Turkish Kangal (Wolfhound): breed description, character, photo

This is a very ancient breed of dog. In its original form, it was preserved only in its homeland - in Turkey. Its name comes from the name of the Kangal region, where these dogs came from. Today they are bred by shepherds and peasants who value these large animals for their ability to protect herds and protect them from attack by predators. Surprisingly, until now, Kangals in the world are not officially recognized as a separate breed. Many experts believe that all shepherd dogs should be combined into one breed, however, Turkey is categorically against this and very carefully monitors the purity of the breed.

National treasure

turkish kangal
The country is very proud of this dog. Turkish Kangal recognized as a national treasure. The government closely monitors the movement and development of individuals of this breed. A puppy who was just born in a kennel goes through strict culling and almost always has a long pedigree. The Turkish breed of dogs Kangal - the only officially recognized in the homeland. Her images can be seen even on coins and postage stamps.

From the history of the breed

In East Turkey, all herding dog breeds of this country originated. Kangal also hails from these places. Its appearance is attributed to the Middle Ages. There are legends about this breed in Turkey. If you believe one of them, it was such a dog that the heir to the Indian throne gave to the Ottoman padishah. She fought the lion and emerged victorious from the battle. And then she disappeared around Kangal. It is believed that this was the ancestor of this breed.

These dogs never have a white color. It is not known for certain, but it is likely that the northern dogs, which are considered the ancestors of the Kangals, gave them such a color. Their participation in the breed is indicated by hard and short hair, non-aggressive and calm disposition of these powerful animals. This is one of the purest breeds. For hundreds of years, she has not undergone any changes.

Turkish breed of dog Kangal

Breed description

This is a congenital shepherd. Herders in Turkey are very fond of their assistants, who are able to maintain perfect order in the herd, while being reliable protection for their wards from any predators. This dog is very calm and completely non-aggressive, unlike other Turkish breeds. The Turkish Kangal dog, the photo of which you see in this article, can show aggression only when it is really necessary.

This is not a pet in the common sense. Undoubtedly, this intelligent animal loves its owner very much and is attached to it with all his heart, but this is a working dog, and only then a pet. For centuries, aspiration and desire for work, space, fresh air have been developed in his blood, so he is unlikely to feel happy lying on the sofa in anticipation of short walks along the city streets on a leash. Without work, he will begin to misbehave, and you probably will not like it. For a kangal, a city apartment is equivalent to a cage. Kangal (Turkish Wolfhound) is an excellent watchman. He is very distrustful and suspicious of strangers. Those are all those whom the owner has not introduced to his four-legged friend.


Turkish Kangal puppies
Extremely beautiful, active and powerful animal. Has a strong physique, strong body, muscular neck and stable limbs. The height of the dog can reach 90 centimeters, weight - 70 kilograms. The coat is short, dense with a dense undercoat. Color is from gray-brown to brown-yellow. The movements are free and energetic. The appearance of this giant is respected not only in animals, but also in people. It is strikingly harmoniously complex. On his large head with clever eyes, hanging ears are triangular in shape, slightly rounded at the ends. The high-set long tail in the active state bends to the back of the animal. Despite its impressive size, it is a very agile dog. Moving, she keeps her head in line with her back, because sometimes it seems that the dog is sneaking.


An animal with a very independent character. The Turkish breed of dogs Kangal, or rather its representatives, obey only those whom they respect. Usually it is only the owner. It can obey the one in whom it feels inner strength. It makes no sense to use physical force in raising a puppy. The dog will grow vicious and can be dangerous. You need to give your growing friend the opportunity to communicate with strangers and other animals so that he grows calm and well-managed. For children, even an undressed dog will never show aggression, but given its size, you need to be careful that the dog does not accidentally push or drop the baby.

turkish kangal Price

The Turkish Kangal is surprisingly unpretentious and efficient. He selflessly serves in the most difficult climatic conditions, while practically requiring no special care.

According to the shepherds, if at least one sheep is lost from the herd, the Turkish kangal can guard the lost sheep for days without water and food. In addition, herders note the astonishing fearlessness and strength of this dog. This is the only domestic dog that can easily strangle a wolf. Usually, for such a feat, the owner of the flock cuts a ram for the dog.

With all his boundless love for the owner, this dog is very proud, independent and independent, so from a very early age the puppy needs to be shown "who is the owner of the house."

Turkish Kangal Puppies

Kangal Turkish Wolfhound
In 2003, Turkey passed a law prohibiting the export of these animals from the country without special permission. You can get it at the Military Veterinary School and Training Center in Gemlik (Bursa Province). Despite all the precautions, puppies are taken out of the country illegally, although this is strictly punishable by law. The best puppies can be bought in the villages of Central Anatolia or on a farm in Sivas.


As you know, feeding such a giant is an important factor in his well-being. Experts advise you to cook nutritious food for your pet yourself, and not to trust some dry food. The dog should receive cereals, meat (fish), vegetables daily in the diet.

Typical diseases

By nature, this dog is endowed with good health. However, with calcium deficiency, bone pathology can develop in puppy food, which is quite common in large breed dogs. It is necessary to regularly vaccinate the animal in order to avoid damage to the spine. Adults may have vision problems.

Disqualification Defects
dog turkish kangal

First of all, these are deviations in color, underdevelopment of limbs, extreme aggressiveness - this dog should not be confused with representatives of fighting breeds. Aggression on the part of this animal can appear only if it is kept for a long time in an enclosed space, or the owner and others are inhumane to him. In this case, according to Turkish law, the owner can be severely punished.

Turkish Kangal - a large dog, but its body is mainly composed of muscles. If the weight is gained due to fat, then the dog may be disqualified, and the owner is accused of lack of physical activity.

The Turkish Kangal, whose price ranges from 25 to 65 thousand rubles, depending on the availability of a pedigree and other documents, is a serious, obedient, loyal and extremely kind dog.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F23698/

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