Residential car: what can it be made of?

Do you know how to use a huge cargo container, in addition to transporting a large number of goods? It turns out that from a large sea container a wonderful residential trailer can turn out! Given the cost of similar products of market production, the benefits of such a solution becomes apparent. Such trailers are especially good for companies whose employees have to live long in the difficult conditions of the North.

residential car
In addition, in the West you can often see even shopping centers, entirely assembled from such containers. Given this, it is not surprising that even some domestic companies have begun offering similar services to their customers. In some cases, a residential carriage from containers is equipped with all necessary amenities and utilities, and due to high-quality modern heaters between the walls it can easily withstand even the most severe frosts.

Due to the light weight of the container itself, when building a room from it, you definitely do not need to mess with complex and expensive types of foundations (even temporary ones). Enough of even a primitive columnar base type. The only important requirement for the construction of this type of change house or other residential premises is its construction on a flat and well-packed site.

residential wagons Price
Otherwise, a residential car after strong and protracted rains may well β€œlead”. By the way, in order to avoid this, it is necessary not only to compact the site with quality, but also to make normal drainage along its perimeter.

Such houses are especially in demand for the oil and gas industry, whose workers often have to live for years in very unfriendly conditions of the Far North. Containers are ideally suited for the construction of temporary housing, not only due to their low cost, but also because they can be transported from place to place in the shortest possible time, erecting work villages in any convenient place.

change houses residential cars
Since in most cases the residential carriage from the container is equipped with everything necessary at the enterprise, moving for a long time will not be delayed. Thanks to the possibility of its improvement in the future, it will be possible to get quite decent housing. This statement is especially true for giant sea containers, construction of which is most justified in the following cases:

  • Such residential cars, price which in some cases no more than 250 thousand rubles, can successfully resist the actions of vandals.
  • If necessary, it will be possible to get a house fully adapted for living in just a couple of months.
  • Their operational potential is quite sufficient for using the trailer for several years.
  • A good administrative or commercial premises can be obtained for an absolutely unbelievable amount in our time (in a good sense of the word).

Often the most commonplace prejudice is an obstacle to building from containers. Reading special literature for builders helps to get rid of them. If you are in doubt, then in the form of experience, try to build from them simple utility rooms and cabins. Residential wagons of this type will quickly allow you to verify their excellent technical characteristics.


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