Actinidia colomicta: growing kiwi in the home garden

Colomict actinidia is the most common frost-resistant species of actinidia, recognized in Russia. The first cultivars were brought back in the last century by Michurin, who called the plant northern grapes. One of the representatives of actinidia is the well-known kiwi.

Colinict actinidia: beneficial properties

Everyone knows about the usefulness of kiwi, first of all, this fruit is rich in vitamin C. Actinidia colomicta does not lag behind its thermophilic fellow in useful properties. The vitamin C content in the fruits of the plant is more than 2000 mg (per 100 g of fruits). For example, blackcurrant has 350 mg.

But, despite the high concentration of "acidic" vitamin, actinidia berries have a sweet taste. This is possible due to the amazing balance of sugars and fruit acids. The delicate taste of the fruits of actinidia is combined with a delicate aroma. Liana is rich in other beneficial substances - pectin, carotenes, B vitamins and PP.

Colinict actinidia: decorative properties

In addition to nutritional value, the plant is distinguished by its decorative qualities. "Northern Grapes" is a fast-growing vine, growing one and a half to two meters per season. A distinctive feature is that the plant does not freeze during the winter. This property is taken into account when decorating fences, walls, unsightly corners of the garden with actinidia. Liana is perfect for small gardens, as it takes up very little space.

Male species of the plant, which are distinguished by variegation, look quite interesting. The leaves of these vines in early summer gradually, starting from the tips, turn white, and then get a pinkish color.

Actinidia: landing

Plant a plant should be in the spring, before budding. However, if it is necessary to plant a creeper in the autumn, then the chances of rooting also remain high (cuttings with roots are used in autumn).

The plant belongs to centenarians, in one place it can grow for about 50 years. Therefore, for planting, it is necessary to prepare a large pit, at the bottom of which claydite, gravel or broken brick should be put for drainage. Then you need to add light fertile soil, which is prepared from humus or superphosphate with compost, ash and garden soil.

Actinidia colomicta is lowered into the pit so that, after shrinkage of the earth, the root neck of the liana remains at ground level. Therefore, the pit for planting must be prepared in advance so that it shrinks.

When growing, it should be borne in mind that the plant is dioecious, and for its bearing, female and male individuals will be required. For better pollination, 2 male shoots and 5 female shoots are planted nearby.

Actinidia: cultivation and care

In the first year, the plant should be well insulated if planted in the fall. In the future, the liana will grow stronger and will be able to wait out the winter even in severe frosts (up to 40 degrees) directly on the support.

The plant is unpretentious, for successful growth and good development, it will initially require proper planting in slightly acidic light soil and good drainage.

To develop actinidia, you need a lot of light and good hydration, but you should not pour excess water.

If desired, the plant can also be removed from seeds, in the future the seedling will become even more resistant to climatic conditions.

Actinidia colomicta: fruiting

An adult bush for a season gives up to 7 kilograms of fruit, which the plant begins to bring from 3 years of life, increasing its yield each season. Greenish shades of berries (similar to kiwi) have a weight of up to 5 grams, are distinguished by a thin skin and a pleasant taste.

When harvesting, difficulties arise that are associated with the non-simultaneous ripening of berries and their shedding. In order not to lose crop, it is recommended to lay a piece of fabric or film under the bush.

Actinidia: varieties

The plant has many varieties. The following actinidia varieties were widely used: Waffle, Grape, Abundant, Queen of the Garden, Coin, Hope, Stranger, Robinson.


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