How is viral leukemia in cats transmitted? Symptoms and treatment

Almost everyone in the house has a four-legged friend. Pets, like people, can get sick. In order for the disease not to harm the animal, it is necessary to diagnose it in time and begin treatment. Viral leukemia in cats is rare. Not every pet owner knows what it is. You can find detailed information about the disease in our article.

What is viral leukemia?

Viral leukemia in cats is a retroviral disease. The disease weakens the immunity of the animal. Leukemia affects various cells and reduces the protective functions of the body. That is why the pet becomes susceptible to a wide variety of diseases.

In common people, leukemia is bleeding. The meaning of the word is widely known thanks to special literature. Over time, the term "leukemia" has been replaced by "leukemia." A new name for the disease was proposed by W. Ellerman. It is believed that the term "leukemia" more accurately describes the process that takes place in the body of the diseased. At the moment, it is believed that leukemia is a tumorous disease. Such a disease often affects livestock birds. The disease causes significant damage to the economy, as in sick birds the level of productivity decreases.

cat viral leukemia

Causative agent of leukemia

Viral leukemia in cats can affect other animals. The causative agent of the disease is oncovirus. It belongs to the group of retroviruses. When infected, tumors can form. Viruses have a spherical shape. Leukemia cells quickly lose activity at high temperatures. When heated to 70 degrees Celsius, the virus deactivates after 30 minutes. If the temperature rises to 85 degrees, the leukemia cells die in 10 seconds. They remain active for about 3 years. The virus is sensitive to ether and chloroform.

Symptoms of the disease

Not so common viral leukemia in cats. Symptoms of the disease, however, should be known to absolutely everyone. This is no coincidence, because the sooner the disease is diagnosed, the faster the pet can cope with it. The further the virus will actively develop in the body, the weaker the animal will be.

Viral leukemia in cats is a chronic disease. It can develop faster or slower depending on many factors. People who keep a large number of different animals in the house know what viral leukemia is in cats. Symptoms are not specific. Only secondary disease can be determined without difficulty. However, there are still signs by which it can be determined that the cat may have leukemia. As a rule, the pet rises in temperature. Usually responsible owners know the average temperature of their four-legged friend. If you notice that your cat has lethargy and loss of interest in games at least several times a week, then you should take a closer look at it. It is also necessary to measure the temperature. Its increase indicates a weakening of the body.

It is difficult enough to diagnose viral leukemia in cats. Symptoms of the virus can be varied. Nutrition is an indicator of well-being. You should take a closer look at a cat that has recently had a poor appetite. The animal can also actively lose its weight.

viral leukemia in cats symptoms

Diseases of the skin and problems with the intestines are another factor by which one can determine if a cat has leukemia. An animal with leukemia can be recognized by profuse salivation. It is impossible not to notice it. In the last stages of the disease, the cat looks weak and sick.

Clinical picture

The initial stage of the disease lasts up to 16 weeks. During this period, the cat's lymph nodes increase. This stage can lead to the development of the disease in three ways.

In the first case, viral cells are in saliva and blood for a short period of time, namely up to 12 weeks. The development of infection ends with the cat's full recovery. She gains lifelong immunity. The animal is not a carrier of the disease.

In the second case, the virus is in the blood and saliva for more than 12 weeks. The disease develops and progresses. Over time, the animal dies.

In the latter case, the virus disappears from the blood and saliva after some time. However, it remains in the bone marrow, spleen and lymph nodes. Such animals release the infection into the environment. Over time, clinical symptoms may develop. In this case, the infection multiplies and inhibits the pet's immune system. Secondary diseases develop, namely toxoplasmosis, peritonitis and respiratory diseases. Over time, the animal may also develop anemia. Bleeding may occur. The cat has a painful neoplasm or enlarged lymph nodes.

cat viral leukemia symptoms and treatment

Diagnosis of the disease

Feline viral leukemia scares many. Symptoms and treatment of this disease are individual. The pet owner needs to contact the veterinarian as soon as possible if he has noticed that the cat is behaving unnaturally. She may have fever and vomiting. In order to exclude the fact of the disease, it is necessary to pass 2 analyzes. Results must be negative. It is worth noting that the tests are given with a 2-week interval.

There are several methods for determining the virus in the blood, urine and saliva of a cat. Experts recommend using at least two different options. Diagnosis is based on the detection of antigens in the body.

There is also a visual diagnosis that allows you to notice inflamed lymph nodes in the intestines or other internal organs. According to the results, the specialist of the veterinary clinic can prescribe additional examinations. Diagnostics is carried out with a time interval of several weeks for a reason. This is due to the fact that in some cases the disease does not appear immediately.

Disease spread

Viral leukemia is one of the factors of high mortality among cats. This type of animal has a risk of developing many serious diseases. They may have cancer and anemia. Experts say that most of the cats die after infection after 3-4 years.

cat viral leukemia prevention
An infected cat becomes a source of disease among other animals. Infection can spread with saliva, feces, urine, and milk. However, the virus cannot survive in the environment. Infection is possible only with close contact between animals.

It is known that viruses spread most actively during prolonged interaction between animals. Infection can occur during sexual contact and feeding from one dish. It is believed that the most common way to transmit the disease is through bite. In this case, the virus enters directly into the blood. If you are sure that your pet did not leave home, did not walk on the street and did not communicate with other people's cats, but the symptoms are very similar to those that we described above, you can not really worry: he is unlikely to have viral cat leukemia. Diagnosis, according to experts of veterinary clinics, should be carried out if the pet has been in contact with a sick animal for a long time.

Virus and man

Almost everyone in the house has a cat or cat. These animals have become for many not just pets, but also close friends. Many people believe that viral leukemia in cats is transmitted to humans. Is it so? You can learn about this and much more from our article.

Viral leukemia in cats is a very serious illness. It is transmitted from one pet to another, regardless of its age. It is worth noting that feline leukemia cannot be transmitted to humans. This is no coincidence, because cats have a completely different body structure. The disease cannot also be transmitted to other animals. An infected cat can only become a source of illness for a cat.

cat viral leukemia diagnosis


How is viral leukemia in cats eliminated? Unfortunately, treatment cannot completely rid the animal of the disease. With the help of drugs, you can eliminate the symptoms that occur in a cat. Therapy is usually supportive in nature. Only a veterinarian can prescribe the drug. The treatment regimen is selected individually. This is due to the fact that the disease can take various forms and affects the body of a cat in different ways. The choice of an antibacterial drug depends on the localization of the pathological process.

Often used immunomodulators, such as Betalleykin, Gala-vet and others. In a specialized veterinary clinic, a cat may also be prescribed hematopoietic stimulants, such as Epocrine and Erythrostin. The animal is also prescribed immunosuppressive drugs. They are taken only at a certain stage of the development of the disease. Immunosuppressants are given to the animal only under the strict supervision of the attending physician.
If the form of the disease is chronic, immunomodulators, such as Viragen Omega, are prescribed. The drug is not certified in the Russian Federation. For this reason, it will need to be ordered in other countries. And its cost is quite high.

Chemotherapy may also be used in treatment. As a result, the size of the lymphomas decreases. However, remission is short-lived. A few months later, repeated chemotherapy courses will be required. Blood transfusion is also practiced.

Not the last place in the treatment is diet. In no case should a cat with leukemia be given raw foods. As we said earlier, a disease makes an animal susceptible to a wide variety of infections. Raw meat is especially dangerous. It can contain a huge number of harmful microorganisms.

With viral leukemia in cats, it is necessary to regularly use drugs to combat helminths and fleas. These parasites also significantly weaken the body, so it is important to prevent their appearance. Preventive measures will not take you much time.

Cats with a serious condition can be hospitalized until their well-being stabilizes. It is important not to let the pet go free-range. It is necessary not to admit a sick cat to healthy animals. It is worth noting that in some cases, veterinarians can perform an operation to remove the resulting tumor neoplasms. Mandatory treatment of the oral cavity (brushing or tooth extraction).

feline leukemia vaccine


Each owner needs to know how to protect their cat from viral leukemia. In order to protect the animal from the disease, you will need to follow a few simple rules.

  1. It is important to periodically wash the bedding of cats in high-temperature water.
  2. After contact with other people's pets, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.
  3. You will also need to put the shoes out of the reach of the cat.

Feline Virus Leukemia Vaccine is the only way to protect an animal. The most common vaccination drug on the territory of the Russian Federation is Leikotsel. It creates an immune defense after a few weeks. It persists throughout the year. Then vaccination should be repeated.

Pre-vaccination testing

Before vaccinating the cat should be examined. First of all, you need to test the animal for the presence of antigens in its body. If the cat is infected, vaccinating is pointless.

Feline viral leukemia vaccine may not be given to kittens. This is possible if their parents were not infected. It is worth noting that in pedigree cats cattery regular test for antigen. Usually there the procedure is repeated several times a year.

Express diagnostics in St. Petersburg

Since 2009, in St. Petersburg, cat owners can use the express diagnosis of leukemia. A pet can get a complete clinical examination. The cat will also need to be tested for immunodeficiency and peritonitis. Specialists will do an ultrasound of the kidneys of the animal. In addition, the pet owner will receive the advice of a physician.

feline leukemia vaccine

Viral leukemia and viral immunodeficiency

Viral leukemia and immunodeficiency are quite similar diseases. The symptoms that occur with these diseases are similar. Both pathologies are retroviral. These diseases completely depress the immune system. However, they have significant differences. Viral immunodeficiency inhibits exclusively mature cells. Leukemia affects the blood-forming organs and changes the structure of cells. With leukemia in cats, cancerous tumors occur. With the immunodeficiency virus, this is not observed. An accurate diagnosis can only be made by a specialist.

To summarize

Feline viral leukemia scares many. Prevention of the disease is not particularly complicated and does not require a lot of time, so any owner can protect his four-legged friend from infection. The disease, which was diagnosed in time, will not bring discomfort to the cat in the future. Timely initiated treatment can completely eliminate possible symptoms.


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