Dove flew out the window? Is it a sign of good?

a dove flew into the window a sign
If a pigeon flies in the window, the omen is bad: someone will die in the house (death of a person living in the house). The people there are a huge number of signs about pigeons. They are both bad and good. Many people take this sign very seriously. However, this superstition has many nuances that should not be overlooked.

In the case when your window is wide open and the dove flew into the window, the sign may carry some positive information. First of all, you need to pay attention to the beak of an unexpected guest. If he holds a leaf, a blade of grass or a twig, then the message will definitely be good. But there are cases when all the windows in the house are closed, but the pigeon still ended up inside the house, then you should expect trouble or great grief.

pigeon knocks on the window
If a dove knocks on a window, unfortunately this means trouble, or rather death. The dove is just a harbinger, and no one knows what he is trying to say by knocking on the window. The best solution in this case would be a calm response to what is happening. A person is able to attract various phenomena with his thoughts. Try to think about the good, and then troubles will not come to you.

A pigeon flew by the window and settled on the windowsill - do not be afraid of trouble. Different birds, including pigeons, have some peculiarity to portend trouble and accidents. And if the pigeon settled on your window, it means that your house will be safe and nothing threatens him. Now you need to constantly feed a feathered friend and monitor his behavior. In the event of a missing pet, you need to be more careful and accurate, notice everything that happens.

A dove is a bird from God, and if you look closely at it, you can see a rainbow on its neck. Some people believe that these are messengers from the very angels from heaven. If the pigeon flies in the window - the sign says that in the owners' house there will always be prosperity, goodness and happiness. Pigeons usually arrive only on clear and warm days, as they are very sensitive birds.

As mentioned above, people only think about the bad. And as a result, everything bad happens. Pigeons are only harbingers and are not guilty of what awaits you, so you should not bring down all your troubles on them, they have nothing to do with it. In the case when the pigeon flew out the window - a bad omen, as many people think. No need to think about the bad, smile, think about something good and pleasant. These birds are good-natured and they never come close to bad people. They feel the character of a person. Usually these mysterious birds ask for food only from good people.

a dove flew by the window
And in general, if a person gave them food, they will never expect evil from him. On the contrary, they will become gullible to this person. What could be nicer than this? If a person is good, even birds notice it.

Drivers often face the fact that these birds mark their cars, do not be angry in this case. If a pigeon has tagged you, you can consider yourself the happiest person in the world. Pigeons are messengers, and people should take care of them. Appreciate these birds, thank them for foreshadowing, and perhaps it is with their help that all troubles and misfortunes awaiting on your life path will bypass you.


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