Traditions of the Old New Year in Russia, Ukraine, Great Britain

Slavs always differed from other ethnic groups. Only they are so fond of celebrating various events, walking and having fun, that they have gathered in their "cultural piggy bank" a huge number of holidays and memorable dates. The broad Orthodox soul, instead of just one, celebrates two New Years: nowhere in the world will you find such a tradition or custom. Why not? Anyone who works hard has the right more often than others to relax and throw a feast for the whole world.

History of Tradition

Old New Year is a unique historical phenomenon that arose as a result of the transition of the Orthodox people from one reckoning to another. If earlier the Slavs lived according to the Julian calendar, then from 1918 they switched to the Gregorian, which the whole world adheres to. It is considered more accurate, since it includes amendments in the form of leap years.

traditions of the old new year
The changes took root, but people could not forget the old dates. The customs of the ancestors were firmly entrenched in the minds of the people, and it was almost impossible to move established traditions from a dead point. Therefore, the Slavs did not think for a long time and decided to celebrate the meeting of the year as much as two times. Moreover, the Old remained more popular than the New. Being very believers, Orthodox people strictly observed the Philippines fast, which ended only after Christmas. Therefore, the traditions of the Old New Year were supplemented by new customs and rituals: after all, it was now possible to roam to the fullest, without restricting yourself to food or entertainment.


The traditions of the Old New Year in Russia and Ukraine are rich and very interesting. The day before the holiday is dedicated to the memory of the Monk Melania, its origin goes deep back to the days when our ancestors were still pagans. From them remained the custom to conduct various games and rituals.

old new year tradition
January 13, the people still call Generous evening. Today it is customary to go from house to house, wishing the owners of good and peace. Guys gather in gangs and dress up in different costumes. Among the mummers there are gypsies, a bear, a cat, a crane, a goat, and a grandfather with a woman. But of course, Malanka occupies the most honorable place - a guy dressed in an old dress, whose face is smeared with chalk, eyebrows are drawn up with soot, lips are painted with beets. He climbs to all hugging and kissing, as a result, people get dirty with his "makeup", which, in principle, is considered a good omen.

According to the tradition of the Old New Year, the lumberjack guys come into the house, where they are treated by the owners with various delicacies. Girls at this time sing ritual songs under the windows, since they are forbidden to cross the threshold of others on Malanka.

Rite of cooking porridge

He occupied a special place and was considered almost a mystery. Porridge was cooked from January 13 to January 14. At exactly two o'clock in the morning, the owner was collecting water from the well, and his wife brought cereal from the barn. These two ingredients stood side by side until the stove was heated. It was not allowed to touch them: the Slavs believed that this could frighten away a happy fate.

traditions of the old new year in Russia
Then the woman threw grains into the water, stirred and sentenced special ritual words. Only after this could porridge be cooked, while watching how it rises. For example, if she climbed over the edges, this portended disaster for the whole house. A cracked pot also symbolized great sorrow. But neatly cooked tasty porridge indicated a rich harvest.

On the Old New Year, the traditions of which in each region are closely connected with gastronomic features, this yummy was taken for both cheeks to gobble up for breakfast. If the porridge failed, they threw it into the river far from home, so that running water would take away all the misfortunes with it. It was customary to prepare a dish from buckwheat, since it has long symbolized prosperity and God's blessing.

Various fortune-telling

According to the tradition of the Old New Year, dumplings are an indispensable attribute of a festive dinner. They have long been considered the national dish of Ukrainians, so they were present on the table not only on Generous Evening, but also during any other memorable date. But only on Malanka dumplings were not simple, but with a surprise. In addition to the usual fillings - potatoes, cabbage, cherries and cottage cheese - they put non-traditional. If a guest or a household, for example, came across a dumpling with sugar, this meant a sweet life next year, the thread symbolized a journey, buttons - new clothes, a coin - profit, beans - the birth of offspring, seeds - new acquaintances.

traditions of the old new year in Ukraine
The traditions of the Old New Year in Ukraine included other fortune-telling, which was usually done by unmarried girls. Putting a scallop under the pillow in the evening, they asked the betrothed to come in a dream and comb their curls. Whoever dreamed tonight will be her husband. The image of the beloved was also searched in the mirrors, and his name was recognized by the first person he met at the gate of his family home.


The Slavs have long believed in them. For many centuries, the life of Orthodox people was so overflowing with them that every ordinary day was associated with a particular sign. What to say about the holidays! The traditions of the Old New Year, as well as most of the signs associated with it, are oriented towards people and the actions that they perform. So, it was considered a good sign if on the eve of January 14 the first guest was a man, not a woman.

traditions of the old new year dumplings
They also tried to have money in the house on Generous evening, this promised wealth. It was not allowed to lend, otherwise poverty could be incited. They did not cook birds and fish, since happiness, like them, could fly away or swim away. But pork dishes were at the peak of popularity: they said that this animal would “build up” prosperity. Therefore, often cooked roast from ribs, baked piglets and delicious chops.

The weather also predicted the future: a quiet, clear night — a happy year, an abundance of hoarfrost on the trees — it will be possible to collect a lot of honey and grain, snow for a good harvest, and a thaw for rainy summers.

Vasiliev day

It came on January 14th and was considered the first day of the New Year according to the Julian calendar. People got up before sunrise and prepared to receive the first guests. According to the tradition of the Old New Year, the sowing ceremony was popular in Russia . With handfuls full of grain, boys came into the hut and asked the owners for permission to perform the ceremony. Having received it, they generously scattered cereals, trying to fill them with as much territory as possible. Children sentenced so that happiness would accompany the owners throughout the year, only prosperity and luck awaited them in the future.

traditions of the old new year in the uk in english
The seedlings received generous gifts and joyfully fled to the next house. The hostess, meanwhile, collected grains from the floor: they were stored for a whole year for good luck. And on this day, young men united in whole groups, put on bright costumes and continued to entertain the whole honest people. The Old New Year, whose traditions are invariably associated with the mummers, turned into a real fun and amusing performance.

Old New Year in other countries

Abroad, the holiday remains incomprehensible to foreigners. Traditions of the Old New Year are revered only by emigrant Slavs, immigrants from the CIS countries. For example, the UK hosts the Russian Winter festival. In the heart of London, Trafalgar Square is hosting a festive fair where you can buy souvenirs and gifts. Funny nesting dolls, inflated samovars, crunchy gingerbread cookies - all the characters inherent in our country are sold here for several days.

traditions of the old new year
The traditions of the Old New Year in Great Britain are most similar to Russian customs . English is spoken the first toast to the queen, the second to the Russian president. Well, then begins a large-scale walk with Russian dances and buffoons. The festival is always charitable: it collects money for orphanages in Russia or for the construction of Orthodox churches in London. Now in this country lives 40 thousand Russians. Most of them attend this festival in order to plunge into the atmosphere of a distant, but so beloved Motherland.


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