Momordica: growing and caring at home, photo

Exotic and extraordinary as if with a magnet attract gardeners, gardeners and gardeners. Pineapples, coconuts, orange and lemon trees - all this has become commonplace in our homes and apartments. But, believe me, the plant world will not tire of surprising us. Pay attention to the tropical vine with the unusual name "momordica". Growing this exot at home is quite real; moreover, you can get amazing and edible fruits. Read in the article what you need for this.

Momordica growing and care


Under the name "momordica" a whole genus of plants belonging to the pumpkin family and comprising about 20 species is combined. All of them are perennial and annual tropical vines growing in the humid forests of Australia, Africa and Asia. Two species are considered cultivated and widely used: momordica haranation and Kokhinkhinsky.

Momordica harania

An annual liana native to the rainforests of Asia. It is cultivated worldwide in areas with a hot climate. The plant grows up to 4 m in length, has a 5-sided thick stem with simple antennae and longitudinal grooves. Leaves of a decorative appearance, rounded, deeply dissected on a petiole 1 to 7 cm long, yellow flower, five-petalled. Various shaped fruits with a rough surface, warts and wrinkles - this is what momordica is valued for. Growing from seeds at home is possible when two main conditions are created - good lighting and warmth.

Momordica growing and care in the Urals

The fruits have a bitter taste. To get rid of it, they are soaked for several hours in salted water. Then the vegetable is stewed, boiled and canned. It has outstanding features. For example, beta-carotene in momordica is 2 times more than in broccoli.

Momordika Kokhinkhinskaya

In Vietnam, it is also called "hook". An annual climbing plant with tripartite leaves and large ellipsoidal fruits. It is actively used in folk oriental medicine due to the high content of various substances: carotene, glycosides, lycopene, sapotoxin, tocopherol, and essential fatty acids. It has 15 times more beta-carotene than regular carrots. It is grown in the southern regions along with the previous species.

The conditions for growing momordica, similar to natural ones, are by and large easily recreated in a room, on a balcony, on a terrace, in a greenhouse and even in open ground (in the southern regions). In addition to the practical benefits of the fruits, you still get aesthetic pleasure from a beautiful vine with large leaves and fragrant flowers.

Momordica seed cultivation at home

To grow this exotic plant is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance, agricultural technology in this case is largely similar to that of its close relatives - pumpkins and zucchini. Meanwhile, there are several points worth paying attention to.

Seed treatment

High-quality planting material from a reliable manufacturer is what you should start with, otherwise it can by no means grow after long expectations. Cultivation and care at home begin with the preparation and sowing of seeds. They differ in quite large sizes (1.1-1.5 cm in length and up to 1 cm in width) and a dense thick shell. The shape of the seeds is flat-round with uneven edges and a rough surface. In order for them to germinate successfully, scarification is required, that is, damage to the rigid outer shell by a mechanical method. To do this, rub the pointed tip of the seed with sandpaper so that the water penetrates inside faster and it opens more freely.

Momrdika growing and care at home

Then soak the planting material in a dark raspberry potassium permanganate solution for 3-4 hours. This not only disinfects, but also stimulates germination and further development. Then prepare wet sawdust (it is best to use a container with a lid, as, for example, from a cake) and place the seeds wrapped in a cloth in them. Remove to a warm place (+24 ... + 25 ° ) before germination. Such conditions contribute to almost 100% germination. Momordika (cultivation and care will be discussed in detail later on in the text) hatch differently, but on average after 2-3 days.

Growing seedlings

As soon as the seeds hatch, they must immediately be planted in the prepared soil mixture. It is best to use individual pots with a diameter of about 10 cm. Fill them with soil from the store (you can use special for seedlings) or prepared in advance yourself. To do this, mix in a ratio of 1: 1: 1: 0.5 sheet soil, peat, humus and sand, respectively. The seed placement depth is 1.5 cm. Pre-water the soil, lay them with an edge, and then sprinkle with dry soil. Close the pots with polyethylene and put in a warm place. It will take 3-4 days for the momordica to sprout. Growing and caring for seedlings are simple in the future.

Momrdika growing and care photo

The soil must be kept moist, but not flooded. Plants for full development must remain at a temperature of at least +20 ° C. Periodically (2 times a month) seedlings are fertilized with a solution of mineral and organic preparations in turn. Do not forget that when growing vines in room conditions, the rate of fertilizer consumption must be calculated in accordance with the volume of an earthen coma. Observe the dosage exactly, otherwise you can burn the roots.

Momordica: growing and caring at home

It is recommended to change the pot for the seedling by the time it reaches a height of 25 cm. Prepare larger containers and transplant the momordica. Immediately take care of a permanent place for her in the apartment or on the balcony. Note that the plant does not tolerate shading, only the sun and bright light. Prepare the trellises and the support for the creeper in advance. Subject to proper development and growth, one instance is able to braid half a balcony at least.

If your goal is to harvest, then you should not thicken the crown. To the level of 50 cm, remove all side shoots, and then leave 2-3 main stems. As soon as the fruits begin to tie on them, the top should be pinched (similar to pumpkin cultivation). Liana flowers are female and male, so pollination is required to form an ovary. Under natural conditions, this task is performed by insects, in artificial pollen it is necessary to transfer it with a brush. Watering on hot days is daily and plentiful, in cloudy weather - as needed.

momordica home growing

Diseases and Pests

Momordica (cultivation and care, photo in the text) is similar in many respects to cucumbers and gourds in general. Including susceptibility to certain diseases and pests, namely: powdery mildew, white rot, bacteriosis and aphids. The reason is often too dry air. The homeland of the plant is the tropics, where the high ambient temperature is combined with high atmospheric humidity. Therefore, regularly spray the plant late in the evening or in the early morning hours, put a container of water on the balcony, which will gradually evaporate. Another possible reason is sharp fluctuations in air temperature, in order to prevent this, try to maintain an average daily value of +20 ... + 25 ° , the temperature below 10 ° is almost fatal for momordica.

Use the same chemicals for processing as for cucumbers: "Topaz", "Quadris", "VDG", "Tiovit Jet" and others.

Harvesting and its use

Momordica, the cultivation and care of which is not so difficult, gives amazing fruits both in shape and color, and in taste. It is recommended to collect them on 8-10 days after the appearance, at this moment they still do not have a characteristic bitterness. In addition, it stimulates the further formation of ovaries. Too many fruits weaken the plant. Harvested crops can be used at your discretion - cook, stew, pickle. Everyone has different taste preferences, but it is believed that an exotic vegetable resembles zucchini.

The fruits are especially widely used in Sino-Tibetan traditional medicine to treat a wide range of diseases: cardiovascular, burns, ulcers, diabetes, to lower cholesterol, etc.

Momordica: growing and care in the Urals

growing conditions for momordiki

The question of whether it is possible to grow such an exotic in the midland and the Urals is quite common. As for the method described above at home, then, in principle, it is relevant for any climatic zone, provided that there is sufficient heat and light. However, as the practice and experience of gardeners shows, momordica in the Urals can be grown in open ground or greenhouses.

Only the seedling method is used. Plants are planted in open ground at a distance of 50-70 cm from each other when warm nights are established (at least from +15 ... + 17 ° ). Further care involves loosening, tying to a trellis and regular plentiful watering.


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