Cat breeds with photos, names and description

In the world there is an incredible number of different breeds of cats. These cute creatures have long become human companions. Shorthair and fluffy, with cute ears and a free character .... There are no cats. It is these creatures that have been walking side by side with man since time immemorial. If you are thinking about getting a cute pet, but don’t know who to choose, then our article will help you learn the most popular types of these animals. During the conversation, we want to not only introduce the main breeds of cats with photos and names, but also describe their main characteristics.

Aegean breed

Aegean cat is considered one of the most ancient breeds domesticated by man. In Greece, these cute creatures are considered a national treasure.

The birthplace of the breed is the Cyclades islands in the Aegean Sea, where the name of the variety came from. For hundreds of years, wild cats lived exclusively in fishing ports. They got to the mainland of the country on ships with sailors, which earned them the fame of good hunters and rat killers.

cat breeds with photos and names

Purposefully, the breed began to be bred in the 1990s. She has not yet received official recognition. Aegean cat is quite rare outside of Greece.

Breed description

Aegean cat is a medium sized animal. Her weight ranges from 4-5 kilograms. The breed standard, although not registered, however, there is a general description of the animal:

  1. The head is wide, medium in size.
  2. The ears are covered with wool, wide at the base and have rounded tips.
  3. The body is very muscular and elongated. In appearance, cats may even seem well-fed, but this is only an indicator of their athletic build.
  4. The eyes have a characteristic almond shape.
  5. Paws proportional to the body.
  6. Long and straight tail.
  7. The hair of the animal has no undercoat and is half-long. The tail is very magnificent.

Aegean cats are smart and active. But they are very poorly trained. These animals can be safely called natural hunters and fishers. It is these abilities that distinguish them from many other breeds. Aegeans are simply irreplaceable in an economy where there are rodents. However, it should be borne in mind that you can’t get such a pet if a hamster, bird or even a lizard already lives in your house, because for a cat they can become just prey. If the cat has nothing to do, he will gladly play with his favorite subject. Aegeans are very loyal to the owners, so they are on the heels. Animals love affection, but are not picky at all.

Aegean cats are accustomed to living on the street, so a private house is well suited for them. Animals are not at all afraid of water, moreover, they climb into it as soon as possible.

Highland fold

The story of the appearance of these beautiful animals is quite long and confusing. The birthplace of the breed is Scotland. In 1961, kittens with special ears were born at a local farmer. This was the first highland fold. The cat received the name Susie, it was she who became the ancestor of the entire breed. Surprisingly, this species was registered after five years. The name of the breed is associated with geography, since Highland is a mountainous region of Scotland.

aegean cat

Miniature cats captivated many hearts. Their main feature is cute ears, which have a special shape. In addition, they are tilted forward. An interesting fact is that only in three weeks it becomes clear whether the kitten belongs to this breed.

Longhair animals resemble a fluffy cloud, so round in shape. The eyes of cats are widely spaced and have a rounded shape. The breed is characterized by average body sizes. Outwardly, the animal may seem well-fed, but it is not. Cats are characterized by very strong limbs of medium length and long flexible tails. The weight of the animal is from three to eight kilograms.

The breed boasts a beautiful coat of medium length. A shorter pile is visible only on the legs and face. In the area of ​​the collar and panties, the wool is decorated with beautiful bunches. Well, the tail is generally the pride of the animal. Highland fold can have absolutely any color - white, gray, marble, red.

Representatives of this breed are friendly. The animal is at the same time very soft and at the same time cheerful. It gets along well with all members of the family. Cats are not at all afraid to remain in the apartment themselves; they tolerate the hosts' campaigns to work well. Representatives of the breed do not suffer from loneliness, therefore, such a creature can be brought by those people who come home in the evenings, and are absent in the daytime. In addition, the highlands have a great road tolerance. You can safely take them on a trip. Animals are characterized by calm calm and poise.


Not all lovers of cute pets can boast of their knowledge in their forms. When deciding to make a friend, it’s worth first to study at least some of the most popular cat breeds. With the photos and names given in our article, it will be easier for you to cope with this task. Knowing the character, you can choose the right pet.

highland fold

Supporters of hairless animals should pay attention to the breed Ukrainian levkoy, which appeared recently, thanks to the efforts of a felinologist from Kiev Elena Biryukova. The history of this species began in 2000. And the name of the breed was given due to the completely unusual shape of the ears, which is somewhat reminiscent of levkoy flowers. Despite the fact that this species of animals appeared recently, there are already a considerable number of its admirers not only in Ukraine, but also far beyond its borders.

Ukrainian Levka weighs an average of five kilograms. The animal has a muscular body and a narrow chest. Cats of this breed are much smaller than cats. Large almond-shaped eyes can have any color, however, they prefer blue and green. The skin of animals is hot to the touch. On the body, it is folded. The breed standard assumes any color. As a rule, preference is given to hairless animals, but the presence of a light fringe throughout the body is possible.

Ukrainian leftists are friendly and very sociable. They make contact with ease and are easy to learn. The cheerful character of the animal will appeal to any owner. In addition, cats quickly get used to the new conditions of existence. Levkoys are very affectionate and patient, they willingly respond to love.

However, when you bring up such an animal, you need to understand that it needs special care and clothing, since it has absolutely no hair. The delicate skin of pets does not tolerate drafts; it is prone to sunburn and drying out. All these nuances will require additional trouble on the part of the owners.

Tailless breeds

There are various legends about the appearance of tailless cats. But from a scientific point of view, the absence of such an important element for cats as the tail is the result of selection or mutation.

tailless cats

The Chinese, for example, believe that a tailless animal is a symbol of wealth and good luck. Therefore, such breeds are very popular in Japan and China. Tailless cats are commonly called “bobtail”. Despite the lack of a tail, thanks to which cats keep their balance, animals are considered very strong and agile. And the reason for this is their highly developed muscles.

Kimirik and Bobtail

A vivid representative of tailless can be called a breed of kimirik. Such animals have fluffy and long hair, which makes them appear very thick.

But the most common tailless breed is considered to be the Kurilian Bobtail. A strong muscular animal is very devoted to its owner. In addition, there is still a Kuril and American bobtail. The Mekong species has a small appendage in place of the tail. Animals of this breed are distinguished by the presence in the behavior of dog habits. The Mekong Bobtail loves to gnaw some objects in its teeth, it gets used to a leash well.

Ukrainian levkoy

Representatives of the breed are related to Siamese cats, so their colors are similar.

Also noteworthy are Japanese bobtail and squeak bob. Many of these breeds have appendages in place of the tail. But the Manx cat is deprived of it. In place of the tail of the animal is a fossa. Such cats have plush hair and are characterized by a soft playful character, therefore they are good as pets. Bobtail kittens are active from early childhood, but at the same time they are very demanding of attention from the owners. Having matured, pets are no less sociable and still want attention from a person. Therefore, this animal is suitable only for those people who are willing to devote a lot of time to the animal.

Bobtail kittens can be taken no earlier than three months of age, because until that time there will be no certainty that the baby will be able to eat on its own in the absence of mother's milk.

Rex breed

We have long been accustomed to the fact that cats have fluffy, smooth, long or short hair. However, in the world there are rex cats with curly cover. Once upon a time, animals with such features were killed, believing that this was a sign of illness or a bad sign.

rex cat

Now such unusual kittens may well become the ancestors of the newest breed. Rex cats with cute curls are currently very popular. Among them there are representatives of different breeds:

  1. Konish Rex is the oldest representative of the group. The first animal was born in England. It had beautiful curls forming soft waves. Further work on the breeding of a new breed led to the appearance of a tall and thin cat with thin legs. Although she is not very much like her relatives, she is still not without charm. At the same time, the animal has an incredibly soft and sociable character. In addition, cats are very attached to humans.
  2. Devon Rex is very similar to the previous breed. She appeared in 1960. The animal has a small but very elegant body with astrakhan curls.
  3. German Rex is a unique breed, the number of which is currently small. Its distinctive feature is soft astrakhan fur, covered with waves of curls.
  4. Bohemian Rex comes from Persian cats.
  5. Ural Rex.
  6. La perm.


The Havana cat breed appeared as a result of crossing domestic black cats and representatives of the Siamese breed. A characteristic feature of animals is the chocolate color.

The breed, although it has an exotic name, is still England. The appearance of the first brown cats dates back to the 1800s. However, animals began to breed only in the 1950s. A long history has brought the breed to the American continent. It was there that they began to breed exclusively brown animals, which later became known as the Havana.

Cats of this breed are medium in size, and weigh up to five kilograms. Outwardly, they give the impression of a lighter being than they really are. The ears of the animal are inclined slightly forward and set wide. Large oval eyes are green. The hair of the animal is short and very shiny. There are individuals of lilac color, they are more fluffy than brown cats.

bobtail kittens

For Havana, human society is very necessary. They get along well with children and other representatives of the animal world. Cats of this breed are moderately active, very playful, and also like to talk. At the same time, the sounds made by them are not intrusive.

Havana loves height, so they climb to the highest points in the apartment. Cats very actively use their paws, communicating with people or playing objects. An animal from loneliness quickly becomes depressed and begins to hurt, therefore, it constantly requires close communication with its owners. Representatives of the breed can be recommended only to those people who have the opportunity to devote enough time to them. Since Havana cats are related to the Siamese breed, they inherited a tendency to certain diseases. The rest of the care of the port is not very difficult.

Ceylon breed

Ceylon cat is a rather rare breed. From the name it is already possible to understand that the animal’s homeland is Ceylon, now it is Sri Lanka. In 1984, an Italian doctor brought several cats to Italy. With other breeders, he began breeding a new breed. Unfortunately, the exact origin of the species is currently unknown, since in Sri Lanka there are quite a lot of representatives of the cat family. Therefore, it is difficult to determine exactly who became the progenitors of the new breed.

Ceylon cats are small in size, an adult weighs 2.5 kilograms. A feature of the breed is its modest size. Cats have thin paws and a small head of a regular shape. The ears of the animal are widely spaced and covered with soft long hairs. Big eyes of cats can have a different shade: from light to dark green.

Ceylon cat has a short thick coat. Very often individuals with ticking are found. The color of the coat can be any, but the most common are cream and tan animals. The most valuable specimens are considered individuals with a red-brown and blue shade of wool.

Havana cat breed

Ceylon cats are characterized by a sociable and open character. They cannot stand loneliness, but at the same time they do not sit in one place. Animals are incredibly energetic and curious. They always follow the owner and watch his activities with interest. Cats very subtly feel the state and mood of the owner, but at the same time they are never intrusive. Despite the playfulness and mischief, the animals are polite and do not scam. If the owner makes it clear in a voice that he doesn’t like something in the pet’s behavior, the cats will instantly respond to comments. In general, representatives of the breed are very intelligent and smart, while they have a very developed sense of justice. Therefore, they will not tolerate resentment.

Forin white

A rare breed of cats native to England has an incredibly beautiful appearance. The sky-blue eyes of the animal will amaze any fan of pets. It is they who show a close relationship with the Siamese breed. These creatures became the first white cats with azure eyes, which have a completely normal hearing. It is no secret that snow-white Persian cats and Angora are deaf.

Forin White appeared due to genetic experiments of an experienced breeder from the UK. She managed to get a new breed, which had not only white coat, but also excellent hearing. Despite all the difficulties, the new species was quickly recognized officially.

Outwardly, cats are very similar to Siamese counterparts. Adults weigh from 4 to 6 kilograms, and live up to 15-20 years. Animals are characterized by large, wide-set ears, and a slender long body. The fur of cats is very short and tight to the body.

ceylon cat

Forin white is a very smart, playful and sociable animals. They are incredibly loyal to their masters. Their temperament is even more like a dog. Animals adore chasing the ball, and having caught it, they bring it to the owner in the teeth. Such cats need constant close communication with people, they can not be located for a long time themselves. As a rule, they prefer to follow on the heels of the owner, accompanying him even to bed. For a cat, man is the same creature as himself. Forins love to chat. But their voice is more like a children's, very quiet cry. If the animal does not have enough of your attention, then it will certainly make it clear in voice.

Minsk breed

As you may have noticed, in our article we give young breeds of cats with photos and names. Many of them appeared recently as a result of the great work of breeders.

The Minsk breed is the same breed. She appeared at the very beginning of the 21st century. The main distinguishing feature of animals is short legs and the presence of fur points on the naked body. Because of the furry legs of cats, they are sometimes called hobbits.

The USA is considered the homeland of the cat Minsk. The first kitten of this breed was born in 2000. And after five years, the new species was officially recognized.

Minsk is very small, and weigh from two to three kilograms. On the body of the animal there are many folds that are more noticeable on kittens. Individuals have a different color. But the most common colorpoint.

forin white

With their small stature and short legs, Minsk is very dexterous and agile creatures. They may not be able to jump onto a high refrigerator right away, but they will get there in some roundabout way. Animals love to climb to heights. Cats need movement and running. They quickly become attached to people, so they can not be left alone. Animals not only get along well with all members of the family, but also with other brothers. Cats are very patient with children's antics.

Oregon breed

Oregon Rex is a breed that appeared by chance as a result of a gene mutation. Its name is associated with the state in the USA in which a new species was registered.

cats minskin

The animal is medium in size and weighs no more than six kilograms. The miniature creature is covered with curly hair. Animals are very affectionate, but at the same time playful and demanding of people's attention. They love new acquaintances and quickly adapt to any stop. For humans, such a creature can become a real life partner, which will follow. At the same time, cats get along well even with the smallest family members. They endure all their inept games. Animals get along well even with dogs. They are very playful and energetic, and therefore love to run.

Bengal breed

The cat breeds described in the article with photos and names are so different that it is difficult to decide which one is more like it. But, choosing a pet, it’s still worthwhile to focus on what conditions the animal needs to provide and how much attention you can devote to it. If you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to wait with such an important step, since many cats become attached to people very quickly.

Such is the Bengal cat. Description of the character of this cute creature is worth starting with the fact that it is very loving. Moreover, the love of the animal is enough for all family members. Cats quickly become attached to people, showing devotion and responsiveness. They build their relationship with a person so that they become a true friend for life.

oregon rex

And yet, despite the great popularity of the breed, it is worth noting that such an animal is not suitable for everyone. Bengalis feel better with experienced owners who can spend a lot of time daily with a pet. Cats are demanding attention, love to talk and make a wide range of sounds. Animals love to play with water and walk on a leash. Owners of representatives of the breed believe that the Belgians are completely devoid of aggression. In addition, animals are very smart, they learn quickly and can learn some tricks. Cats can independently turn on light switches, open doors or press the drain button. Such animal skills, of course, do not always please the owners.


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