We understand at what age the child begins to speak

Each mother carefully monitors the development of her baby. The first tooth, a deliberate smile and the first word - all this leads parents into an indescribable delight. And, of course, mothers are waiting for all this very much, constantly looking at the development tables of the babies. But, in addition to pleasant trifles, parents are also worried about the overall development of the child, so questions can often be asked at what age the child begins to talk, crawl, sit, walk?

First skills

at what age does the child begin to roll over
A child is born already with several conditioned reflexes, such as, for example, the ability to eat milk, swallow, clutch a finger. But the rest of the baby needs to learn independently, gradually mastering the basic human skills and abilities. One of the first skills a child will learn is turning over from the tummy to the back and vice versa. If you understand the strict deadlines at what age the child begins to roll over, then this happens at about 3-6 months of age. But the numbers are very averaged, each child develops in his own way and you should not panic if your baby is already 6 months old and he does not roll over. Maybe he just doesn’t like to do this, and, having skipped this stage, he will immediately begin to sit. But before the baby learns to confidently hold its head in the supine position, it will not roll over.


at what age does the child begin to walk
The first step of the baby is what parents expect. It seems that if the child goes, he will already be more independent, and part of the worries, such as driving by the handle, can by themselves fall away. But you should not really hope for the first step of the baby, because a lot of time can pass from it to independent confident walking. So, at what age does the child begin to walk? On average, the first independent steps of the baby can take place around the first year of life. But pediatricians provide a wider range for the development of walking skills - from 9 months to a year and a half. Do not worry if the child is not in a hurry to release his mother’s pen - maybe it’s just not the time. It is also not necessary to force the baby to stomp on their own, because this can lead to the fact that the child will no longer want to walk at all. If, before the age of one and a half years, the child has not taken the first independent steps, it is better to turn to the orthopedist for help and find out if the little one is doing well.

The words

at what age does the child begin to speak
From birth, parents try to hear in the baby’s speech something intelligible and similar to words and figure out at what age the child begins to speak. From about two months old, the little man is already beginning to hoot, telling something in his own way, so the baby's speech apparatus begins to develop. A little later, at the age of 6-9 months, the peanut can make sounds similar to the first words. Basically it will be syllables: ma, pa, ba, me, be, etc. If the child says the syllable “ma-ma” twice in a row, parents with tears in their eyes decide that their baby genius started talking so early . But this is not entirely true. Most likely, such a child’s first words came out accidentally, the baby just didn’t realize what he said, and he doesn’t know how to associate this word with a certain person. So at what age does the child begin to speak? No one gives exact dates. For some, a child can already say a simple sentence a year, and for someone in two - only the basic, in his opinion, words: mom, dad, give, no, yes. It all depends on the individual development of the baby. But do not panic about this. If everything is fine with the overall development of the child, you do not need to push the baby and make him pronounce the words. The time will come and he will speak. And do not often scour the search for information at what age the child begins to speak, give the baby freedom of action and development, and he himself will become a full-fledged person!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F23738/

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