correctly, so the spine suffers first of all. Therefore, if an orthopedic prescribes to wear orthopedic shoes for the baby, do not refuse. But, such a couple is very expensive and some parents refuse such a purchase.

Some try to find an alternative, but as practice shows, this is impossible. Even if a well-known manufacturer positions his product as orthopedic, such sandals will not solve the problem of ankle curvature. Such products were originally created for a normally developing foot and can only prevent the problem, but not cure it.

Therefore, orthopedists strongly advise caring parents to still find funds for real orthopedic shoes that will be made according to all the requirements of a particular child. Wearing medical sandals, together with the use of other recommended treatment methods, almost always leads to a lasting positive result.

Massage is a prerequisite

For complete healing, it is extremely important to take regular massage courses. Of course, at first, it is necessary to visit a specialist who will teach parents the correct technique.

Massage with hallux valgus installation of the feet of the child is based on classical methods, where methods such as:

  • trituration;
  • ironing;
  • vibration exposure.

It is also necessary to follow the rules of massage and observe the sequence of receptions:

  • light stroking;
  • deeper massage;
  • tapping;
  • soothing rubbing.

It is advisable to daily massage the child, as directed by a specialist to undergo special treatment courses.

Massage with valgus installation of the feet of a child

What needs to be massaged

With valgus, it is necessary to massage not only the feet themselves. The problem extends much further and affects the muscles and tendons along the entire length of the leg. Therefore, during the procedure, you should pay attention to:

  • toes, feet and heel;
  • ankle (circular motion);
  • the knee joint also requires soft circular movements;
  • thigh (front and back);
  • lumbar region and the entire lower back.

A good effect is given to the foot bath, which can complete the session. In this case, it is important to gradually make the water colder, which tones the muscles well. After this, the feet and legs should be rubbed vigorously using a hard towel.

Massage therapies usually last 10 days, followed by a monthly break. At home, the procedure can be performed daily. Sessions help strengthen muscles and ligaments, as well as increase blood circulation in the lower extremities.


Exercise therapy is always shown with valgus installation of feet. A special complex includes many exercises that are aimed at strengthening the ligaments and muscles. You can do gymnastics at home, but first you need to get special knowledge and skills in the LFK office.

All exercises are quite accessible to the child and they must be performed every day to achieve a result. It is especially useful to include in the complex a special unit on an orthopedic rug. A similar design is sold in specialized salons and is made of hard materials. Rugs have a special relief, and in different places, cruelty and volume vary.

Treatment of foot deformity in children

Physiotherapy comes to the rescue

Physical therapy is a great help in the treatment of hallux valgus. The doctor often prescribes the following procedures to the child, which are completely painless:

  • muscle electrical stimulation;
  • electrophoresis;
  • magnetotherapy.

Of course, physiotherapy is not able to directly cure the disease. But it helps to strengthen muscles and (together with other methods of treatment) gives an amazing effect.

LFK with hallux valgus installation

Life style

If the child is overweight, he will be assigned an appropriate diet. Excess weight gives an additional load on the feet and enhances bone deformation. The higher the weight of the baby, the sooner his joints and ligaments will deform.

The menu will help to paint not only a nutritionist, but also a pediatrician. It is important to eat foods that are rich in magnesium, calcium and vitamins C, E, PP, D, B. It is important to completely eliminate smoked meats, fast food, spicy and pickled dishes.

If the child is not very active, then you should tear him from the tablet, books and often take out for a walk. You should not put the baby with the valgus foot on skates, rollers and offer him to play hockey or soccer. But swimming and cycling will be of great benefit.

Valgus Cycling

It should be noted that any load on damaged legs must be increased gradually. If you see a positive trend in the treatment, then you can include outdoor games and running. A visit to the orthopedist should be regular. Only a specialist will be able to adequately assess all the processes and adjust the treatment in time.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F23590/

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