Light Bead Crafts for Beginners

Beads have been known to people since ancient times. The needlewomen create unique jewelry from it. Often a hobby turns over time into a source of additional income. Beadwork is very useful for children, as it develops perseverance, attentiveness, fine motor skills and imagination. Let's talk about how to create light beadwork in stages.

light bead crafts


To get started, stock up on the necessary materials:

  • beads of the right size, shape and color;
  • fishing line or wire for the base;
  • a special needle;
  • clasp to create bracelets or necklaces;
  • with scissors.

Choose a place with good lighting, where you can sit comfortably. It’s better to start with the lightest bead crafts. These are simple beads or bracelets for dolls, little fashionistas. It is not difficult to make them: you need to string colored beads on a fishing line or wire.

Fastener fastener

The first beadwork is made quickly and easily. The most difficult step is fixing the fastener. At its ends is a metal bow. Pass a fishing line through it and collect 3 more beads. Now thread the thread into the last three beads of the product to make a closed ring. For reliability, pass the needle through it several times, then cut the fishing line and hide the ends inside the jewelry.

If you pick up beads in harmonious colors and string it on different stretches of fishing line, you can collect bulk products. Here you will need in addition to the usual fasteners:

  • crimps (clamping fixing bead);
  • caps for beads (accessories hiding small flaws);
  • trailer (elements hiding the edges of the fishing line).

We collect all segments with strung beads from one edge together, carefully thread them into a hat. Pull it as close to the beads as possible. Now put on the trailer. Push the crimp into the groove of the trailer, press it with pliers. We cut off all excess, close the trailer. Threads with beads can be beautifully interwoven with each other. Then the second end is fixed in the same way as the first. A carabiner is put on.

Elegant bracelet for fashionistas

Flat jewelry is one of the easiest beadwork for beginners. Let's try to make the product more complicated. We will need round beads, as well as elongated large beads. You can experiment with colors, materials. Beads are tightly strung on the base. The total number of beads should be a multiple of five plus one extra. When everything is ready, the fastener fastens.

light beadwork for beginners

The edge is not trimmed, but is passed again through the first bead and clasp of the clasp several times. A bead is put on it. Next, thread the thread or wire through every fifth bead in the opposite direction. In between we string the beads either from below or from above from the main chain. The result is an elegant bracelet that can decorate a female pen.

Tips for beginners

When working on the first products, listen to the recommendations of professionals. They will help to master the basics of beadwork in the shortest possible time.

  • Initially give preference to larger beads.
  • Buy it separately for each case with a small margin.
  • It is easier to work with wire than with fishing line. The latter requires a needle, although many needlewomen have learned to do without it.
  • Do not buy material with flaws, chips.
  • Choose light bead crafts with a clear pattern. Bulk products will take away a lot of your time and nerves. As a result, you simply lose interest.
  • When starting work, cover the table with a cloth so that it is not slippery. Pick a color where small beads will be noticeable. Pour the beads from the bags onto the fabric, but try not to mix the colors. Many people prefer to store beads in small containers, sorting by shape, size, shades.
  • Collecting overturned beads is a dubious pleasure. If this happens, stick double-sided tape to the small block. Walk over the entire surface, and then use the knife to drop the beads into a box.
  • Starting to weave a decoration, leave an end of 7-10 centimeters to secure the lock.
  • If you are afraid to miscalculate with the length of the bracelet, leave the line about 25 centimeters on both sides. So, if necessary, you can lengthen the product.

Monastic weaving

Even a novice can create beautiful and light beadwork. We will master one of the basic weaving techniques, which is called the "monastery", or "cross". With its help, you can create interesting jewelry and even collect paintings. We will start with the basics, making a bracelet on hand.

do-it-yourself DIY beadwork

Clearly follow the following instructions:

  1. Collect four beads on a fishing line.
  2. Thread the thread through the first bead, then through the next two.
  3. Stringing three more beads.
  4. We put the fishing line in the fourth bead of the lower link.
  5. We pass it through the two upper beads of the product, getting the second cross.
  6. Weave further in the same pattern until we get an even chain of the required length.

The easiest way to use one color. But it’s more interesting to play with different colors and shapes of beads.

Baubles for girls

As you can see, making DIY beadwork with your own hands is easy. Consider the simplest scheme for weaving baubles. To create it, you can use beads of various shapes, unusual beads. Estimate in advance the length of the manufactured product, rewind the thread twice as much. In the middle, place the clasp and large bead.

At both ends of the line you need to string the same number of beads. How much is up to you. Usually, beads of a smaller size and a different color, shape are taken. Some needlewomen combine several types of beads. The main thing is that a symmetrical pattern is drawn on both threads.

After that, the ends of the fishing line are crossed and threaded through a large bead, the same as the very first. The selected pattern is repeated until the bauble is complete. The result is products that are not similar to each other. Ancient Indians gave handmade baubles to friends. Friendship was believed to last until the thread on the bracelet was torn. You can continue the tradition by delighting your comrades with pleasant surprises.

Parallel weaving

We will learn the technique that will help us make a lot of funny and useful products. Having mastered it, you will understand how to make an easy craft out of beads according to your own scheme. So what is the essence of parallel weaving? It involves stringing beads in rows following each other. You will need a detailed diagram. Beads of the first two rows are gathered at one end of the selected base and placed in the middle of the fishing line or wire. Then the other end is threaded through the beads of the second row from the opposite side.

Beads are tightly attracted to each other. Beads of the third row are strung on one end of the base, the other end is passed through it in the opposite direction. We will master this technique on the example of the "Lizard" craft. We will need a thin wire 40 centimeters long, some beads of any colors. The lizard can be bright, as in the proposed scheme. More traditional will be the choice of green with brown, yellow accents. Make the eyes contrast, otherwise the animal will appear "blind."

beautiful crafts light bead children

Weave a lizard

We will start making light crafts from beads from the tail. In the middle of the base we string a bead of the selected color, part the ends in different directions, thread through the bead in opposite directions. Tighten tight. On either end of the wire we put on the next bead, the second passes to meet the first.

Thus, you need to dial 7 single beads, making sure that they lie flat. In the eighth row, we immediately string two beads, we part the ends to the sides. On each of them weave a foot.

It is necessary to string 6 beads at the ends. Then the wire is threaded through the first three beads in the opposite direction. The rest will be fingers, straighten them. Paws are tightly attracted to the body and work further according to the scheme with parallel weaving, gaining three rows of three beads.

Then we make the upper legs, we finish weaving the torso. The head is made using both ends of the wire. The result is a fun toy. If you attach a carabiner to the lizard, you can use it instead of a keyring.

Learning to draw diagrams

Light, beautiful beadwork for children can be made using parallel weaving. It can be animals, insects, fairy-tale characters, vehicles, all kinds of objects. The resulting products will delight adults as a funny keychain or brooch. In the photo below you can see ladybug, smiley, made from beads, a piece of watermelon.

how to make a light craft from beads

However, you may come up with other ideas. You know the technique, it remains only to learn how to draw your own weaving patterns. Stock up on paper and crayons. Draw the silhouette of the future product. The circles indicate the number of beads in each row. They must be the same size. It is convenient to create schemes on a piece of paper in a box. Now think about the color scheme. And then pencils are needed. Stock up on the necessary materials and get to work.

New Year's light bead crafts

Passion for beadwork allows you to create unusual gifts for loved ones at the lowest cost. Before the holiday, needlewomen create thematic products. Let's make a Christmas tree and Santa Claus using mastered parallel weaving.

light crafts from beads but a new year

They begin to weave a good wizard with a hat, in each row increasing the number of beads by one. It turns out a triangle. A face is made by stringing five rows of wire with 7 beads each. It is very important not to make a mistake with the colors in order to get the desired pattern. The beard consists of four rows, the number of beads in them is gradually decreasing.

Christmas tree is just as easy. In the middle of the wire we string a beautiful, bright bead - the top. The second row consists of three beads. Then we increase their number by two, reaching up to 13 beads in a row. The next row is reduced to 9 beads, and we collect five more rows with the addition of two beads in each. The main color is green. In some places, we dilute it with unusual, colorful beads. The trunk should be brown. To designate it, they collect two rows of five beads.

Winnie the pooh for babies

Flat figures of people and fairy-tale characters are light bead crafts. For beginners, it will not be difficult to make, for example, such a fun bear. This time we will choose the fishing line as the basis. The technique used is the same - parallel weaving. First, two legs are made according to the scheme, each separately.

beautiful and light bead crafts

Then, on the right foot, the fishing line is trimmed and fixed. We put the left leg on the table. On the right end we string the bead, thread the line through the top row of the other foot. From the opposite side we pick up the next row, we pass the line through both legs and again through the first row of the body. Toward stretch the other end of the base. In the usual way, weave the body and head.

Ears and handles

Each ear of Winnie the Pooh is braided by one end of the fishing line. For pens we take another thread. We pick up one foot, then we stretch both ends through the upper row of the bear's blouse, fixing the limb well. On the other hand, the second handle is woven according to the scheme. The main thing is to tightly pull the fishing line so that the paws do not hang separately from the body.

You can find many schemes of light bead crafts on the Internet. There are bunnies, dolls, princes, mermaids, a cat in boots. You can create a whole puppet theater for children. If you want to come up with your own scheme of a man, keep proportions. Otherwise, the product will look messy.

Light crafts made from beads allow you to quickly learn the basics of craftsmanship. Subsequently, you will learn how to create voluminous work, navigate in complex schemes. The main thing is that needlework gives you joy. Then everything will work out.


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