Hitachi DV18DCL2 cordless impact drill: specifications, reviews

Hitachi Japanese conglomerate shows unstable success in the power tool segment. According to all the data, the image and resource potential of the company should have firmly occupied positions on the same level as the main market players in the person of Makita, Bosch, Dewalt, etc. Nevertheless, periodically appearing models with frankly unsuccessful performance interfere with this. Usually this applies to individual technical and operational or structural parameters, miscalculations in which turn the consumer away from this product. But fans of the brand also know that Japanese specialists manage to demonstrate an almost unique combination of functionality, technical reliability and ergonomics in their designs. And all this is supported by low cost - a factor that does not allow the company to finally say goodbye to its place in the construction tool market. With some reservations, such models include the Hitachi DV18DCL2 screwdriver, whose photo is located below. The device is made in accordance with modern requirements of the discerning universal wizard, it is not without personality and some flaws.

hitachi dv18dcl2

Model Overview

The tool is a mid-range multifunctional drill / driver. Typically, such devices are classified as semi-professional, as they combine the features of household modifications, and the power potential of professional machines. The design of the model is traditional - the developers tried to optimize it for the sake of light weight and ease of maneuvering. The handle received a rubberized coating, but similar additions are already considered mandatory even for state employees of the lowest level. As for the direct working qualities, the Hitachi DV18DCL2 can be called a balanced, but powerful device. Firstly, the tool has a shock function. That is, it can be used as a universal tool not only when working with hardware and drilling, but also in destructive work. Secondly, there are opportunities for fine-tuning the force impact under specific working conditions and characteristics of the target material. This makes it possible to save battery energy and protect parts from excessive wear.

Main characteristics

Against the general background of offers similar in price level, the model looks very attractive. But this is not even the main thing. Unlike most even premium power tools, in the case of the Japanese modification, the nominal parameters from the manufacturer are fully consistent with the actual indicators that the Hitachi DV18DCL2 screwdriver demonstrates. Description of the main characteristics of the model is presented below:

  • Type of holding chuck - keyless.
  • Cartridge size - coverage from 1.5 to 13 mm.
  • The number of speed modes - 2.
  • The diameter of drilling of brick walls is up to 13 mm.
  • The diameter of the drilling of metal substrates is up to 13 mm.
  • The diameter of the holes for wood is up to 38 mm.
  • Screw diameter - up to 8 mm.
  • Tool length - 234 mm.
  • Weight - 1.6 kg.

Power Stuff Features

hitachi dv18dcl2 screwdriver

Perhaps it is the implementation of the engine with the associated equipment that can be called the strength of the device. The design used a brush propulsion system, powered by a battery with a voltage of 18 V. This is a very worthy indicator for a middle link screwdriver, which allows it to give out the spindle speed with peak readings at 400 and 1500 rpm - respectively, at the first and second speeds. The ultimate torque is 43 Nm. From the point of view of power impact, the impact power provided by the Hitachi DV18DCL2 screwdriver is also important. Characteristics by this value are also divided into two speed modes - in the first from 0 to 5600 beats / min, and in the second - from 0 to 21,000 beats / min. Actually, thanks to such a serious engine potential, the user has the opportunity to work confidently with solid-state materials, including concrete and brick. According to the drilling processing capabilities, we can say that the apparatus is close to entry-level perforators.

Hitachi DV18DCL2 Power System Specifications

First of all, it is necessary to emphasize the fact of using a battery, moreover, the Li-Ion format. The rejection of network tools has become firmly established among major manufacturers, and such a step is justified, since the owner receives a fully autonomous device - at least for the period of the work process. And here it is worth dispelling two myths about battery models. The first is low power compared to network counterparts. This is not so, since power output is directly affected by the quality of the engine. The second myth is connected with the fact that under conditions of removal, the period of the instrument’s action will be limited by the charge, which will not allow it to cope with long work processes. There is some truth in this, but Hitachi DV18DCL2 Liion, like many other entry-level screwdriver models, are equipped with two battery packs. And while one is being consumed, the second can be charged using the complete recharging device. In this case, it takes an hour to fully replenish energy. The battery capacity is 1.5 A * h at a voltage of 18 V.

hitachi dv18dcl2 screwdriver photo

Additional functionality

The model has acquired a solid set of auxiliary options that are definitely useful for both the home master and the professional. Among them, it is worth noting the reverse (reverse) stroke, the ability to carry out electrical adjustment of the rotation speed, the brake system and the lock that protects against accidental switching on. If we talk about the missing functionality of the Hitachi DV18DCL2, then the most offensive drawback in this regard is probably for many to be the backlight. Usually modern tools of this type are provided with LED flashlights, but in this case you will have to stock up on a separate building lighting source.

Technological features

Hitachi engineers did a good job on the design, which also contributed to the success of the model on the market. While little-known brands with minimal resources produce bright and attractive models with rich functional support, the Japanese rely on the basic quality of technology, which is appreciated by experienced users. So, first of all, it is possible to note the integrated ventilation system, which cools the power plant, preventing it from overheating and thereby prolonging the service life. Further noteworthy is the already mentioned keyless chuck. You can’t call it a unique solution, but so far not all manufacturers, even in the middle class, have switched to it. A feature of the Hitachi DV18DCL2 cartridge is the presence of a ratchet mechanism, which makes it possible to quickly, easily and safely change the working equipment. By the way, nozzles and consumables for this model also deserve a separate discussion.

Consumables & Accessories

hitachi dv18dcl2 screwdriver specifications

The tool is equipped with two types of nozzles - bits and drills. Bits for fasteners are recommended to be purchased immediately with sets, which will cover the maximum range of sizes. Moreover, the set should include bits of different shapes. The model can be equipped with star-shaped, cross-shaped and hexagonal bits. Drills are also available in different sizes. The designers of the company themselves distinguish several groups according to their purpose - for wood, concrete, ceramics, metal and universal tasks. Especially when working with concrete and stone structures, it is desirable to supplement the Hitachi DV18DCL2 screwdriver with industrial vacuum cleaners and dust removal systems. Using branded nozzles, the tool is connected to the nozzle of the same vacuum cleaner, which eliminates the pollution of the workplace with parts of construction dirt. Such vacuum cleaners are easy to find in the Hitachi line, but the manufacturer recommends looking for nozzles in the assortments of Ryobi, Makita, Bosch, etc.

Power Reviews

Both modes of operation, both as a screwdriver and as a drill, are for the most part a positive experience for users. There is enough power to process all the basic building materials - from fragile glass to solid stone. True, not all mineral rocks are amenable to this apparatus - in the case of granite, for example, it is better to go straight to the punch. There is also the absence of a negative temperature effect on the Hitachi DV18DCL2. Reviews in this regard compare the lithium-ion battery with other instances of the same type, which can unstably provide power supply in cold conditions.

hitachi dv18dcl2 screwdriver reviews

Ergonomics Reviews

Ergonomics also have no special complaints. The developers tried to provide for rubberized coatings on the handles, and convenient switches with latches, as well as a number of auxiliary accessories that facilitate physical handling of the tool. The only drawback was the missing flashlight with a connector for holding, but this has its own explanation. The fact is that the Hitachi DV18DCL2 screwdriver was optimized as much as possible in the design, which had a beneficial effect on the small weight of 1.6 kg. The lack of backlight for such models should not be considered as a serious flaw, since the average power model is rarely used as a brisk and maneuverable assistant in hard-to-reach and low-light places. For such purposes, network modifications with even more compact sizes and low power are more suitable.

Design Reliability Reviews

Mechanical resistance, as well as low cost, has always been one of the strengths of Hitachi products, even if an obvious decrease in quality is observed in other parameters. An example of the screwdriver in question continues the established tradition. Owners of the model testify to the high quality of the engine with paired elements, and the durability of the housing. The developers also envisaged the impact of severe climatic factors, which may be subject to the Hitachi DV18DCL2 screwdriver. Reviews note not only the protection of the battery pack from temperature fluctuations, but also of metal equipment - from humidity. All metal elements are made of stainless steel, coated with several layers of protection.

Comparison with competitors

hitachi dv18dcl2 cordless drill

The model has quite a few strong competitors, presented in the price range of 7-9 thousand rubles. In particular, DeWALT offers an almost identical modification of the DCD776S2, which has a slightly higher impact moment, has a backlight, but its drilling diameters are smaller. An interesting proposal is in the Makita family - a modification of the DHP343SYE. This option works at a voltage of 14.4 V - respectively, and its power qualities are lower, as well as drilling parameters. But if there is no special need for high rates, then you can give preference to this model. The most serious competitor the Hitachi DV18DCL2 impact screwdriver is fighting is the GSR 180-Li from Bosch. This is also a combined drill screwdriver, powered by 18 V batteries. But, it has a higher torque - 54 Nm, high rotation speed, the presence of LED-backlight and, moreover, a more modest weight - 1.53 kg.


hitachi dv18dcl2 reviews

In the domestic market, this device is available for 7-8 thousand on average. This is a considerable amount for a power tool, so it is advisable to accurately determine the tasks that this model will have to solve. Obviously, the optimal direction in which the Hitachi DV18DCL2 cordless impact drill will show its best qualities is the construction and repair sector, and, in particular, the hands of a universal wizard. Complex highly specialized tasks are unlikely to be entrusted to this tool on an ongoing basis, and standard operations in droves are quite. As for the domestic sphere, the presence of such a screwdriver will definitely not harm. Another thing is that most often homework on drilling and twisting can be realized with less serious helpers, the cost of which will be within 4-5 thousand.


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