Nutrilak Premium 1 infant formula: reviews

The best nutrition for a newborn baby is breast milk. But there are situations when breastfeeding is not possible. In this case, the young mother transfers the child to artificial nutrition. Choosing a high-quality mixture that is suitable for the baby is not always easy. To simplify this task for parents, the Russian manufacturer Nutritek created a high-quality adapted Nutrilak mixture.

reviews about nutrilak premium milk formula 1

About the manufacturer

The Russian company Nutritek was founded in 1990 and is now the largest domestic producer of baby food. The company is engaged in the manufacture of children's medical and specialized nutrition, various types of dairy products.

For the production of baby food, the company uses only environmentally friendly products that have passed special testing.

nutrilac premium 1 reviews

Enterprises are especially responsible for manufacturing processes. Thus, the creation of each new food product always goes through the stage of scientific research in microbiological and chemical laboratories. In parallel, research is being conducted by experts in the field of nutrition and pediatrics.

At all stages of production, strict control is carried out. Therefore, parents can be confident in the quality and safety of the infant formula.

Nutritek Products

The company produces a large assortment of food for young children. All products comply with quality standards through regular organizational and technical measures. Also, the company has developed a special control system that guarantees high quality indicators of raw materials and finished products.

Nutritek company produces food for newborns, infants, as well as for children requiring special or medical products. Clinical studies have proven the high efficiency of the therapeutic products of this manufacturer. In addition, all Nutritek meals comply with international standards. Therefore, the products of this brand are sold not only in the Russian market, but also in some countries of the near abroad.

mix nutrilac premium 1 reviews

Nutritek company produces baby food under the following brands: Baby, Nutrilak, Lactomil and Femilak products for pregnant and lactating mothers, Nutrien therapeutic food and Tetrafen for children with hereditary diseases and Afenilak. Among young mothers, the Nutrilak Premium 1 mixture is very popular. Customer reviews confirm the high quality of nutrition for infants.

Mix for newborns "Nutrilak Premium 1"

For babies who are on artificial feeding, the company produces dry adapted formula “Nutrilak Premium 1”. Reviews of young mothers relate to the full composition of this mixture for newborns.

Nutrilak Premium 1 is designed to feed babies from birth to 6 months. It contains all the important elements necessary for the full development of the baby and provides his body with the right amount of energy.

nutrilac premium 1 pediatrician reviews

The absence or lack of breast milk is the main indication for which Nutrilak Premium 1 infant formula is used. Reviews of young parents mostly relate to the beneficial composition of baby food of this brand. The baby, who is breast-fed, develops and gains weight well. And the vitamins and microelements present in the mixture strengthen the immune system and normalize digestion.

Mixture benefits

The composition that is as close as possible to breast milk is the main advantage of the Nutrilak Premium 1 mixture. Mommy reviews also emphasize the ease of assimilation. This milk formula normalizes digestion and does not cause stool problems.

Also in the composition of the mixture are components that affect the strengthening of immunity.

Other important advantages of Nutrilac are the absence of starch, sucrose and GMO in its composition.

nutrilac premium 1 reviews price

By a combination of price and quality parameters, the Nutrilak Premium 1 mixture can be considered the best domestic food. The reviews testify to the great popularity of Nutrilak baby food among young parents.

Mixture composition

Leading scientists and pediatricians of Russia developed the Nutrilak mixture. The best confirmation of the usefulness of Nutrilak Premium 1 - reviews. The composition of the mixture includes all important components and meets nutritional requirements. So, the composition of Nutrilak Premium 1 includes such substances:

  1. Fatty acids - they play a crucial role in the development of organs of the nervous system and vision. Fatty acids also have a greater effect on the psychomotor development of the baby and the functioning of the immune system.
  2. Prebiotics are indispensable elements for the development and gradual growth of beneficial intestinal microflora. They promote normal digestion and affect stool regularity.
  3. Nucleotides - positively affect the strengthening of the immune system.
  4. Lutein - favorably affects the organ of vision and contributes to its development.
  5. Antioxidants and vitamins (zinc, selenium, taurine, vitamins A, E, C, B) - strengthen the baby's body and protect it from harmful external factors.

The composition also includes skimmed milk powder, whey, folic acid, minerals and vegetable oils.


Nutrilak mix is ​​suitable for all babies and in very rare cases causes digestive upsets. Therefore, this mixture can be given to all infants. The only contraindication that is contained in the instructions for the mixture is individual intolerance to the components. Therefore, before using the mixture, it is recommended that you first consult a pediatrician.

nutrilac premium 1 composition reviews

Pediatricians reviews

First of all, it is important to note that the Nutrilak mixture is approved by the Union of Pediatricians of Russia. This means that it has undergone an independent laboratory research and is manufactured in accordance with state technological standards.

As for the opinion of pediatricians of city hospitals and clinics, most of them highly appreciated the quality of Nutrilak mix and often recommend it to young mothers who have problems with lactation. There are situations when mothers buy more expensive imported milk formulas, but soon switch to Nutrilak Premium 1.

baby formula Nutrilac Premium 1 reviews

Reviews of pediatricians confirm the high quality of the Nutrilak mixture, which is in no way inferior to the baby food of famous brands. And in some cases, the domestic mixture even surpasses foreign analogues. Sometimes it happens that the child’s body does not perceive expensive mixtures. Vomiting begins, upset stool, allergic manifestations. And after feeding with the Nutrilak Premium mixture, the condition of the child improves. According to pediatricians, the Nutrilak mixture is safer and is the best food for babies who are breast-fed.

Parent reviews

If you start looking for reviews of (Nutrilak Premium 1) milk formula, you will find many positive customer comments. Nutrilak mix exists on the Russian market enough time for parents to appreciate its quality. According to reviews, young mothers prefer domestic products. For this reason, parents choose Nutrilak Premium 1. Reviews mainly concern the low cost and high quality of the mixture. It also dissolves easily and does not foam. This is very important because with the foam the child can swallow air. And this will cause regurgitation.

Also, parents praised the usefulness of the mixture and its safety. So, in comparison with the nutrition of other manufacturers, the Nutrilak mixture does not cause stool and allergy disorders. Kids immediately adapt to this mixture and drink it with pleasure.

reviews about nutrilak premium milk formula 1

Especially parents are pleased with the composition. The Nutrilak mixture has all the microelements, vitamins and other important substances necessary for the full development of the baby that affect the formation of immunity. Therefore, mothers, whose children are breast-fed, are calm about the health of their babies.

The cost of the milk mixture

One of the cheapest mixes in the baby food market is Nutrilak Premium 1. Reviews: “Low price” is true. So, the average cost of this mixture weighing 400 g is 220 rubles. For comparison, a can of Nutrilon mixture of the same weight costs 550 rubles.

In some stores with baby food or pharmacies sometimes carry out different promotions and parents have the opportunity to buy the Nutrilak mixture even cheaper.

It is thanks to the combination of low price and high quality that young parents choose Nutrilak Premium 1. Customer reviews - the best confirmation of confidence in the Nutritek brand products.


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