Passage "Metro-2". Game description

“Metro-2: Death of the Leader” is a long-awaited continuation of the project of Russian developers, which was released long before the world famous Metro 2033. This game was released in 2006, and Orion Games became its creator. Of course, this project is not very similar to subsequent versions of adventures in the Moscow subway, but it is worthy of attention. In this guide, we will reveal the plot and the passage of Metro-2, as well as share some of the game's secrets.

passing metro 2


The game takes place a year after the events of the first part: Gleb Suvorov married Elena Lapina, Natalya Mikhaleva recovered after being wounded and returned to duty. After the death of Joseph Stalin in the highest echelons of power, the struggle for the post of leader of the country began. If Beria appeared in the last conspiracy only after the direct intervention of Gleb and Elena, then after the death of Stalin Lavrenty Pavlovich comes to the fore and decides to take revenge on the people who thwarted his ideas.

subway 2 walkthrough
To this end, he orders Natalya Mikhailova to arrest the Suvorov family. But she manages to take only Gleb into custody, and Elena escapes from the set trap. Now the girl has to find and save her husband.

Passage "Metro-2"

After the video, clean the room from the soldiers and go into the corridor. There you will meet a couple of foot soldiers who need to be killed. Now go down the corridor to the right. Around the corner, several soldiers await you. As soon as you deal with them, turn around, because the following fighters will appear from behind the door located behind your back. After the battle, go to the back room. There you will find an open window through which you can climb out.

walkthrough subway 2

Follow the ledge until the truck enters the yard. Now, in order to continue the passage of Metro-2, your heroine needs to clean the territory from the arrived reinforcements. After that, destroy the fighter shooting from the window opposite, and climb through this opening into the building. Now you need to get into the attic. This will be easy to do, because only one road leads there, and only a couple of fighters meet on the way.


Before you get out, shoot a couple of soldiers who are seated on the roof. Next, climb the pipes through which you will get to the roof. In the room with a broken door you can find grenades. To continue the passage of Metro-2, you need to climb the ventilation pipe, near which you will find a window leading into the building. After a small shootout, you need to get to the next roof. Next, move up to the metal stairs, and climb the roof of the next building. Now you need to be careful, because fighters will start to appear from the next window. After firing off, jump onto the building cradle and then onto the roof. Now you need to go to the right building, through the window of which you can go to the next location.

Fight again

Exit the attic to the central corridor where you will need to kill a couple of soldiers. Go forward and turn right near the first corpse of a fighter. In the next room there is a hole in the floor through which you must jump to the lower floor. In the next room, your heroine is attacked by four soldiers at once. After defeating them, go to the door through which the machine gunners appeared and, turning left, go through to the end. Behind the door near which the board stands, you can replenish your arsenal, which has been depleted in the battles of Metro-2.

passing the subway part 2

Passing the next part of the game will force you to run along the corridors and fight a little with the soldiers. In the end, you will find yourself on a roof partially enclosed by a grill. Next, you need to jump from the right edge to a narrow passage and go deep into the building. Do not relax, soldiers are sitting on the next roof, so you will need to shoot back. Pipes located near the window will help you get to the next room. Go to the far door through which you can get out onto the roof. Next you will find first a stone, and then a wooden staircase. There was a small section of the path on which only one enemy would meet.

metro 2033 2 walkthrough


Further passing the game "Metro-2" will lead you to the entrance to the city sewer, through which you can get to the secret branch of the metro. In the basement, go to the control panel. Your heroine needs to turn a valve that is different in color - this will block the steam output. Now go to the tanks and climb the ladder. Go to the wall and jump on the pipes that are near the far window. From this place you can climb deep into the room. Now you will find a direct path in which you can not get confused. Note that you will meet several soldiers, so do not relax.


Having reached the pantry, climb onto the box and jump from it to the rack. Shots destroy the ventilation grille and climb inside. When you reach the first turn, do not rush, because now several fighters will open fire through the pipes. After everything calms down, crawl forward to the exit. Destroy the next grate, but before crawling out, throw a grenade or Molotov cocktail into the room to neutralize the infantrymen seated there. After which you can continue your passage "Metro" (part 2).


Through the corridor you will find yourself in a partially flooded room, which you can exit through the right door. But first look around, because here you can find cartridges. Go down the stairs and go to the left. At the last corner, find the door hidden behind bars. Inside the room, find the hatch located on the right side. Dive into it, and swim through the tunnel to the last left sleeve. At this point, you can take a breath of air. Once out of the collector, go right and go up the stairs.

subway 2 death of the leader walkthrough
Here you will find several machine gunners waiting. After the battle, go to the passage located at the end of the corridor. Climb the stairs and go forward. Soon you will be at the battlefield. Help repel the attack of the NKVD soldiers, and then go to the right aisle at the end of the collector.

Secret metro D-6

So we got to the middle of the game "Metro 2033" (2). Passing the next segment will make you tense up a bit, because in some places it will be really difficult to pass. Having reached the glazed room along the corridor, get ready to open fire on the soldiers who are seated inside. After the battle, go to the outer door. A soldier sits to your left — kill him and go to the stairs to your right. Do not relax, because you will begin to attack not only from the front, but also from behind.

passing game subway part 2
Going down, go to the left. In the control room you need to turn on the switch, which you will find on the far wall. Get out of the room and go to the stairs leading to the railway track. On the right side you will find another control panel that will help block the movement of trains.

Secret branch travel

After the battle with the soldiers who emerged from the elevator, go to the barrier and go through the right door. Near the exit from the ventilation chamber, deal with a couple of infantrymen, and then go through the tunnel, adhering to the left side. At the end, go through the door and make your way through the semi-flooded room to the place where the Communists are fighting with an unknown enemy. After the battle, talk with the general who will give you the documents. This action will launch the video game Metro-2: Death of the Leader.

Passing obstacles

After watching the video, go deep into the room. In the left corner of the room there is a door through which the heroine will fall into the desired corridor. Get to the end and climb the stairs. In the next room you need to jump onto the pipes going near the wall. Move to the platform on which the boxes are scattered, and jump onto the one located near the fence. From this place you can climb over the fence. Having descended to the railway bed, run to the stairs located on the right side and climb up.

In the lobby you need to go down to the right passage and go to the next branch. Be careful at the bottom of the stairs, because the reinforced detachment of fighters is blocking your way. Evaluate the environment before going to the barricades. In this battle it is better to use a carbine, and aimly kill opponents one by one from the shelter. Having won, go to the right excavator.


In order to continue the further passage of the game "Metro" (part 2), you need to kill the sentry, who is seated on the tower. Another soldier is hiding behind bags near the entrance to the courtyard. On the territory of the warehouse, go to the far left corner, while trying not to go far from Gleb, because now it is quite easy prey for machine gunners. After an unsuccessful attempt to open the door, you need to shoot all the fighters, and then go along the wall to the open passage.

passing game subway 2033 2

Walk along the corridors, periodically firing from opponents, to the car that you find in the back of the building. Destroy the guard and go through the gate. Once in the courtyard, shoot soldiers on the towers. Then go to the building where you can provide medical care to Gleb thanks to the first-aid kit discovered there. Next, go into the corridor located to the right of the truck. In one of the rooms you can find an excellent sniper rifle.

The final

Go to the door near which the guard is walking, and kill him. Before entering, throw a couple of grenades into the room. You may be able to destroy most of the enemies inside. Then you will be moved around the storage rooms, inside which many enemies have settled. So you have to fight well. In the end, your heroine will enter the platform, but at this moment, a train stuffed with machine guns will do, so the battle is not over yet. Move along the train, cleaning the platform along the way. Inside the warehouse, located behind bars, you can find an excellent anti-tank gun.

In the station building, turn left and go up to the second floor. In a small room you will find a sniper who needs to be killed. After that, take his place near the window, because now you and Gleb will be attacked by infantrymen - you will need to shoot from them. This concludes our walkthrough of the Metro 2033 game (part 2). The enemy is defeated, justice has triumphed, and your heroine goes into the sunset with her beloved.


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