Death Penalty in Saudi Arabia

Are executions used in the modern world? Saudi Arabia currently has the most severe punishment system for crime on earth.

What penalties apply

The criminal code, as well as the constitution of the state, are dictated by Sharia. This country is the only one in the world in which torture, public whipping, and execution by hanging or decapitation still exist. Public executions in Saudi Arabia shock Europeans, but for the local population this is a common thing.

executions in saudi arabia

There is officially a profession "executioner". He has the status of civil servant.

In addition to cutting off the head, stoning to death is used, as well as shooting. Even crucifixes of the body without a head happen.

How to be executed in Saudi Arabia

The moment of punishment is a whole ceremony. These customs reached the 21st century in a slightly modified form from the Middle Ages.

All executions in Saudi Arabia are carried out after lunch prayer in the main square. The area is cleared by the police from cars and residents.

death penalty in saudi arabia

Sentenced to execution in Saudi Arabia blindfolded or bag on his head put on his knees. Police officers pronounce the decision and allow the execution of the sentence to begin. The executioner receives the sword from the hands of an officer. He comes to the criminal from behind and, before cutting off his head, waves his sword a number of times. In order to quickly stop the blood stream, a medical officer is always at the place of execution.

The body of a criminal without a head is not buried in a coffin and without a tombstone, usually immediately after the execution of the sentence. Now you know what executions in Saudi Arabia are. Photos clearly demonstrate how this act is carried out.


In the early 90s, such punishment was applied only to the stronger sex, but today the execution of a woman in Saudi Arabia happens quite often. In this area between the sexes equality. By the beginning of 2007, 42 women had been executed.

public executions in saudi arabia

What is not forgiven here

Crimes involving the death penalty in Saudi Arabia:

  • intentional killing;
  • homosexuality;
  • adultery;
  • rape;
  • treason;
  • smuggling, sale, possession and use of drugs;
  • terrorism or a call to terrorism.

Instead of execution

In Saudi Arabia, there is such a punishment measure as inflicting on the criminal the same injuries with which he "awarded" the victim. Based on Sharia law, victims of crime can demand that the perpetrator be inflicted the same trauma that was received from him as a result of the attack.

the execution of a woman in saudi arabia

Characteristic case

Several years ago, during a fight, one of the participants - Abdul-Aziz Mutairi - was stabbed from behind and remained paralyzed for life. The culprit was caught and sentenced to two years in prison. But after six months, he fell under an amnesty and was released.

Abdul went to court to convict his offender under Sharia law. The court decided to turn to doctors to turn the culprit into a disabled person. However, doctors do not agree to harm the patient, as they took the Hippocratic oath.

More examples

According to one of the news portals, not so long ago, the death penalty was carried out in Saudi Arabia, concerning a pedophile and a murderer. At first he was publicly raped, then his head was chopped off, and after that they crucified the body on the cross and put it to reproach to all those present.

Such a fairly severe penalty overtook the local owner of the trading shop. He was convicted of particularly brutal murder of a child and his father. According to the case file, the man stole the child, raped him and strangled him using a rope. And at the time of his father's arrival, he killed him with a knife.

Plus, he was exposed to the rape of five boys, one of whom escaped after the incident into the desert and died there. They managed to get to the pervert and the killer with the help of an 8-year-old boy, who became one of his victims. Upon arrest, the suspect showed resistance by attacking the police with a knife and trying to cut them.

Another criminal was convicted of homosexuality and possession of a whole set of pornography films. In this country, this is considered a serious crime. These cases can be found and read a huge amount, in addition, on the Web there are many different videos on this topic. In the records in all details you can see how the death penalty occurs in Saudi Arabia. But not everyone can see it from beginning to end.

executions in saudi arabia photos

An eye for an eye in the literal sense

About eleven years ago, a worker from Egypt was really blinded as a punishment. Such a sentence was imposed because a foreigner poured acid into the face of another person, which caused the victim to become blind. The victim did not want to accept financial assistance in the form of £ 87,000 and insisted on revenge according to Sharia law. In 2008, a court sentenced the perpetrator to blinding with acid.


The death penalty in Saudi Arabia breaks all records. Human rights defenders highlight the fact that most often this measure of punishment is used in relation to emigrants and poor local residents. Literally in 2014, 84 people were sentenced to death. Based on information from the ministry, in the first three months of 2015, 56 people were sentenced to death. If the pace is not stopped, then by the end of this year the number of people sentenced can reach 200 people or more. Compared to other years, in which indicators ranged from 70 to 80 executed, the number is disastrously large.

"Do not go, children, to walk in Africa ..."

Emigrants have the hardest time, because the language barrier makes the process of justification almost impossible. Ordinary workers who come from poor countries such as Bangladesh, Pakistan and Yemen do not know the Arabic language or speak it very poorly. They account for up to 40% of all executed in Saudi Arabia.

Most observers note that in relation to visitors, the court executes decisions with guilty pleasures much more often than in relation to the indigenous people of this country. It is also worth noting that immigrants cannot afford to pay the services of local lawyers.

as executed in saudi arabia

Differences from generally accepted standards

Justice in Saudi Arabia is not relevant to international fair trial standards. Directly litigation takes place in an atmosphere of secrecy and with a minimum number of participants. Defendants can be found guilty even without sufficient evidence, based on confessions of the suspect himself, which are often torn out during the investigation by torture. The verdict “guilty” can be rendered only on the basis of testimonies of third parties. Although, if fraud is revealed, false witnesses will also be executed. It happens that relatives are not previously informed of the sentence of execution.

The death penalty in Saudi Arabia can be applied to those crimes that are not particularly serious in the opinion of international law. These include: cheating on one of the spouses, robbery with weapons, rape and engaging in magic.

Paradox or pattern

Many countries agree that the death penalty violates the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, that it must be abolished everywhere, that a person does not have the right to execute the judgment of God.

In response to this, I would like to say that according to the same statistics, the lowest crime rate is in Saudi Arabia: it is safe to roam the street at night, theft or rape is a very rare case. Europeans can only dream about this.


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