How to mold a horse from plasticine: we create together with preschoolers

A child at each age has certain skills: it is easier for a three-year-old baby to make sausages, and a five-year-old baby freely rotates small balls. Consider how to mold a horse from plasticine, from simple to complex products.

how to mold a horse from plasticine

Sculpt with 3-4 year old children

It is difficult for kids of this age to attach parts to the body, make small parts and work with the stack. Therefore, adult assistance is required. Let's try to make a horse out of plasticine in stages.

  • Roll plasticine into a thick sausage.
  • Cut small pieces from each edge with a stack, determining the size of the legs and torso.
  • Bend the โ€œnotchedโ€ sausage in a semicircle and align your legs.
  • Make four small circles, flatten them and put them on your feet. It will be hooves.
  • Roll up a small sausage for the head. From the side of the muzzle, make it a little square, and attach it to the trunk with the edge of the neck.
  • Roll up small round eyes. Stick on the face.
  • Make small sausages and flatten them at the base. Stick to your head. It will be ears.
  • Between the ears, attach the mane, which must be made of three long thin strips.
  • For the tail, roll the sausage and flatten it. Attach to the torso.
  • It remains only to draw a mouth on the face with a stack and make holes-nostrils.

How to mold a horse from plasticine with matches and toothpicks

  • Roll up a thick sausage for the body and bend it, determining the length of the neck. With your fingers, as if "pulling off" excess clay from the cervical spine to the croup of a horse. Insert a match into your neck.
  • Roll out 4 leg sausages. Insert matches into them from above.
  • Make four balls and flatten them from one edge (you get original slippers). โ€œPutโ€ hooves on your legs and cut off excess clay.
  • Carefully attach the legs to the body. Matches simplify this process, you just have to smooth the joints of the joints with your hands.
  • Roll a large ball for the head and make an oval out of it.
  • Roll out two small balls and make a notch in them with a match. These will be the nostrils, which should be attached to a wide part of the muzzle.
  • Then flatten the two balls for the eyes. On top of them, attach either purchased pupils or a ball of black. Attach them to the narrow part of the head.
  • Make ears out of ovals and flatten them from one end. Attach to the head.
  • For the tail and mane, make a sausage, flatten it and make incisions in the stack. Attach to the torso and head.
    plasticine horse in stages

Crafts from plasticine: a horse in motion

  • Fashion a torso with a neck from a sausage. Flatten the edge of the neck as if you were making flower petals.
  • Make a head with an elongated muzzle and insert into the groove made at the neck. Gently smooth the joint.
  • On the body with your fingers, make pits for fastening the legs.
  • Make two straight sausages for the front legs. Insert the wire into them. Attach the first leg perpendicular to the body. The second - as if parallel to the body, that is, as if the horse lifted his leg forward for the next step. In the knee, bend the sausage and adjust the joints.
  • For hind legs, make sausages with wide hips. Insert the wire into them and attach to the body. To highlight the joints in the knees, the legs need to bend and straighten.
  • For the tail, roll the sausage and make scissors with scissors, imitating the hair. Attach to the torso.
  • For mane and bangs, flatten the sausage and cut it with scissors into strips on both sides. Attach to the head as if the hair is flying in different directions.
  • Last of all, make ears, and with a stack - notches for the eyes and nostrils. Insert small balls into your eyes.

Modeling recommendations with preschoolers

Explaining to children how to mold a horse from plasticine, let's recall what skills are fixed in children when sculpting this animal. Preschoolers study:

  • roll big and small balls;
  • make thick and thin sausages;
  • work with the stack;
  • roll an oval;
  • flatten shapes in the right place.

With young children it is important to work out all the details (eyes, ears, nostrils, tail, legs, mane, bangs), and for this you need to discuss all the points how to mold a horse from plasticine. It doesnโ€™t matter that some of them will not be able to repeat, the main thing is to understand the distinguishing features of the horse compared to other animals. For example, an elongated oval head, a long neck, tail and mane from "fluttering" hair, hooves, nostrils.

crafts from plasticine horse
It is better to start with simple models and then move on to complex products, where children try to make joints invisible, and horse shapes realistic. For work, you can take not only plasticine, but also a special mass for modeling, clay, so that the child can see the difference between the crafts.


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