Sortavala: recreation center, hotels. Description, services, prices

Karelia is becoming more and more popular with tourists who like to spend outdoor recreation, surrounded by magnificent trees, forests and lakes. This area is ideal for lovers of outdoor activities, as well as for those who love peace and quiet - Karelian nature boasts rich greenery and beauty.

In the event that you are a lover of this type of recreation, a recreation center (Sortavala, Karelia) will seem to you the ideal place for a vacation.

The best time to travel is summer, July. It is important to remember that the warm season is not long - it is important to “catch” the moment. In early July, it is warm enough - tourists do not interfere with the annoying heat, and the light wind makes a walk through the area even more pleasant.

Sortavala recreation center

The best recreation centers

Karelia and its beautiful nature could not ignore the attention of tourists. Due to the high attendance of the area, many hotels, campsites and ordinary leisure facilities were created on its territory. The best of them are in the city of Sortavala. You will find hotels (prices) and recreation centers with the best living conditions in the list below:

  • Ladoga Manor . The hotel village is an excellent option for a budget holiday with increased comfort. Visitors can choose several types of housing, as well as enjoy the amazing entertainment venues operating on the estate. So, guests are offered a bath complex, billiards, the opportunity to go fishing, visit many interesting excursions. The cost of living for one night in the best cottages varies from 18 to 90 thousand.
  • “Black stones” . The settlement is located on the outskirts of the city of Sortavala. The recreation center “Black Stones” is located in an amazing place with a rich and lush nature. The base is happy to organize the best excursions to one of the most beautiful places in Russia - the marble canyon “Ruskeala”. This point was entered in the register of national property of our country. Every year it attracts thousands of visitors. On the territory of the base there is a hotel complex, a dining room, in which the best chefs of Sortavala work, as well as several playgrounds for children. Together with experienced rangers, men will be able to go hunting, and local fishermen will show the best places for fishing. Prices are relatively lower: one night will cost from 4 to 35 thousand. The price includes many additional services: food, internet, visiting entertainment sections.

recreation center sortavala

Benefits of visiting Karelia

  • Saving money . Recreation facilities near Sortavala will not cost you dearly, and living in such a small city will significantly save your budget - you will not have to pay a large sum of money for transport and expensive room service.
  • Fresh air Nature untouched by man boasts its purity and freshness, the richness of plants. Many people notice that here the air is able to treat some diseases, and staying in this area positively affects the overall health of a person. It is not without reason that many sanatoriums were built in Karelia, located throughout the republic - many of them were founded several centuries ago.
  • Beautiful nature . Due to its climate, the recreation center (Sortavala) cannot boast of the luxury of exotic flowers on beautifully manicured flower beds, however, in the forests and many city parks you can find a huge number of species of trees and shrubs. Plants are very lush, some of them are listed in the Red Book. In addition, throughout the entire territory of this place there is a huge number of rivers and lakes filled with crystal clear water.

Sortavala hotels prices and recreation

Climate and ecology of the area

The climate in Sortavala is mild and temperate. The best time to visit is July. However, it is worth remembering that summer is not long here - already in August, heavy precipitation begins here and a noticeable cooling.

Ecology in Karelia deserves admiration - thanks to the untouched nature and lush forests with rich vegetation, the cities are not polluted with chemical waste. The air here is clean, fresh - it is noticeable both in the forests and in the cities of the Republic.

For tourists, the city of Sortavala is especially beautiful. The recreation center, located in its vicinity, will cause you only positive emotions.

What to visit?

  • Excursions to Valaam . A visit to an ancient temple on one of the islands of Lake Ladoga is a great trip not only for religious people, but also for those who are interested in the history and life of ancient society. Professional guides will acquaint you with life in the church, will lead you to the most interesting points of the island.
  • Ruskeala . Marble Canyon is located near the city of Sortavala. The recreation center, located near the city, almost always arranges excursions to the canyon. The lush green of untouched nature covers a small path for visitors, bewitching with its beauty. Transparent turquoise water beautifully shimmers with sun glare, reflecting the smooth, chiseled stones of marble.
  • Waterfalls of Karelia . There are a lot of rivers, lakes and other bodies of water in the republic. If you decide to visit a city like Sortavala, the recreation center in which you will live will arrange a wonderful tour of all the major waterfalls in Karelia.

Sortavala recreation center black stones


Prices can vary greatly depending on the hotel or recreation center you have chosen. However, the average cost of living (per day) in an ordinary Sortavala hotel is 5,000 rubles, excluding additional services. In case you want to save, you should pay attention to the base for camping. There you will find the most advantageous offers. It is worth remembering that Sortavala (recreation and excursions) will cost you inexpensively.

recreation facilities near sortavala


Reading the reviews of tourists who visited Karelia, I myself want to go on a trip. Karelia is an amazing place that gladly welcomes any guest. The local nature and architecture of cities can surprise everyone. Sortavala (hotels, prices and recreation facilities located here) is an excellent opportunity for a budget, but memorable vacation!


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