Plaster trowel: its varieties and scope

To make high-quality styling of any material, you need to have special tools with you. One of them is a plaster trowel or, as the people say, a spatula. This is a steel blade, which is sanded on both sides, designed for more convenient application of any material to the surface, as well as for its good distribution.

People who are fond of repairs and professionals in this field know that the most important thing is to choose the right equipment. You can achieve excellent results in your work only when applying the material as accurately as possible, and this can only be done using high-quality tools.

Plaster trowel can be of different sizes (from 5 to 10 cm). This tool is ideal for plasterers who lay cement-sand mortars. The spatula has a convenient handle, which is separated from the work surface, this allows the master not to get his hands dirty.


The trowel tool is divided into groups according to the purpose. In any hardware store today you can find more than seven types of spatulas, which are designed for a variety of types of work.

• A trowel of a bricklayer can mix a mortar of cement and apply it to the surface without bumps and smudges.

• The plaster spatula is used in finishing works where cement and sand mortar is used.

• But tilers use a trowel in the form of a drop. This device allows you to apply a solution for laying tiles efficiently and quickly. This tool (trowel) is designed for different mixtures. It looks like a simple spatula with a special handle that allows you not to get dirty.

• The trowel for plaster at the finishers is different in size, they can reach 18 cm. If the brick is laid using concrete, it is better to take a triangular spatula for work. If it is necessary to remove excess composition and give the surface smoothness, it is better to use a trowel option.

Operations carried out by plastering trowel

To quickly and accurately perform work related to plaster, you must first select the right tool. A spatula will help knead the solution, and get rid of lumps. In addition, plaster trowel is often used in work with drywall boards.

In order for the structure to be protected from the effects of damage and moisture, it is necessary to remove the recesses in the joints, and thanks to the convenient shape of the tool, this can be done instantly.
It is most convenient to close the seams with a small tool with an angled nose, this allows you to perform work even in a small space. These devices are made of steel (stainless steel), which is insensitive to the effects of any building compounds. For a spatula to serve more than one year, he needs proper care.

For all types of trowel, the principle of operation is the same, it consists in capturing part of the material, applying it to the surface, and then distributing the solution with the flat side of the specified tool.


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