How to get Steam cards collectible quickly? How to get a metal Steam card?

The Steam gaming platform has gained incredible popularity due to its versatility and convenience. First of all, it is worth noting that with this platform the digital distribution of computer games has gained the greatest popularity, as it has become incredibly convenient and fast. You just need to find the right game in the store "Steam", add it to the basket, choose a payment method - and you already have it on your account, you can immediately download it and start the game. But this is not all that Steam offers you. For example, it is worth noting the constant pleasant discounts and sales, achievements in many games, gaming communities, and, of course, collection cards, which are talked about so much on the network. If you want to learn how to receive cards on Steam, then this article can help you a lot.

What are Steam cards?

how to get cards in steam

If you want to learn how to get cards on Steam, then first you need to figure out what these items are all about. In fact, everything is quite simple, since a large number of games that you can find in "Steam" participate in the corresponding program, which allows users to receive collection cards as a reward for the time spent in the game. They are small images of characters or places from a particular game with a name and stylish design. You can find out if you can receive collection cards as a drop during the game on the page of a specific project - if he participates in the program, this will be noted among its other features. So you can find out if you will receive cards even before you buy the game itself. But first of all, you need to find out not how to receive cards on Steam, but why they are needed.

Icons in Steam

how to get a set of steam cards

Many people think that these cards are intended solely for collecting, but this is far from the case. The fact is that when collecting the complete set you get the opportunity to create a game icon. What will it give you? Is it worth it to give all your cards? Really worth it, and now you will understand why. Firstly, you get the opportunity to set the created icon on your profile page as a decoration. Secondly, it gives your account experience points, which ultimately take you to a new level, which gives you some advantages in terms of using Steam. Thirdly, you get bonus items - with each craft you will find in your inventory a new background for Steam on the topic of a specific game, as well as an emoticon with a character or any other manifestation of your game. Accordingly, badges are an incredibly useful and pleasant thing, so you should definitely exchange your cards for badges whenever possible.

Receiving cards

how to get cards in steam faster

Well, it's time to address the most important question - how to get cards on Steam. In fact, everything is quite simple - you just need to turn on the game that participates in this program and play it a certain amount of time. Cards automatically drop out and are added to your inventory when you spend a certain amount of time in the game continuously. In some cases, you need to spend only 5-10 minutes on one card, and sometimes up to half an hour. At the same time, note that you will never get a complete collection of cards exclusively with the help of the drop from the game. If the complete collection requires ten cards, then you will only get five, and some of them can be repeated, so do not expect to craft an icon, just by playing for a while - you will have to make a little more effort. And what is needed for this, you will learn further.

Card sets

steam trading cards how to get

In "Steam", in addition to ordinary cards, there are also the so-called "booster packs". If you receive them, then you can then open and get three random cards from them for this game. This can greatly bring you closer to creating the desired icon. How to get a set of Steam cards? The system here is a little different, so you need to carefully study the issue. When you receive all available cards using the drop, your account is added to the list of those who have also exhausted their supply. And now, when some gamer who has assembled a complete collection decides to craft an icon, a person who gets a booster pack is randomly selected from the general list. The chance of getting it is extremely small, so you should not rely heavily on such an opportunity, but from this getting the kit becomes even more pleasant and unexpected. Now you know how to get a set of Steam cards, but it is unlikely that anyone will be satisfied with a low chance when it can be increased.

Booster Pack Chance

how to get a steam metal card

Earlier in the article, it was said that increasing the level of an account in "Steam" gives you some pleasant and useful advantages. One of them is directly related to collectible cards, or rather, with sets. When you reach the tenth level, creating badges and completing other tasks for which you gain experience, you get a 20 percent increase in the chance of a booster pack falling out. And this is not a one-time action - every ten levels your chance will increase by another twenty percent. Thus, by the fiftieth level you will already receive an increase in the chances of a booster pack doubling twice, which cannot but rejoice.

Card Trading

steam how to get more cards

However, as you know, even a serious increase in the chance of a booster pack falling out does not give you at least some guarantee that it will still be periodically delivered to you. Moreover, you will definitely not be protected from receiving those cards that you already have. But what to do? How to get yourself the missing Steam Trading Cards? How to get them to craft a badge? To do this, there is a market that can be visited by every user whose account has been active for three months - this is a means of protection from scammers, who otherwise could create one-day accounts and deceive people. But what is this market like? Here, each user of Steam can sell and buy items related to Steam, such as weapons from Counter Strike. Naturally, you can also trade cards here - this is a very useful and beneficial activity for everyone. Those people who are not interested in creating badges can sell them and receive real money in order to spend them on new games. And those who want to create more badges can spend money on buying the missing cards. All Steam users are the winners. How to get more cards through the market, you already know, you just have to learn very few subtleties of this topic.

The appearance of special cards

steam how to get cards quickly

You definitely need to know that at one point in the "Steam" were introduced new cards, which were called Foil. They differ from the usual ones in that they have a silver edge and are much more expensive. Initially, the user had to reach the tenth level in order to be able to drop the file card. However, over time, the situation has changed, and now every user of "Steam" has the opportunity to receive such a rare card from the moment he registered in the system.

How to get a file card?

Naturally, many gamers are wondering how to get a Steam metal card. In fact, there is nothing to ask about here - the process is no different from receiving ordinary cards. File cards drop in exactly the same way during the game, but only with a much lower chance. The exact numbers are not given anywhere, but most users agree that the chance is about one percent. However, values โ€‹โ€‹differing in various opinions from 0.1 percent to as much as five percent (the latter option is extremely unlikely). Unfortunately, you cannot increase the chance of a metal card falling out by any means, so you have to wait and hope that luck smiles at you. Well, now it remains only to find out how to get cards on Steam faster.

Using programs

Everyone imagines that installing and running the game, as well as spending some time in it, is a rather time-consuming task. But how to get cards on Steam faster? There is a way - you will need third-party software, such as Idle Master. By launching it and registering in it through your Steam account, you can forget about the cards, since the program will install the games itself, run them in the background, collect drops and delete the game immediately after that - you only need to be logged in Steam system. How to get cards quickly, you now know, so you can start collecting full collections.


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