Russian Navy - composition. Ships of the Russian Navy. Flag of the Russian Navy

The Navy is a specific type of the Armed Forces that guards the interests of Russia. They are ready to defend their homeland in the ocean and sea theaters of war. The fleet is ready to interact with the Ground Forces during possible continental wars.

Navy flag

The flag of the Russian Navy is a symbol of valor and glory. It has a glorious history. His appearance is associated with the name of Peter the Great, and the name with the name of the Apostle Andrew the First-Called, who was destined to become the first disciple called by Christ. In addition, it was this saint who, fulfilling the mission entrusted to him by God, arrived on the earth of the future Russia, bringing faith to the peoples inhabiting it. The deep respect of the Russians for him was manifested during the approval of the St. Andrew Order in 1696, decorated with the image of the glorious apostle who visited our land.

Russian Navy

How was the flag created? Peter I, the great reformer of the army and navy, was personally engaged in heraldry. He analyzed historical parallels, symbols. The main motive of the banner was an inclined cross (the Apostle Andrew, like Christ, was crucified on the cross for faith). Therefore, for many generations of our sailors, the symbol depicted by Tsar Peter was associated with faith and the Fatherland. According to naval tradition, the captain, parting with the Russian sailors before the battle, always ended with the words that they are kept by God and the St. Andrew flag.

Since 1992, the fleet has regained the historical flag of the Russian Navy, thereby continuing the interrupted tradition. Under it, as before, sailors carry out crucial tasks of maintaining the country's defense capability.

The tasks of the fleet in peacetime

In peacetime, the fleet’s potential serves to deter the possible aggression of a potential adversary towards the Russian Federation. There is a continuous combat training work. It would seem that time is peaceful, but somewhere on their routes missile-carrying submarines (RPSLN) are continuously on alert. In strategically important areas, search, observation and support of the Strategic Rocket Forces, carrier groups of a potential enemy are carried out. Opposition to his intelligence and communications is being carried out. A preliminary survey of areas of possible hostilities is being conducted.

The Russian Navy is ready to defend the coast, act in conjunction with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and internal forces in the event of civil conflicts, and in the aftermath of the catastrophes - to work together with the Ministry of Emergencies and civil defense.

Obviously, it is the Navy that represents the best guarantee for the implementation of economic activity in the oceans. They represent the Russian Federation in the vast expanses of water, perform representative functions at the direction of the command by visiting ships. The Russian Navy also fulfills interstate obligations by participating in peacekeeping operations ratified by the world community, provided that they are consistent with the country's interests.

The tasks of the fleet in wartime

In wartime, the fleet is ready to actively defend the sovereignty of the state on inland sea waters, in the space of the exclusive zone, as well as on the continental shelf. In addition, he should also, under military threats, fulfill a specific “maritime task” - to uphold the freedom of the high seas. To perform the above tasks at the time indicated by the standards of combat work, he is transferred to a military state by operational deployment. If it is possible to localize a conflict or prevent it, protecting shipping, this function is paramount.

Baltic Fleet Russian Navy

In the context of the active phase of hostilities, the Russian Navy fleet must hit the enemy’s remote ground targets, ensure the combat operation of the Strategic Missile Forces, strike at the underwater and surface naval forces, the coastal defense of the enemy, defend the Russian coast, and interact with land front-line forces.

Fleet Composition

The management of the navy is carried out by the High Command of the Navy. This refers to the management of its functional forces and means: surface and underwater, naval aviation, coastal troops, coastal artillery and missile, and marine corps.

Organizationally, the Russian Navy consists of the following operational strategic associations: the Baltic, Northern, Pacific, Black Sea Fleets, as well as the Caspian Flotilla.

Northern Fleet

Russian Navy
The naval bases of the Northern Fleet are Severomorsk and Severodvinsk. It is called oceanic, atomic, rocket-bearing. The basis of combat power is made up of nuclear submarines, missile carriers and torpedo submarines, missile-carrying and pr / boat aviation, pr / boat, missile ships, as well as the aircraft carrier - the flagship of the fleet, the Peter the Great atomic heavy missile cruiser. At the same time, this mighty warship is the flagship of the Russian Navy.

The length of this missile cruiser is 251.1 m, its width is 28.5 m, its height from the level of its main plane is 59 m, its displacement is 23.7 thousand tons. The mighty “heart” of the giant is two nuclear reactors. The autonomy of the flagship of Russia is determined by the food supply for the crew on board, which lasts about 2 months. Technically, thanks to its reactors, the cruiser can sail unlimitedly - without calling at the port. The maximum speed of the ship is 31 knots.

The Northern Fleet is the most formidable operational and strategic formation of the Russian Navy. Military ships constituting its power for combat training are regularly trained in combat missions. For example, the flagship of the fleet crosses the Atlantic Ocean about one and a half years together with the accompanying ships, on its account participation in the international exercises "East-2010", "Indra-2009".

Baltic Fleet

Near the “window to Europe” the Baltic Fleet of the Russian Navy is serving . Its composition (ships) is now being intensely modernized and updated. The process is taking place against the backdrop of the buildup in Europe of the military power of NATO countries. The Baltic Fleet is planned to be strengthened due to the new Project 11 356 frigates with eight cruise anti-ship missiles and anti-submarine missile torpedoes on board.

This operational-strategic formation is based in the Kaliningrad region (Baltiysk) and in the Leningrad region (Kronshtadt). Functionally, it protects the Baltic economic zone, contributes to the safety of ships, and acts as a foreign policy. This is the oldest Russian fleet. Its history began with the victory over the Swedish ships on 05/18/1703. Today, 2 destroyers - "Restless" and "Persistent" - form the basis of the combat power of the Russian Baltic Navy.

A combat team of diesel submarines, a division of surface ships, auxiliary ship formations, coastal troops, and naval aviation form its combat potential. The flagship is the destroyer "Persistent". This year, ship navigation systems (hydrometeocomplexes, cartographic systems, hydro-pointers, etc.) are being updated, the Baltiysk harbor is being modernized.

Black Sea Fleet

After entering the Russian Empire of Crimea, in 1783, under the Empress Catherine the Great, this fleet was created. Today it is based in the cities of Sevastopol and Novorossiysk. Since March 18, 2014, the main base of the Black Sea Fleet - the city of Sevastopol - became part of Russia.

25 thousand people are the military units of the Black Sea Navy of Russia. It consists of the following forces and means: diesel-powered submarines, surface ships of the ocean-sea type, and naval aviation (fighter, missile, anti-submarine). The main objectives of this fleet are to protect the Black Sea economic zone and ensure shipping. The flagship of the fleet is the Moscow missile cruiser.

Russian Navy flag

Currently, military observers are reporting the formation of the Black Sea naval coastal forces and artillery with the provision of radio-technical military units equipped with S-300PM2 and Pantsir-S1 air defense systems. It is expected that naval aviation of the fleet will be strengthened by MiG-29 and Su-27SM aircraft, and Su-25SM attack aircraft. It is also planned to reinforce anti-submarine aviation by additionally completing parts with Il-38N aircraft, Ka-52K attack helicopters and Ka-29M and Ka-27 carrier-based helicopters.

According to the press, a regiment of Tu-22M3 long-range bombers will be deployed at the airfield in Guards. They will be able to tactically support the ships of the Russian Navy of the Mediterranean Squadron. In parallel, the formation of a land military unit of the peninsula takes place.

Pacific fleet

This fleet of the Russian Federation protects the interests of Russia in the Asia-Pacific region. It is based in Vladivostok, in Fokino, in Small Ulysses. The basis of combat power is strategic submarine missile cruisers, nuclear and diesel submarines, ocean surface ships, naval aviation (fighter, missile, anti-submarine), coastal troops. The flagship of the fleet is the Varyag missile cruiser.

This fleet performs an important strategic task of nuclear deterrence. Nuclear submarines are constantly on the alert lines. The Pacific ships of the Russian Navy provide guaranteed protection for the regional economic zone.

Caspian Flotilla

ships of the navy of Russia
The Caspian Flotilla is based in Makhachkala and Kaspiysk. The region of this sea is its area of ​​responsibility. Organizational flotilla is a component of the Southern Military District. It is formed by brigades and divisions of surface ships. The flagship of the flotilla is the Cheetah patrol ship equipped with Caliber-NK cruise missiles. She has been assigned the tasks of countering terrorism, the safety of navigation, and protecting the state interests of Russia in the oil-producing region.

Ships of the Russian Navy

At first glance, it is difficult for a layman to even imagine the naval composition of the Russian Navy, but nevertheless, as it turned out, this information is in the public domain. This allows you to “embrace the immensity”: in a convenient compact form, present summary data on the fleets of a power occupying 1/5 of the land (see Table 1). Let us comment on the reduction allowed in the table: the fleets in it are indicated in capital letters for compactness.

Table 1. The naval composition of the Russian Navy at the beginning of 2014.

Missile basement cruiser strategist. destination10414
Diz./ electric submarines828220
Multipurpose nuclear submarines armed with torpedo missiles181028
Special-purpose nuclear submarines88
Special Diesel Submarines3126
Total - Submarine Fleet473240276
Heavy. nuclear missiles. cruisers224
Heavy. aircraft carriers cruisers11
Rockets. cruisers1113
Squadron. destroyers3249
Guard distant ships235
Large backwater. ships54110
Guard ships near325
Small rockets. ships3442417
Small artiller. ships44
Small backwater. ships678728
Rockets. boats7eleven6529th
Counter-diversion. boats11136
Artiller. boats257
Long minesweepers427thirteen
Minesweepers Raid1fifteen5223
Near minesweepers6572222
Large landing. ships444719
Landing. boats4646222
Landing. ships on air. pillows.22
Total - surface fleet4256523344227

Prospects for the development of the Russian Navy

Let us analyze the prospects for the development of the fleet, based on an interview given by the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy, Admiral Viktor Viktorovich Chirkov.

The very logic of the development of the Navy as a complex, integral organism, the admiral believes, does not accept hasty decisions.

Russian Navy latest ships

Therefore, its development was planned as a strategic process until 2050. The goal of further progress is associated with increasing the effectiveness of enemy nuclear deterrence.

The plan provides that the Russian Navy will receive the latest ships in 3 stages:

  • from 2012 to 2020;
  • from 2021 to 2030;
  • from 2031 to 2050.

At the first stage, the construction of IV generation nuclear submarines will be completed. The main carrier of ballistic weapons will be the 955A projectile radar.

The second stage will be marked by the replacement of existing RPLS with their analogues of the fourth generation. It is also planned to create a shipboard strategic missile complex for surface ships. At the same time, development of the fifth generation submarine nuclear-powered cruisers will begin.

At the third stage, it is planned to launch the construction of the tested nuclear-powered V-generation cruisers.

In addition to fundamentally building up the potential characteristics of the Russian Navy, the latest ships - strategic submarines and strategic submarines - will be characterized by increased stealth, low noise, perfect communications, and the use of robotics.

Challenges facing the coastal forces

Recall that earlier we have already named the main bases of the Russian Navy for all of its fleets. However, the planned development of the fleet for the period until 2050 will certainly affect the coast guard. What accents does the commander-in-chief Chirkov see in him? Considering the bases of the Russian Navy in the process of their further strategic development, Viktor Viktorovich counts on completing the creation of coastal missile systems, preparing and equipping the marine corps to carry out tasks in the North.


Although the basis of the organizational structure of the Russian Navy will not change (4 fleets and 1 flotilla), diverse and highly maneuverable strike forces will be created within their framework. In the vein of their creation, the successful development of unmanned vehicles, artificial intelligence systems, marine robot systems, non-lethal weapons continues.

Summing up the review of the Russian fleet, special attention should be paid to the prospect of its updating by ships of the 4th, and then the 5th generation. At the same time, the basis of the Navy’s power after the implementation of the plan will be submarine nuclear-powered V-generation cruisers. A fundamental increase in combat power will be accompanied by the improvement of command and control systems, the integration of naval forces in interspecific groupings of troops at possible theaters of operations.

Russian Navy Fleet

At the end of our modest presentation of the Russian Navy - a photo of its nuclear flagship, the Peter the Great missile cruiser.


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