Unusual property of water: benefits, therapeutic effect, experiments and studies

In everyday life, people ceased to perceive life-giving moisture as something unusual, valuable or rare, on the contrary, every modern person takes it for granted, without even thinking about the unusual properties of water. But some of them even perplex scientists. In nature, there are no more substances with such sharp contradictions and anomalies and such unusual properties as water. In one case, it will be necessary, and in the other, it will be extremely harmful. In addition, the properties of water also greatly affect the world around us. Even the famous water cycle in nature would have been impossible if not for its amazing “habits”. So, let's dwell on the characteristics and significance of moisture in the life of each of us.

Water is pouring

Useful properties of water

A deficiency of water in the human and any other living organism will cause very fleeting dehydration. In this case, the nervous system, primarily consisting of water, and then other life-support systems, are primarily affected. Therefore, the main useful property of water is to ensure the life of all living things.

Replenishing the moisture balance in the body, people primarily do not allow living cells to die, and also ensure healthy skin, normalize brain function and prevent metabolic disorders. Another, no less useful property of water can be attributed to the cleansing of the body of harmful toxins, waste and other adverse substances that will have a negative impact on vital functions.

Choosing Drinking Water

Drinking water has properties so varied that only its composition has to be oriented. It is important to know that there is still distilled water. It is unsuitable for drinking, because it is thoroughly cleaned, as a result of which there are completely no minerals in it. But it is the presence of minerals that explains the organic property of water, the essence of which is precisely that they enter the body when a person drinks water. Distilled water cannot provide this, therefore, its price is lower.

Bottle of clean water

The healing properties of water

First of all, the main component of the blood is precisely water. Blood carries useful substances, minerals, and salts throughout all organ systems, so the more pure water that gets into it, the better.

The organ most prone to disease due to lack of fluid is almost. Because of this, they are heavily loaded, and then cease to remove toxins in sufficient quantities. Highly qualified specialists argue that, depending on the weight, a person should consume a proportionate amount of water daily. So, for 450 grams of weight you need to drink 14 ml of water.

  • Melt water is used in the treatment of atherosclerosis.
  • It is effective to use cold water for vomiting, dizziness, overheating, toxic and food poisoning, fainting, and elevated body temperature.
  • Hot water reduces spasms during the menstrual cycle, abundantly removing blood, and also helps in improving digestion.

Research Masaru Emoto

Japanese researcher Masaru Emoto devoted much time to studying the unusual properties of water. The research work of the scientist provides even more evidence of the existence of amazing qualities of life-giving moisture and contains more than 10 thousand photographs taken during the experiments. Thanks to the scientist, original experiments were conducted on the unusual properties of water.

The basis of his research was that water “feels” negative and positive energy, and the unusual behavior of the liquid during the experiments became a proof of this. The doctor conducted an experiment: placed on two bottles of inscription, different in nature. On the first - “Thank you”, and on the second - “You are deaf”, thus, one was charged with positive energy, and the second - negative. The results are staggering: water formed crystals of extraordinary beauty in a bottle with the words "Thank you", as happened in subsequent experiments. All kind words won a “crystalline” victory. In Emoto’s lab, words were singled out that cleaned water the most. They turned out to be "Love" and "Gratitude."

Ice crystal

Proper tap water treatment

Living in the city and not having the opportunity to drink spring water, it is necessary to learn how to properly clean the one that can be obtained from the city water supply system. If this is not done, a liquid with a high level of hardness, rust or chlorine will cause severe harm to your body.

  • The oldest method for cleaning liquids is banal freezing. It is important to remember that when freezing, water increases in volume, therefore it is better to choose wooden or plastic dishes for these purposes, but glass may burst. You can see the result when the liquid completely freezes. At the edges, the ice will be more cloudy than in the middle. This happens due to the fact that all the most harmful ones are placed on the edges. When defrosting, leave the container in a warm place and wait until the edges melt, and they melt many times faster than clean water. Drain and defrost further clean water in a different container.
  • Boiling is the easiest and most common way for ordinary people to clean. Indeed, in this case, all viruses and microbes die, since they are not resistant to high temperatures, but such complex compounds as chlorine do not break down when boiled, so most often boiled water has an unpleasant taste and loses its usefulness after standing for longer than a day.
  • Studies of the properties of water show that water must be defended to remove chlorine compounds. Pour the liquid into a large container and leave for six or eight hours, stirring occasionally. The method is simple to implement, but not entirely practical - it does not completely exclude salts of heavy metals from the composition of water.
  • Charcoal cleaning will be useful to avid travelers. You need to have several packs of activated carbon, gauze, a container and cotton wool with you. The tablets need to be crushed, wrapped in gauze and lowered into water, allowed to settle for about fifteen minutes. Then filter through cotton and gauze so that no sediment from coal remains. After carrying out this procedure, it is recommended to additionally boil water on a fire, since coal will not rid the liquid of bacteria and harmful viruses.
  • Silver has an antimicrobial property. This was discovered in ancient times, but even now this method has not lost its relevance. This method is very effective because both chlorine and bacteria will be removed from the water. Just pour the right amount of water into the dishes, put silver on the bottom. It can be anything: a silver cutlery, a piece of jewelry or an ordinary piece of silver. Leave the product in water for eight to nine hours.

Modern methods of water purification

If you do not completely trust the above methods, then it is better to turn to more modern solutions. For example, now everyone can go to the store and purchase a special jug with a built-in filter, it will need to be changed once a month. By the way, it also contains coal.

For complete comfort, you can buy filters that are built into your home water tap. In addition to them, there are powerful modern cleaning systems that cleanse the liquid faster and more efficiently. True, their cost is much higher than other purifiers, but it is with their help that you will have constant access to healthy and clean drinking water.

Water faucet

Abnormal properties of ordinary water

Contrary to school physics lessons, water has not at all three states of aggregation - liquid, solid (ice and snow) and gaseous (steam). It is now known that water as a substance is able to exist in five rather than three aggregate states, and this is only in liquid form. And in the solid - as many as fourteen! For example, a temperature of -120 ° C promotes the conversion of a liquid into a viscous mass, but it does not turn it into an ice pack, and at -135 ° C the water will generally lose the ability to become like a snow crystal or, more simply, a snowflake, so as a result you can contemplate only a piece of ice, similar to glass in its structure.

Below we list the unusual properties of water:

  • Hot liquid freezes much faster than cold.
  • Water can be mixed with oil, regardless of different density. To do this, you just need to remove from the water all the gases contained in it. Interestingly, the process is irreversible: if, after carrying out this manipulation, gases are added to the resulting mixture, the oil and water will no longer separate.
  • Water previously exposed to a magnetic field will change its chemical reaction rate and salt solubility.
  • The total water content in the human body is 50-70%, and not 80 at all, as is commonly said.
  • Water has the ability to form crystals under the influence of temperature conditions, in common people called snowflakes.
Unusual properties of water

The origin of H2O on our planet

The appearance of water on planet Earth is a major and frequent subject of scientific debate. Some scientists put forward the theory that alien objects - asteroids or comets - brought water to our planet. This happened at the first stages of the Earth's formation (about four billion years ago), when the Earth already had the shape of an elliptical ball. However, to date, it has been established that the H 2 O compound appeared in the mantle no earlier than two and a half billion years ago.

Interesting Facts

In addition to the unusual properties of water at the chemical level, there are many interesting facts that can be an amazing discovery for everyone:

  • The composition of the mantle contains 10-12 times more water than the composition of the oceans.
  • If the Earth were of the same relief, that is, without elevations and hollows at all, then the water would occupy its entire surface completely, and with a layer 3 km thick.
  • It happens that water freezes at a positive temperature.
  • Snow can reflect about 85 percent of the sun's rays, while water can only reflect 5 percent.
  • Thanks to the experience under the name “Kelvin Dropper”, it became known to mankind that drops of water from under a faucet can create a voltage of up to ten kilovolts.
  • Most of the Earth’s fresh water reserves are glaciers, so in the event of global melting, the water level will rise to 64 kilometers, and one-eighth of the land surface will be flooded.
  • Water is one of a small amount of substances in nature, which increases in volume during the transition from a liquid to a solid state. In addition to it, some chemical elements, compounds and mixtures have this property.
Solid water

Heat capacity of water

It is known that not a single substance on Earth can absorb heat like water. Interestingly, converting 1 gram of water to steam will require 537 calories of heat, and when condensed, the steam returns the same amount of calories to the environment. The heat capacity of water is much greater than the heat capacity of steel and even mercury.

Water has extremely interesting properties. If it did not have the ability to give and absorb heat, the Earth’s climate in one moment would become completely unsuitable for the existence of any intelligent life forms. For example, high latitudes would be affected by a terrible cold, and at low latitudes the incinerating sun would reign, which would burn everything around. The underground ocean provides our planet with heat thanks to the internal sources of the Earth.

Water as the foundation of scientific disciplines

It is difficult to argue that all the achievements of civilization came true thanks to the use and study of water. After all, water is a universal solvent, and many experiments and experiments without the use of it would be impossible. It is enough to give James Watt's steam engine as an example.

During the study of the chemical composition of water, the discovery of hydrogen - "hot air" - Henry Cavendish took place. Hydrogen "gave birth" to water. Also, research led to the creation of the atomic theory of matter by John Dalton. As soon as the chemical composition of water was discovered, this served as an impetus for the incredible development of biological, physical, chemical and medical sciences. Thanks to numerous perfect discoveries, the possibility of studying preventive measures using H 2 O has increased.

Water research and experiments

Water in world religions

Oddly enough, but not only in the scientific, but also in the religious world there was a place to assess the importance of water. In different religions, water is associated with various things, many of them have their own meaning. The unusual properties of ordinary water are mentioned even in the holy books.

In Christianity, water is the personification of renewal, purification, baptism, and restoration. In religious art, it symbolizes humility. If wine represents something divine, then water is humanity, so the mixture of both is a symbol of the merging of man and deity into one whole.

Among the Egyptians, water always personified the birth of all living things, including man. Also, life-giving moisture was associated with recreation and growth, as well as the power of the great Nile, which is able to fertilize and give birth to life.

For Jews, Thor’s water is a life-giving fluid. It is a source always available to the Jewish people, which symbolizes wisdom and the Logos.

Anomalous property of water

For the Maori people, paradise is not located in heaven, as in many beliefs, but under water, which means primordial perfection.

In Taoists, such a substance as water does not represent strength, as in many religions, but weakness. More precisely, it is necessary to adapt to the course of life and understand the mobility of death, despite the persistence of the fluidity of being.

Native Americans had a belief that water personifies the powers of the Great Spirit, which from time to time pour out on people.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F23612/

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