Crafts from corrugated paper: do-it-yourself paper sunflower

Beginners and experienced craftsmen make many beautiful crafts out of corrugated paper: postcards, applications, and bouquet compositions. With their help, you can please a loved one or give your home a unique look. Mute heat will give a sunflower made of paper, made by hand.

do-it-yourself corrugated paper sunflower

Symbolic meaning

Sunflower is a very bright flower with petals resembling the rays of the sun. When you admire such beauty, the soul becomes warm and joyful.

A sunflower can rightly be called a sunny flower. His scientific name helianthus in Greek means "sunny flower." In Russia he is called a sunflower, because his hat follows the light source during the day. That is, he always strives to be under the sun. When the sunflower grows as much as possible, it remains facing east. It is because of this peculiarity that the meaning of devotion is ascribed to this sunny flower.

If you want your loved one to make a gift with a sunflower, then be sure to beat him. Say that it is a symbol of fidelity, happiness and joy. So, let's look at how to make a sunflower out of paper with your own hands in different ways.

Corrugated paper sunflower

First make the core. To do this, cut strips of black corrugated paper about 7 centimeters wide. The beam volume will depend on the length. We put strips on top of each other, make small cuts on one side. Now we twist them into a roll and fix with wire from the side where there is no β€œfringe”. Straighten the core with your hands.

Proceed to the petals. From yellow corrugated paper we cut rectangles (4 by 6 centimeters). We round one edge with scissors. Now we roll the slices a little.

Getting to the assembly. Glue the petals to the core at a short distance. We fix the second row at intervals. Using the same principle, we make the third row. So we made a sunflower out of corrugated paper with our own hands.

how to make a sunflower from paper do it yourself

How to make a sunflower stalk

If you want to make a bouquet and put it in a vase, then the flowers need to make stems.

From green corrugated paper we make sepals in the same way as petals. We make leaves according to the same principle. But only a different size. Glue sepals in several layers to the last row of flower petals.

We cut the wire into pieces about 7 centimeters. Wrap in narrow stripes of green corrugated paper or tape. Glue leaflets to these segments.

We take a thick wire or skewer, wrap it with green teip tape or corrugated paper. It will be a stalk. We put a flower on it, fix it with wire. All this is covered with green corrugated paper.

We attach leaves to the stalk and wrap it again with paper or ribbon. So do with all the branches. Now a sunflower made of paper, made with your own hands, can be put in a vase.

do-it-yourself paper sunflower

Glade of sunflowers on the wall

We make the petals of the flower as described above. From black cardboard we cut out 2 identical circles. Glue the petals on one in 3 rows. We fix the second circle from above. Now with the help of glue or plasticine on the core we attach real seeds or coffee beans.

We make a stalk according to the method described above. Only the flower is not planted, but applied. Glue a loop of satin ribbon to the back of the flower. For reliability, close with a piece of cloth or cardboard.

Now the flower can be hung on the wall. We straighten our paper sunflower with our hands. The photo shows how interesting such a flower looks in the interior.

Interesting sunflower cores

The core can be made not only from corrugated paper. To do this, a pompom from threads, a fabric or a regular circle of black cardboard is suitable.

The core of a sunflower from beads, a satin ribbon using the kanzashi technique or original natural materials: real seeds, buckwheat, colored peas, and coffee beans will look unusual.

sunflower from paper by hands photo

Application for postcards: we use faceting

From yellow corrugated paper we cut out 16 rectangles (5 by 7 centimeters). These will be the petals of the flower. You can add other shades. And a sunflower made of colored paper with your own hands can safely be called rainbow! We round the edges so that they resemble triangles. Scissors bend the petals a little.

From black corrugated paper we cut two circles with a diameter of 5 centimeters. On one we lay out the petals in several rows. Glue the second circle on top.

Now we make seeds using the miter technique. From black corrugated paper we make about 30 squares (1 per 1 centimeter). We wrap each piece on a toothpick, and then remove it. We coat the core with glue and fill it with "seeds". Now this love-made sunflower made of corrugated paper (with your own hands) can be placed on a postcard and presented to a dear person.

DIY paper sunflower

Candy sunflowers

For such flowers, sweets by the type of truffles in a wrapper are best suited.

From black corrugated paper, cut a square with sides of 12 centimeters. We wrap them with candy and tie them with thread. From the golden floral grid we cut the same square, wrap the candy and fasten it again. Can be wrapped with one and the other material at the same time.

Let's move on to the petals. Without them, the crafts will not work. We start making a sunflower out of yellow corrugated paper by cutting out a strip whose width is two to three revolutions around the candy, and you can take about 7 centimeters in length. Of course, it all depends on the size of the candy itself, and the parameters can change up or down.

Fold the strip several times, find one third of the width and draw a barely noticeable line with a pencil. To this mark, cut out the petals. Straighten the strip. It should be a "fence."

Now we strip the candy with a strip. We try to ensure that the next layer of the petals lies in a checkerboard pattern with respect to the first row. In the process of winding up, do not forget to apply glue. Now we take a dense thread, tightly tighten the base and tie.

Here you are ready to make a sweet paper sunflower made by yourself. It remains only to tighten the petals with scissors.

do-it-yourself colored paper sunflower

Composition with sweet sunflowers

As a basis, take a small flower pot or basket. By the size of the bottom, we cut out the foam and put it inside.

We make sunflowers according to the method described above, we attach toothpicks to them with a thread. Insert the sweets into the foam.

Now you need to fill the voids with leaves. Take green organza or corrugated paper. We cut the squares with sides about 11 centimeters. For one leaf you need two. We impose on each other so that their corners do not touch. You should get an octagonal star. In the middle we insert a toothpick, pick up and fix with a thread or tape. So do with all the leaves. We close the foam with them. Decorate the composition to taste.

Make a sunflower out of paper with your own hands, and a piece of warm summer will always be at your place.


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