Gas hob - reviews. Gas hob, 3 burners. Bosch gas hob

The variety and abundance of products currently represented on the home appliance market cannot but cause respect. All these modern trendy units are designed not only to make life easier for housewives, but also to improve the interior of kitchen facilities, to ensure maximum functionality of the latter. In the framework of one article, it is physically impossible to describe all the qualities and advantages of these devices, so let's focus on one thing - the most important. And let's talk in detail about what the hob is. Consider all its advantages and disadvantages (if any), discuss the types and possibilities, listen to consumer feedback. We will talk about the products of popular manufacturers, but at the same time we will ask about it.

So, the heroine of our article today is a hob (gas). Consumer reviews about it are most often only positive, although sometimes ladies and gentlemen are also dissatisfied with their acquisition. In fairness, it is worth noting that the presence of negative responses to these products is due more to the unreasonableness and incorrectness of the choice than to its poor quality. Therefore, in order not to fall into the ranks of the unsatisfied with the purchase, albeit in small ones, let's talk about the selection criteria and the types of hobs that are found on sale today.

gas hob reviews

Small digression

The gas hob, of course, does not have as flattering reviews as, say, newfangled induction or even electric surfaces, equipped with halogen or ultra-high-speed burners and manufactured in compliance with intricate technologies. Cooking, so to speak, in the old fashioned way, over an open fire, nevertheless, implies a number of advantages that electrical equipment cannot provide. First of all, it's taste. Nevertheless, whatever you say, and food cooked on a live fire is much more aromatic (any true gourmet will tell you about this). In addition, electric hobs heat up and cool down longer. Thanks to their last quality, by the way, not one pan and pan ended its existence prematurely. And the intensity of the heating itself on the gas surface itself can be changed instantly, which its electric and other "advanced" brothers can not boast of.

And therefore, if your kitchen is equipped with a gas pipeline, then you do not need to envy those who cook on electricity. Our choice is a gas hob, reviews about which we will always have only good ones, because before buying we will thoroughly arm ourselves with knowledge about what kind of surfaces these really are. Therefore, we will only acquire what suits us best.

hob gas bosch

Types of gas hobs

So, the old gas stove, which served faithfully for many years, after the repair and purchase of new furniture was sent for a well-deserved rest. A new hob should take its place. But ... Let's not rush. Our "old woman" was stationary equipped with an oven, which can not be said about the new cooking appliances. Not every one of them has an oven. A gas hob without it is an independent type of surface. What does it mean? And the fact that it does not depend on the oven in any way: it can be located and connected in any place, which cannot but please the “happy” owners of kitchens with an area commensurate with the size of a good sliding wardrobe. The oven itself can be put, respectively, also in any most acceptable place and, what is important, at the desired height.

The gas hob, whose price, by the way, is much higher than independent, is already equipped with an oven. It is located in the traditional way: on the countertop there is a surface for cooking, and strictly below it, in a specially equipped kitchen cabinet, is the oven itself. Important! If you consider yourself a supporter of the classics, then it is better to strain up financially and immediately get the second type of hob. Why? Because in this case it is desirable to have a kit from one manufacturer, since this option of stoves involves controlling both the oven and the panel with buttons located on the hob. Therefore, the “top” and “bottom” of the plate must have the same technical characteristics. As for independent devices, each of them has autonomous control. Therefore, as evidenced by the numerous reviews of the owners of built-in gas stoves, it is quite difficult to choose the appropriate oven for the existing hob. In addition, the kit will cost much less than if you buy this technique randomly.

gas hob connection


If earlier in our kitchens only two types of stoves were prevailing, with a width of fifty and sixty centimeters, today the consumer has room to take a walk when choosing. The minimum size that the manufacturer offers is a gas hob of 45 centimeters wide, while the maximum sometimes reaches 90 centimeters. Such impressive dimensions are due to the large number of burners, which we will talk about below. As for the selection criteria, in this case it is necessary to rely on the size of the countertop (especially it should be borne in mind that all models have a standard depth of sixty centimeters), the presence of free space on the working surface, as well as the number of family members. Which, in fact, is confirmed by consumer reviews.


Built-in hobs differ in the number of burners. Their standard number is four, but there are surfaces equipped with two, and five, and even six burners. What to stop at? Here, again, you need to proceed from the size of the kitchen and, accordingly, the free space on the countertop, as well as your own preferences. Suppose a small family would have enough of two burners (this option, by the way, is very common today in the West). However, as they say, it’s good for a German ... Still, the Russians love how to cook a lot and how to eat well. Therefore, if you think that, due to the small number of families, you are quite able to do with a small number of burners, then for you the manufacturer produces a special gas hob. 3 rings - this is the best option. Small in size and very functional (because, you must admit, we don’t use the fourth burner if we use it at all), this stove is ideal for a small family, as well as for those who rarely have to cook a lot, but it does happen. And just then, according to the reviews of the owners of such stoves, an additional burner will not be superfluous.


As for the standards (4 burners), everything is clear and familiar here, but a couple of words need to be said separately for five. This is an option for large families and those who are fond of cooking and harvesting various pickles and jams. Usually on the stove of any model there is the most powerful burner. Recently, they began to make it two-level, which provides faster cooking and contributes to an even distribution of heat. In 5-burner stoves, this burner is usually located in the middle (it is also often called a wok burner). This device allows lovers of Asian cuisine to enjoy dishes prepared in full accordance with the recipe and in a special wok pan. By the way, a gas hob equipped with such a burner gets just great reviews, because it is on it that the food really cooks much faster, which contributes to the maximum preservation of nutrients in the processed products. As for stoves with six burners, then in our market they are not very popular, and therefore we will not dwell on them.

Well, we told you about the selection criteria in terms of functionality, and how much heating elements your new gas hob will have - 3 rings, four or all six - depends on you.


The power of the stove, the number of burners is a very important factor. But no less - if not equivalent - the type of material of which the hob is made is of importance. Indeed, this depends on its appearance, and care, and the complexity of cleaning. Every housewife knows how “pleasant” it is to wipe greasy and yellow spots from a white surface or to remove every minute stains from stainless steel. Therefore, you must pay close attention to the material from which the cooktop you like is made.

So, what can a manufacturer offer us today?

gas hob 3 burners

Classic version

These are all well-known and familiar enameled surfaces. The most common colors are white and brown, however, if desired, you can find the whole palette of shades - from orange to blue. Color panels look very creative, and their cost in comparison with other types is the most democratic.

If you have a desire to buy something classic, but with a peculiar zest, so to speak, the Bosch gas hob is made at your service, made in a technique that is popularly called gas on glass. Bosch was the first company to produce such panels. What is their feature? In that the enameled surface is "diluted" with tempered glass inserts. Moreover, the latter can also be of any shade, in accordance with the color of the case itself. Many housewives, by the way, vote for such panels with two hands, motivating this with their extremely attractive appearance, ease of care and affordable cost.

Stainless steel

A more expensive option compared to enamel. Differs in esthetics, excellent durability and hygienic characteristics. True, it requires more thorough and careful care, since scratches and stains are very visible on it. Perhaps that is why such a gas hob is not always enthusiastic.

Glass ceramic

A hob made of this material belongs to the category of the most expensive, but also the most attractive. Such a stove is a real decoration of the interior. Especially when you consider the fact that they are produced not only in different shades, but even with a pattern. If you wish, you can buy a stove with a glass-ceramic coating not only in classic white and black, but also in beige, brown, ivory and others. Good feedback from the consumer is given to the gas-ceramic gas hob Bosch, Ariston, Siemens. True, it should be borne in mind that all manufacturers use almost the same material for the manufacture of such surfaces, so the hygienic and aesthetic qualities of all of them will be exactly the same. So if you really want to have a glass-ceramic stove in your kitchen, but are limited in funds, you should not overpay for the brand. Take a lesser-known brand. Another thing is if you really want the kitchen to have, for example, a gas hob Ariston, which is ideally suited to your needs. Then you can buy a specific brand, and not just a glass-ceramic surface.

Bosch gas hob

And since we are talking about manufacturers, let's say a few words separately about the most popular of them - the Bosch company.

Gas hob Bosch

By and large, negative reviews about this hob are practically absent. All owners unanimously declare that the built-in panels manufactured by Bosch are safe, extremely reliable, practical. A variety of types and configurations, the choice of material from which the body is made, the presence of gas control and electric ignition functions, convenient handles and controls - these and many other qualities indicate that the Bosch gas hob is an excellent choice and a great helper. The excellent quality of the stove guarantees her a long life in your kitchen, and she herself will become a real decoration of the interior.

Ask about the disadvantage of such a gas hob. Price. Here is the only thing that can deter from buying, since the cost of such a plate varies between 400-800 dollars. So the drawback, though one, is quite significant. However, if you are still willing to pay for quality, you will never regret your choice. For those who are somewhat limited in funds, there is a wonderful alternative - a gas hob Hotpoint Ariston, which takes second place in the popularity rating after Bosch. You can buy this stove for $ 300, and its technical specifications are almost the same as those of Bosch stoves. Is that the brand is not so eminent.

hob gas price

This could have ended our conversation about built-in kitchen appliances, if not for one painful question that many of its new owners ask: “How to connect a gas hob?”

We answer

The desire of the owner of the built-in stove to save at least something is understandable. But in this case, it is not welcome - primarily, for security reasons. Household gas appliances should only be connected by professionally trained people in order to avoid gas leakage and the consequences (sorry for the pun) of this fact. Do not regret yourself - think about neighbors and loved ones! Here, talk of savings is simply inappropriate. In addition, there is another nuance. The fact is that the hob must not only be connected. Listen! It is also called recessed! That is, it needs to be placed appropriately (at least to start cutting the countertop first), which will require good tools and skills. Therefore, the answer to the question posed may be one: “Entrust the connection of the gas hob to specialists!” Forget about saving for a while, just enjoy the high-quality and long-awaited acquisition.


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