All about grass thyme: beneficial properties and contraindications

Nature has created diverse and unique plants that people use for medicinal, cosmetic and culinary purposes. Thyme is one of such plants that have the strongest healing properties. This grass has an ancient history, it is mentioned in ancient Greece, it was used in various rites and traditions. And the thyme grass is also called the โ€œMother of God grassโ€, this is explained by the fact that its delicate inflorescences resemble the face of the Virgin. There is also a legend that it was thyme grass that was the litter for the newborn Jesus.

thyme useful properties and contraindications

Thyme was used for fumigating shrines, it was considered a symbol of courage and victory. It was used for cooking and treatment, thyme was considered an excellent tool for flavoring wines. Thyme wreaths and bracelets were worn by girls to preserve beauty and youth. With the development of maritime trade routes, thyme grass has become known for European countries. Since that time, its medicinal properties began to be rapidly studied and recorded in books on herbs and medicinal products. This plant has remained popular to the present day; it has been successfully used in medical and cosmetological practice.

Now in many hot places common grass thyme, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which must be studied before use. The plant has tall and long stems, strewn with small leaves, on top of which small flowers flaunt. The colors of the thyme are inherent in lilac, pink and purple shades. To preserve all the beneficial properties, thyme should be collected during flowering. In its stems are organic acids, vitamins and tannins, and also it contains a huge amount of tar and bitterness. In folk and official medicine, thyme grass is successfully used to treat various diseases.

thyme herb healing properties

The beneficial properties and contraindications of this herb are quite huge, they should be well known when applying. On the basis of thyme, various ointments, creams, tinctures and decoctions are created. Tea from this herb also has therapeutic benefits, and thyme essential oil has been successfully used in cosmetology to treat skin diseases.

One of the main properties of thyme is its anti-inflammatory effect. Thyme also has an excellent anthelmintic effect. The beneficial properties and contraindications of thyme are equally strong, since the use of herbs in large quantities will negatively affect the digestive organs. Especially it is impossible to use thyme during pregnancy, since it has properties that increase the tone of the uterus, which can lead to serious consequences.

thyme essential oil

Thyme is considered an excellent sedative and sleeping pill. It is used for pulmonary diseases as an expectorant and bronchodilator. And in the treatment of joint diseases, various bruises and wounds, he has no equal, the healing baths with this plant have a beneficial effect on the whole body. Thyme herb pillow will make the dream strong and healthy, and in the old days, bandages made of thyme were tied to treat headaches. An effective result in fungal diseases shows thyme. The beneficial properties and contraindications of this plant must certainly be studied before starting treatment in order to avoid adverse effects.


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