Environmental Project Topics - Overview, Features and Examples

What topics of environmental projects in kindergarten can be chosen to educate the younger generation, to involve children in project activities? Let’s try together to find the answer to this question.

Environmental Project Requirements

Currently, such studies are especially relevant, they apply to all people living on our planet. Not everyone realizes that each person is responsible for the conservation of wildlife, can make a feasible contribution to solving the problem.

The most active part of the population is the younger generation, so it is so important to choose the right topics for environmental projects for children.

topics of environmental projects

Environmental Education Tasks

It is aimed at the formation of a conscious and moral attitude to the natural environment, increasing the environmental awareness of the population.

An environmental project on the topic “Environmental Pollution” is aimed at identifying problematic issues and improving the environmental situation. For example, together with the teacher, children can ennoble the plot near the kindergarten.

topics of environmental projects in kindergarten

Project option in OS

What topics of environmental projects can be selected for students? For example, under the guidance of a teacher, children can ennoble the territory near their educational institution. What might a project on the topic “Environmental Problems through the Eyes of Students” look like?

Purpose: making a feasible contribution to improving the environment.

Project objectives: creating a landscape design project for the area around the school, selecting plants and shrubs, and implementing the project.

To achieve this goal, the following steps will be taken:

  • selection of plant material;
  • organization of a competition for the development of territory design;
  • creation of material that aims to inform the public about environmental issues;
  • creating brochures in which the guys offer useful tips for caring for planted flowers and shrubs;
  • preparation and conduct of subbotniks by schoolchildren, their parents, teachers;
  • creation of a documentary film about the implementation of the project.

What else should such a project include? On the topic of “Environmental Factors”, a separate research work can be done by analyzing the main problems specific to this region.

To evaluate the effectiveness of the project, the following factors can be applied:

  • opinion polls;
  • Involvement of volunteers in the implementation of planned activities.
environmental education of schoolchildren

The specifics of educational processes

The themes of environmental projects may be different, but they are similar in meaning. All educational projects involve independent activity of schoolchildren, which allows using knowledge, realizing opportunities and abilities, and providing results in public.

The topics of environmental projects can be both theoretical and practical. In any case, students get the skills:

  • planning your activities;
  • forecasting possible results;
  • juxtaposition of facts;
  • environmental assessment;
  • analysis of literary sources;
  • public presentation;
  • assessing yourself and your results;
  • promoting environmental knowledge.
projects environmental theme nature

The structure of the environmental project

Any project on the theme of "Environmental Education" involves a certain structure. The title page indicates information about the author, educational institution, scientific adviser. The introduction indicates the reasons and the need for research in the framework of the design work. The volume of this section is 1-2 pages. As mandatory elements of the introduction is the consideration of the relevance of the study, the advancement of goals, task setting.

The relevance of the project involves an explanation of its importance, the presentation of arguments confirming this opinion.

The goal involves a brief description of the intended result. Tasks consider an indication of the actions taken to achieve it. In their wording, use verbs. For example, it is permissible to use the following options: “reveal”, “analyze”, “develop”, “identify”, “characterize”, “reveal”. The number of tasks is determined by the purpose of the project in question.

project on environmental disasters

Literature review on the project topic

The project on "Environmental Disasters" involves a preliminary review of the scientific literature. For example, you can briefly describe the problem, note its scale, make a conclusion about the timeliness and relevance of its consideration.

An example of a student

What should real projects look like? Environmental topic: nature, human relationships with it - all this can become the goal of the project.

We offer a version of the work devoted to water. In the introduction, it can be noted that water is the basis of life on our planet.

The human body for the most part consists precisely of water. The process of functioning and activity of individual systems and organs, the work of cells occurs only in a liquid medium. According to the results of the assessment of the quality of drinking water conducted by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of Russia, it was revealed that in recent years it has become life-threatening. Water does not meet hygienic standards for odor, turbidity, color, oil content, manganese, iron.

The quality of drinking water is an urgent and serious problem of our time. Is the water we use safe for drinking? You can find the answer to this question after completing the study.

environmental projects

Setting goals and objectives

The purpose of the work is to compare the quantitative content of chlorine anions in tap water, depending on the filter used.

Tasks of work:

  • analysis of the peculiarities of shungite, silver in the form of filtering substances for purification of tap water from chlorine anions;
  • conducting experiments on cleaning samples of tap water from chlorine anions;
  • quantitative determination of the content of chlorine anions in samples of tap water;
  • formulation of recommendations based on available results.

Project Methods:

  • work with a variety of literary sources;
  • conducting various experiments;
  • quantitative calculation of the content of chlorine anions in tap water samples;
  • statistical processing of the results.

The object of the study are tap water samples taken in different areas of the city.

The subject is a quantitative calculation in samples of chlorine anions.

The main types of pollutants of drinking water

The quality indicators of drinking water are divided into several groups:

  • organoleptic, which includes color, turbidity, smell;
  • microbiological;
  • chemical.

The smell of water is due to volatile substances that enter it with wastewater. The cause of the turbidity is a variety of finely divided impurities. The taste of drinking water can give organic substances of plant origin, dissolved in water. When analyzing the quality of natural water, it is necessary to use the following characteristics: the amount of calcium bicarbonate, oxidizability, alkalinity, permanent and temporary hardness.

significance of design work


Environmental education is an important issue that deserves serious attention and consideration. The importance of environmental education of the younger generation needs to be clarified. The teacher should explain to his students the need for competent housekeeping. The aim and objectives of the project is to study the features, for example, of a separate site within the ecosystem, as well as to identify the relationship between its components, to draw up simple, understandable personal plots, to highlight recommendations for proper care of the site.

For example, if a research on the ecosystem of a personal plot is chosen as a project, it is important to analyze the vegetation that may be present on it.

In addition to cultivated plants, weeds may be present on the site. Their composition depends on the actions that are taken in the fight against them, as well as on fertilizers applied to the soil. The guys involved in such a project can think over the option of organizing a multi-tier flowerbed on the site . It allows the use of perennial flowers that differ in flowering period, which will simplify care, will make it possible to enjoy the beauty of flowers throughout the summer period.

Education in the younger generation of a responsible, respectful attitude to nature is one of the most important problems of our time. From an early age, it is important to develop in the younger generation a sense of observation, responsibility for the state of nature.

During training in an educational institution, the child lays positive feelings for inanimate and living nature. When communicating with the flora and fauna, the child creates a positive attitude towards objects and phenomena, a desire to comprehend this amazing world, to discover the value and diversity of nature, the need to study and cognize it. For example, if a child chooses insects as an object of research, he has the opportunity to form ideas for themselves about their world, to take care of nature conservation.

Among the objectives of the project are:

  • expansion and systematization of children's ideas about ants, butterflies, bugs, bees, their specific features;
  • development of skills to form conclusions, establish causal relationships between individual objects;
  • education in children of a careful attitude to natural objects.

The teacher, who carries out environmental education of schoolchildren, suggests that his pupils observe insects on walks, conduct discussions about the dangers and benefits of insects, their species diversity, and offer children role-playing games, poems and proverbs for memorization.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F23604/

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