Why wisteria does not bloom: features of growing, recommendations and reviews

Wisteria is the finest of plants. She can decorate any place: a bare wall, the entrance to the courtyard, just drop off for beauty. Many people who plant this marvelous plant face many care questions. Why is Chinese Wisteria not blooming? It may not be suitable for your climate. But what if it is a frost-resistant β€œblue moon” that should grow well in any region? How to grow and make wisteria blossom, we will describe in this article. There are three methods of planting a plant, let's start with them. The rules for pruning and propagating wisteria can be found in the subsequent contents.

Landing by layering

This procedure is performed in spring or early summer. It is necessary to choose the strongest, healthy, one-year-old shoots for cuttings, they should be 20 to 25 centimeters long. The cut needs to be done obliquely, cutting only with a sharp tool. If the procedure is performed correctly, you can continue to propagate your plant as much as you want.

Prepare the soil in a container where you will root the plant, for this, take three parts of sod land, one humus, sand and peat. Mix all the components, the soil should be light, air and water permeable. Plant the stalk in it, water it abundantly so that it gives roots, when this happens, it will be necessary to plant it in high-quality open ground.

why does wisteria not bloom

Planting seeds

I want to say right away that this method is more complicated, you have to wait longer for the results. It is necessary to prepare the soil in small cups, where seeds will be sown, if planting occurs in autumn or winter. If you decide to carry out the procedure in the spring, then you can sow in open ground, then proceed in the same way as when growing seedlings. So, take four parts of leafy, loose earth, one part of soddy soil and sand. Plant the seeds to a depth of 2.5-3 centimeters, water well. After this, you need to create a greenhouse effect so that heat and moisture are constantly preserved, for this planting, cover with cellophane. If sown in a container, then remove them after shelter in a dark place, do not forget to water, seedlings will appear in the third or fourth week.

As soon as two true leaves appear, make a pick. Why does wisteria not bloom? Most likely, this procedure was not performed. Do not allow direct sunlight to get on only the sprouted sprouts, this is detrimental to the plant. The first flowers will appear only in the fifth year, so do not worry and do not wonder about why the blue moon wisteria or another species does not bloom.

why Chinese wisteria does not bloom


If you are considering buying ready-made cuttings, then only contact a good company that you can learn about from friends or customer reviews. Choose cuttings of two or three years of age with a closed root system so that the plant quickly adapts to a new place of residence.

Prepare a well for planting; its depth should be approximately 20 centimeters. Add good humus, some sand and rotted foliage. Leave the neck of the root of the stem open, water the seedling every day.

Why does Wisteria not bloom if planted in accordance with all the rules? The place may not be suitable, and a plant will need to be transplanted.

why does wisteria blue moon not bloom

Ideal site for wisteria

This plant is rather capricious about the state of the soil. The soil should be light, with good drainage. If moisture accumulates and stagnates at the roots, wisteria will not bloom. When choosing a landing site, avoid shaded areas. If you planted the seeds in a dark area, which is correct, then when the sprouts are strong, transplant them into a well-lit area. Daylight hours should last at least twelve hours, only then wisteria will begin to bloom.

The ideal landing site is near the southern part of the house, where a lot of sun will fall, and the plant will not be attacked by northern winds and drafts, which are harmful to its health. Be sure to prepare the supports, metal and wood, and other material will do. Wisteria vines need to creep up, wrap themselves around supports, cling to them.

In the future, care will be required. Wisteria is completely non-capricious, but still requires the implementation of certain rules. Depending on the care, there will be flowering.

rules for pruning and propagating wisteria


Why does wisteria not bloom? Perhaps she does not like the level of moisture in the soil. In spring, when there is not enough rainfall, irrigate abundantly, otherwise the leaves and buds will dry out, the plant will drop them. But still it is impossible to overmoisten the soil, this will also cause the discharge of buds. From the beginning of flowering to the end of September, moderate watering should be done so that the earth is slightly moist. The sprinkling method is ideal, wisteria will respond well to such procedures, especially after a hot summer day. Stop watering since the end of September, from this period the plant will prepare for winter, slow growth.


If you neglect these procedures, which are quite simple, you should not wait for flowering. But it is precisely because of the beautiful color that Wisteria is valued. In spring, you need to cut off all frozen, diseased and dry shoots. It is also necessary to trim the shoots left over from last year so that they are no longer than 30 centimeters. At the end of summer there will be a good increase, and again a pruner will be needed to shorten the shoots by two more buds.

Both flowering and the shape of the crown of the plant depend on pruning. Do not be afraid to shred the excess to create a beautiful wisteria, it grows pretty quickly, loves haircuts.

how to grow and make wisteria blossom

Getting ready for wintering

Young plants need winter protection. To do this, you need to remove the shoots from the supports, after sprinkling the roots with additional soil. Put the branches on the ground, cover them with agrofibre, you can additionally use spruce paws. In winter, pour more snow. Despite the protection, many shoots by spring will be frozen. Do not worry, cut this part, new vines will grow soon.

Top dressing

Why does wisteria not bloom? And do you remember to feed her? This ornamental plant is demanding on fertilizers, which must be applied during the flowering period every three days. Minerals and organics must be applied alternately.

In conclusion, it remains to say only one thing: the plant is completely unpretentious, it is worth observing all the rules, and then the question does not appear why wisteria does not bloom, because it will consistently adorn itself with long inflorescences.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F23636/

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