Giant Schnauzer: description of the breed. Giant Schnauzer: reviews and photos

The Giant Schnauzer dog is magnificent in its power and complaisance. Imperturbable at rest and ferocious in attack, she can be coldly attentive or reckless and cheerful.

Giant Schnauzer breed description

From the history of the breed

The Giant Schnauzer dog breed has a long history. Its roots go back to the distant past. But it should be recognized that today it is not fully understood. It is only known for certain that the ancestors of modern Giant Schnauzers were bred in the southern regions of Germany, in some areas of Austria and Switzerland. A universal dog that lived in the countryside, helped cattle breeders, guarded houses and wagons - such was the Giant Schnauzer in the distant past. The description of the breed was first mentioned in the notes of the famous German dog handler Reichenbach. Later, many experts observed these animals.

By the end of the 19th century, when the Giant Schnauzer breed began to develop actively, dogs already had the appearance that is characteristic of modern schnauzers. There is a version that German shepherds, and later German dogs, participated in the formation of the species . For the first time at the exhibition, the Giant Schnauzers were presented in 1902, but did not make much impression on the public. They were officially recognized much later (1909).

At the exhibition in Munich, 29 dogs were represented. All of them aroused great interest of specialists. 28 of the animals presented were bred in Munich, so in 1910 the breed became known as the Munich Schnauzer. This name remained until 1923. It was then that the first breed standard appeared, in which the dog was named "Giant Schnauzer". By the way, adopted almost a hundred years ago, the standard exists without any major changes today.

In 1925, the dog breed Giant Schnauzer was recognized as an official.

The appearance of the Giant Schnauzer in the USSR

The history of the development of this breed in our country has several decades. The first individuals appeared in the Soviet Union in the distant 30s, but these were only isolated specimens with which tribal work was not conducted. In the 70s, for the first time, five Giant Schnauzers were brought from Germany, who founded the current population in our country.

dog breed schnauzer

The dog Giant Schnauzer of domestic production was presented at an exhibition in Moscow in 1974.

Unfortunately, recently on the streets of our cities it is less and less common to see these handsome blacks. For unknown reasons, interest in the breed is dying away, and completely undeservedly. This is a terrific dog - a schnauzer! The price for them has also declined, although it is probably not quite correct to talk about money when it comes to a faithful and faithful friend. Today we will tell you about these animals. Perhaps this is the dog you dreamed about.

Giant Schnauzer: breed description

In the family of schnauzers it is the largest dog. It is sometimes justifiably called a giant schnauzer. In addition, there are varieties such as the middling schnauzer (middle) and the miniature schnauzer (dwarf giant schnauzer).

Giant Schnauzer Price

Courageous and strong, incredulous and hardy, very smart and amazingly friendly - all these words are addressed to the dog Giant Schnauzer. The description of the breed, which is given by the owners of these amazing animals, suggests that with the advent of this miracle in the house you get a true friend and reliable defender.

The Schnauzer is a powerful, tall, very strong dog. Growth at the withers reaches 70 cm, the weight is quite consistent with the size - 35-50 kg.

The animal has a massive and strong skull, elongated in the form of a wedge muzzle, from the forehead to the nose a pronounced transition. The jaws of this handsome man are well developed, and in the open state they look even somewhat frightening. The eyes set close to the nose are oval. The nose is black as coal. Triangular ears hang down. The neck is long and powerful. A smooth transition from neck to back gives the dog a noble posture.

The back is short, but with well-developed muscles. The abdomen is taut, and the chest is slightly convex. The hind legs are slightly shorter than the front and have a slight slope. The tail is docked to two vertebrae.

The skin tightly fits the strong body of the dog. Coat of medium length, very thick, saturated black.

A long beard and eyebrows hanging over the eyes make the Giant Schnauzer surprisingly charming and attractive.

Maintenance and care

This dog is different from many others in that it has no unpleasant odor. The Giant Schnauzer, whose photo you can see in this article, does not need complicated care. However, certain rules must be followed.

Giant Schnauzer puppies

Owners should know that in order to maintain an excellent appearance and well-being, a pet needs to take care of its coat. Grooming schnauzer is carried out at least once every two months.

In addition, you will need to comb out the hair daily with a special brush. This procedure will help prevent the appearance of tangles and dead hairs. After combing, the coat is renewed and becomes healthy and shiny.

Caring for a Giant Schnauzer involves treating the eyes, ears, nose and claws of an animal.

Giant Schnauzer photo


Calculating a balanced diet for a Giant Schnauzer is very important. His well-being and mood depend on this. Some owners mistakenly believe that it is enough to feed the dog “off the table”. This is a very serious fallacy and an unforgivable mistake! "Human food" will not give the dog the necessary vitamins and minerals for the full development.

The Giant Schnauzer menu should include:

  • 1 kilogram of fresh meat;
  • 300 grams of dry food for large dogs;
  • 300 grams of fresh or boiled vegetables.
    Giant Schnauzer haircut

Independently, without the help of a veterinarian, no owner will be able to balance the dog’s diet. Among other things, a dry food supplement is needed, in which all the necessary substances are present.

The amount of food is calculated taking into account the age, activity and weight of the animal. Determining if your pet is getting enough feed is easy. Its ribs should not be visible, but should be felt when stroking the body of the animal with a palm. Being overweight is harmful to the Giant Schnauzer: when overfeeding you will get a passive and lethargic animal.

Dwarf Giant Schnauzer


Giant Schnauzer is the embodiment of sociability. But you should know that he can fully open only to his friend, owner, companion. If we talk about strangers, then with them is very attentive and extremely alert risen schnauzer. Owner reviews indicate that he perfectly remembers all the relatives, friends and just acquaintances of the owner. All other people for him are strangers.

Riesen is very hardy and patient. These qualities are manifested primarily in relation to his other pets, with whom he has to live under one roof. This powerful dog will never offend a child. Rather, he will become his faithful friend and patron.

An explosive temperament, but at the same time a strong nervous system and instant reaction allow this dog to be used for work in the police. Future owners should be aware that controlling the aggression of an adult dog is quite difficult. If he feels an imminent danger to the owner or members of his family, he will rush to the attack immediately. Stopping him at that moment will be very difficult. Therefore, from the first months of life, one should suppress bursts of unmotivated anger by shaking the pet by the scruff of the neck.

Learning ability

There are legends about the intelligence that a schnauzer possesses. Reviews of the owners probably played a significant role here. The owners of such pets believe that this is the smartest dog, which literally grasps everything on the fly.

Oddly enough, this is the true truth. The learning ability of the animals we are considering is incredibly high. Despite its activity and mobility, this dog (if required by the owner) is able to be assiduous and obedient. They learn the team the first time. However, it must be remembered that this is not a chain dog, but a real intellectual, to whom communication is very important. And it is not just words. His intellect and mind will shine only if his curiosity and need for communication is fully satisfied.

Giant Schnauzer Owner Reviews

Choose a puppy

If you decide to get a dog of this breed, then a puppy is best taken at the age of two months. This is the time when incisors appear in babies and a bite forms. In this period, in addition to mother's milk, they are already getting used to "adult food". In addition, 2-month-old Giant Schnauzer puppies are ready to meet the new owner.

Before you buy a baby, talk with the breeder, inspect the room where the dogs are kept. It should be dry and warm, not pungent. It is better to choose an animal in a nursery or in a breeding factory. Only in this case you are guaranteed to get a puppy that is distinguished by excellent working qualities.

It is necessary to study the pedigree, if possible, to communicate with the parents of the rizen-baby, in order to find out what their character is and to evaluate the level of intelligence.

What to look for

The little giant schnauzer should be attractive and neat. He should have a black and thick coat. Choose the most lively and active baby, whose eyes are burning with the desire to know this unknown world so far.

Giant Schnauzer breed description

Parenting and training

The Giant Schnauzer breed belongs to the group of easily trained dogs. They are smart by nature, but their development should not be left to chance. These dogs are so curious and active that they need to be occupied with some kind of business. Without proper education and training, you will not be able to raise an obedient pet.

Giant Schnauzer, the breed description of which is in all dog books, according to experts, needs training from a very young age. Otherwise, your favorite will take on the role of the owner. Even small puppies are distinguished by a desire to lead, have great obstinacy.

From the first days of the baby’s appearance in the house, he should very softly but firmly explain that there is a certain place and time for food, games and sleep. Be sure to pay attention to how your pet behaves with strangers, do not let him trust the strangers too much, but also stop excessive aggression.

Giant Schnauzer breed

Dog handlers with experience are confident that the dog of this breed is most suitable for the method of education in the form of a game. Strength, let alone cruelty and punishment, is strictly prohibited! You can not scream at your pet. Such host behavior can destroy the individuality of the animal. One should strive to become a “leader” for him. The Giant Schnauzer, whose photo can be found in any canine publication, is very smart and cunning. If you notice that your pet is starting to cheat, play along with him and cheat too. This will help develop the sharpness of the mind of the animal.

Do not indulge the puppy's whims, do not ignore the commands that he did not fulfill. Before training with a dog, it is better to walk. She should be slightly hungry. Praise your “student” for every success. He must feel your love.

Giant Schnauzer puppies

Giant Schnauzer: price

As already mentioned, interest in the breed we are considering has faded a bit, so this dog is not the most expensive today. Giant Schnauzer puppies cost from 20 to 40 thousand rubles, depending on the pedigree, the titles of the parents. In addition, the price depends on the level of the nursery where the purchase of the animal is planned.

Reviews of owners of Giant Schnauzers

Today, these dogs contain only true connoisseurs and fans of this breed. In their opinion, it is simply impossible to find a better and more devoted friend and companion. In addition, many note their extraordinary mind, the ability to understand what was said in a nutshell, and sometimes (as the owners say), a look is enough for the pet to understand that he did something wrong. Dogs of this breed are very attached to their owner, and they have the most tender feelings for his children. Owners and breeders note that watching the Giant Schnauzer games with children is a great pleasure.

Giant Schnauzer haircut

Some owners of representatives of this breed are happy to talk about the diverse facial expressions of their pet. With its help, he expresses stormy joy, and determination, and distrust, and curiosity. But especially he manages to depict on his "face" a deep sense of guilt and remorse for the acts he did not quite beautiful.

Giant Schnauzer is a bright individuality, energy that is in full swing, a sense of humor inherent only to him.


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