How many kg potatoes are in a bucket? It all depends on the size of the tubers and the volume of the container.

Potatoes are no longer a gift from distant America. The plant is fully hosted in the Russian gardens and dominates the kitchens. Tubers fall onto the stove from the store, from the market and from the garage cellar. What kind of burden do you have to carry when delivering the product home? How many kg potatoes are in a bucket? Let's figure it out using elementary arithmetic operations.

Second bread volumes

To calculate the mass of the product placed in the container, the container volume must be multiplied by the density of the contents. To find out how many kg of potatoes are in a bucket, you need to multiply its volume by the density of tubers. If you take the density of potato tubers and multiply by the capacity displacement, the resulting number will not coincide with the readings of the weights. The subtlety is what density to use for calculations.

how many kg potatoes in a bucket

The potato tuber has a projection of a longitudinal oval and transverse round shape. But not always. Tuber geometry is distinguished by bizarre contour changes. There is free space between the potatoes placed in the vessel, the form does not allow filling the tank one hundred percent. Therefore, for the calculation of mass, the concept of bulk density is used. The potato bulk, or bulk, density lies in the range from 0.65 to 0.75 g / cm 3 .

Varieties of packaging

Buckets are produced in volumes of 5, 7, 9, 10 and 12 liters. What kind of gardener will use when digging potatoes depends on the physical form of the picker and the volume of tubers. Household classification of starchy fruit is given in the table.


Comparative characteristics

Weight 1 pc. in grams

Volume 1 pc. in cm 3

10 L pieces

Very large

Ostrich egg





With tennis ball





The one that used to be called "from the market"





Like in a store, a little bigger than a chicken egg




Very shallow

Peas. Smaller than table tennis balls




Regarding the weight of potatoes

We proceed to calculate the weight of the crop in one unit of packaging. Consider how many kg of potatoes in a bucket of 10 liters. In order not to make a mistake, turn the container upside down. A volume is marked on the bottom surface. The inscription β€œ10 L” means that the capacity is ten liters. If there is no marking on the surface, then the volume can be determined using water. Pour a liter jar to the brim - this will be the desired volume. If the vessel meets the conditions of the task, then we begin to collect potatoes into it. For the purity of the experiment, tubers of the same size should be selected.

how much does a bucket of potatoes weigh

The spread in weight when filling ten liters is 6.5-7.5 kilograms. How many kg of potatoes are in a 12 liter bucket? It is necessary to divide the weight of a ten-liter bucket by 10 and multiply by 12. So, for potatoes, the calculated mass in a 12-liter vessel is in the range of 7.8-9.0 kilograms.

How to harvest

Dig potatoes on the field, collect and pour for transportation into jute bags. The capacity of the bags varies, it can be containers of 35 and 55 kg. Therefore, you need to imagine how much a bucket of potatoes weighs. Filling the bag is not a problem. Lift and load into transport - the task is not for everyone. Now that the weight of the running sizes of buckets with tubers is calculated, you can safely fill the bags. Practice shows that the most convenient packaging is four 10-liter buckets in one bag. The weight of the filled bag varies between 26-30 kilograms.

how many kg of potatoes in a 12 liter bucket

Twelve-liter vessels are poured three into 40-liter bags and four into 55-liter containers. When filling the bag, you should leave space for tying it. At the same time, we remember that three vessels filled to the top weigh 23.5-27 kg, and four have a mass of 31-36 kg. A well-fed lamb weighs 38 kg. This is a suitable subject for comparison. Only a bag, unlike a ram, does not kick.

Potato menu

Why do you need to find out how much a bucket of potatoes weighs? No matter how the division of labor in society is arranged, women often have to carry products from the bazaar or from the store. According to safety regulations, ladies must not be allowed to lift more than 10 kilograms. Readers now know that a 12-liter bucket holds a maximum of 9 kilograms of produce. If you do not buy any products other than potatoes, then, shifting the bag from one hand to one hand, a woman is able to bring luggage to a public transport stop, parking lot or immediately to the house.

how many kg of potatoes in a bucket of 10 l

For what purpose does the table contain information about the pieces of tubers in a container? Knowing how many people have to cook and what is the composition of the menu, the hostess will calculate what is more profitable: buy a bucket of small or large potatoes.

The gardener reader already knows, and it’s good for the rest to take note: starch is obtained from small potatoes. The tubers must be washed in three waters, scrolled in a meat grinder, pour the resulting slurry five times with clean water until the starch settles to the bottom of the bowl, and the water on top is clear. The last liquid is drained and the powder is dried. Raw materials for jelly are ready, and notice, without dyes, preservatives and GMOs. How many kg potatoes are in a bucket? If seven, then the starch will come out a half-liter jar. Print this text and place it in the kitchen cabinet as an instruction manual.


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