How to make DIY stencils for decor: step by step instructions with photos

Handwork in any kind of decor and creative activity is very much appreciated. Hand-made style is now gaining popularity and is widely used in many areas related to design. This applies to the interior, clothing, furniture. To decorate any item with a beautiful pattern, you can make DIY stencils for decoration. With their help, making any complex ornament on the surface is much easier. At the same time, any thing becomes unique and stylish.

Do-it-yourself stencils for decor

The photographs presented in the article clearly demonstrate the beauty and grace, as well as the originality of the created decor. Simple tools and a minimum of artistic skills - this is quite enough to radically transform the interior, furniture or any other decorative object.

DIY wall decor stencils

Working with stencils is gaining popularity due to its ease of implementation. You just need to attach the template to the surface to be decorated and fill the cut out holes with paint or putty to get the original effects of the textured surface, for example, on the wall. Sometimes reverse stencils or anti-stencils are used, when the surrounding space is filled with colored paint, and the pattern under the sample remains white. This creates a glow effect for the image.

Ready-made stencils for every taste and budget are available for sale. There are universal ones that are suitable for various techniques. In construction stores, you can purchase those that are designed for interior work. However, their cost is quite high. They are reusable, easy to clean. When you do not need these properties, and you need to put a picture in only one place on the wall, it’s cheaper to make a stencil yourself. In addition, in this case, you yourself choose an image from a huge number of possible. If you have artistic skills, you can develop the design yourself, then surely no one will have such a decor, as a result, any decorated object will be completely individual.

Materials and manufacturing technology

So, you need the following:

  • Cardboard, thick paper, film, plastic.
  • Knife, scissors.
  • Pencil, felt-tip pen, marker.
  • Glass or any material for the substrate on which you will cut the contours.

The sequence of work will be as follows:

  1. Find the desired picture, scale it to the desired size and print. If a size larger than A4 is required, then divide the image into several sheets, and then glue together individual parts with tape. You can order printing services in the company. Advertising agencies offer large format printing up to A1 format and more. By the way, there you can completely make a stencil from a film on a special cutting plotter, so if you do not want to cut, order a stencil there. If you still decide to master the technique of creating a stencil yourself manually, go to the next step.
  2. Fix the pattern on the basis of which you will cut out the contours. Transfer the image to film (cardboard, paper). There are no problems with transparent material. On whatman paper can be transferred through carbon paper, tracing paper. If these funds are not at hand, simply circle, for example, a helium pen on the contours several times on both sides so that the pigment from the inside passes to the base when you pass the drawing on the outside.
  3. Cut the image with a sharp knife or scissors. It is important to do everything carefully so as not to get any burrs, otherwise the drawing obtained by poor stencil will look untidy. If you are cutting paper or cardboard, it is better to paste over their surface with tape so that they do not quickly get wet from paint. When using the stencil repeatedly, do not forget to wipe it through 2-3 images.

The stencil is ready, you can proceed to creative work on the decorated surface.

How to design a preschooler's room

Do-it-yourself children's stencils for decor are made similarly to any others. The difference is only in the content of the picture. Children like to be surrounded by their favorite characters of fairy tales, cartoons. This is what should be used as the main idea in the children's interior. Any picture is easy to find on the Internet and print it. The only difficulty is that you will need to perform multi-color pictures, so you will have to produce several different stencils, one for each color. It is important here not to get confused in them when you work with paint. You can turn stencil drawing and their creation into an exciting collective family process.

DIY stencils for decor

In addition, for the decor of children's items or gifts, such as a cake, ordinary stencils for children's creativity are suitable. They are reusable, made of safe plastic. At the same time, they cost several times cheaper than special design ones.

Entertaining cooking

If you want to surprise guests or family members, as well as give someone a sweet gift, use the idea of ​​decorating cakes or pastries with beautiful drawings made using powdered sugar, cocoa, white, chocolate or colored glaze, food colors. DIY stencils for decorating cakes are also very simple. You need a film: you can take a regular liner from a folder for storing papers or a cover. It is better not to use paper and cardboard in this case, so that particles of such a stencil (glue from the composition and other components) do not accidentally get into food. Cut the pattern and use the product.

DIY cake stencils

If you are going to decorate not a flat surface, but, for example, Easter eggs, then the stencil is made of a material that can easily be glued on a rounded shape with a minimum number of folds. You can use tape or a self-adhesive film, which is much stronger than the first material.

Do-it- yourself wall decor

Stencils are increasingly used in interior design for finishing various surfaces. You can apply stencils to painted plain walls. In this way, they usually allocate some part of the space, placing emphasis in the room and at the same time not overloading it with details. Any drawing should contain a concise outline and not be overflowing with small elements. They are difficult to paint over, and from afar they will look like “garbage” or random spots of paint.

DIY decor stencils

Stencil ideas use different:

  • ornaments (floral, geometric);
  • trees;
  • animals;
  • flowers
  • butterflies;
  • musical instruments;
  • silhouettes of people;
  • architecture.

I must say that it is not so difficult to make stencils for wall decor with your own hands. The photo (cherry blossoms) located below confirms that everyone can create such a simple drawing.

DIY stencils for wall decor photo cherry flowers

Mirror decoration

Any glossy surfaces reflecting light look very aesthetically pleasing in the interior. They visually expand the space and give the room a special sophistication, especially in the evening due to the reflections of the lamps. Glasses and mirrors look original, complemented by a sandblasted pattern, when part of the surface is matte. You can make jewelry in this technique, but for its implementation you will need special equipment. Another option is to simulate a sandblast, simply by drawing a paint or a special matting compound. In both cases, a stencil is required. It can be either direct or reverse. It all depends on what you will paint over: a picture or a background.

DIY butterfly stencils

We offer a small master class. Stencils for decor (butterflies) with their own hands for a mirror are made in the following sequence:

  1. Glue the PVC film to the surface of a previously degreased mirror or glass.
  2. Overlay the drawing and transfer it to film.
  3. Cut out the contours with a knife.
  4. Fill the drawing with paint or matting compound.
  5. After drying, remove the film, clean the surface with alcohol.

Your masterpiece is ready.

Furniture painting

Do-it-yourself stencils for decoration are also made to decorate tables, chairs, shelves. They are made using a similar technology. Try to make them from durable material, as they usually have to be used repeatedly.


DIY stencils for decoration can also be made to decorate products using this technique. By the way, it is also used for furniture painting, when your artistic skills are not enough to draw a complex plot yourself. In this case, finished images are glued onto the treated wooden surface, after which the product is decorated, including stencil designs. So you can make any souvenirs: from the casket or cutting board to the wall clock or countertop.

Door decoration

DIY stencils for decoration can be made for use both for the door leaf itself and for glass. Make everything as convenient as possible for work, as in this case the stencil will be attached to a vertical surface. After all, you will not dismantle your door just for the sake of drawing a picture. In this way, you can update a long-painted door and give it an unusual look or make an exclusive new, but standard storefront.

do-it-yourself stencils for the decor for the new year

Fashion and style: painting on fabric

You can use stencils for clothing decor. With your own hands you will create a unique, inimitable stylish thing. In this case, it should be borne in mind that in the painting of fabrics it is important to prevent the spread of paint beyond the boundaries of a particular contour, so the outline of the image will have to be filled with a reserve composition. Or fill the entire stencil with them to get a white image on a colored background.

Holiday masterpieces

You can make DIY stencils for the decor for the New Year. With their help it is easy to decorate any souvenir or interior. Put a winter picture on a mirror or glass - create a festive atmosphere in the house. It is also easy to decorate Christmas balls, wine glasses or a bottle of champagne, putting curls on them, imitating frosty patterns, or a congratulatory inscription. You will be able to surprise guests and create a unique holiday atmosphere.

So, you have learned how to make DIY stencils for decoration. Now you can easily decorate a wall, an element of furniture, clothes or even your own masterpiece of culinary art with an original drawing.


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