What plastic windows are better to put in the apartment? Manufacturers review and customer reviews

When old wooden structures are shaken, covered with a thick layer of cracked paint, they are not able to retain heat and provide tightness. Naturally, the question arises: "What windows are better to put in the apartment?" Plastic! The answer can only be that. However, with the current assortment of such products on the Russian market, it is rather difficult to make a choice. Therefore, today we will conduct a short review of manufacturers of such structures, so that it is easier for you to navigate this variety.

what plastic windows are better to put in the apartment

The undisputed leader in the modern Russian market are plastic windows. The advantage of these systems is primarily due to their excellent performance, long life and spectacular decorative data.

Plastic windows: advantages

If you are interested in answering the question: “What kind of plastic windows is better to put in the apartment?”, You need to know about the advantages of these products. Today they are gaining more and more popularity in the construction market. Why did they deserve such recognition?

Of course, the strength of the structure. Glass can fall out of an ordinary window during strong winds, and in a plastic double-glazed window it is securely fixed. Moreover, such products are impact resistant.

One cannot ignore the aesthetics of these designs. They are very beautiful, the house with plastic windows seems to glow from the outside, and in the rooms it becomes much brighter.

which windows are better to put plastic in the apartment

The indisputable advantages of plastic include its lightness and the ability to create a double-glazed window of any shape. For each architectural style, you can choose the right option.

Equally important is the affordability of these products. Today, manufacturers from different countries offer not only elite, exclusive types of their products, but also budget options.

Plastic profile

The main component of a metal-plastic window is a PVC profile. It is made from polyvinyl chloride. Initially, it is a powdery material made from oil refined products with the addition of salt. In addition, various modifiers and stabilizers are added to this powder, giving the material strength and resistance to aggressive mechanical and natural influences.

Which company plastic windows is better to put

Today many companies are engaged in the production of these structures, both in our country and abroad. Their choice is greater than ever. Moreover, these are not only reputable, time-tested brands, but also very young companies that have yet to prove their worth and withstand very fierce competition. Today we will try to introduce you to them so that you can answer the question: “Which plastic windows are better to put?”

Windows REHAU

The German company Rehau has been confidently the leader in our market of plastic structures for many years. It was created in 1948, today it employs more than 15 thousand employees. The first representative office in our country appeared in 1995. In 2002, own production was opened in Russia.

The company presents six window profiles. They differ in a variety of characteristics and prices - from budget to luxury. The number of cameras ranges from 3 to 6. There are samples created specifically for the conditions of the Russian winter. If you are thinking about which plastic windows it is better to choose which company, reviews from the lucky owners of these structures will help you decide. Customers emphasize that Rehau offers its customers environmentally friendly products.

These windows have become very popular in our country due to affordable prices and high quality. The company's product range has a huge selection of colors and shapes.

The famous brand produces several types of double-glazed windows from different lines - DESIGN 70, EURO and BASIC DESIGN. EURO are products with increased sound insulation, protection from wind, heat and sun. Profiles are reliably protected from burning out and damage from temperature differences.

The BASIC DESIGN range has lower noise and weather protection. However, the manufacturer guarantees that the windows will last more than 10 years. Prices are encouraging, although it must be noted that they vary depending on the design features of the model: a dull window costs from 2.5 to 3 thousand rubles, a standard one from 8 to 12 thousand rubles.

which windows are better to put in the apartment photo

Windows Veka

If you are interested in which plastic windows it is better to choose which company, pay attention to the products of the famous VEKA brand in Russia. According to consumer reviews, double-glazed windows of this German company firmly occupy second place in popularity.

This company was created in 1969. It presented nine varieties of profiles on the Russian market, including unique five-chamber models. The company has two operating enterprises in Russia.

VEKA windows are of the highest quality and very reasonable prices. The corporation has released several classes of its products, which have their own characteristics - color solutions, shapes.

A huge selection of shapes - arched, rectangular, trapezoidal and even round - a distinctive feature of the company's products. In addition, there is a variety of stylization, a variety of color schemes.

The most popular in our country are VEKA EUROLINE windows, which are distinguished by insulated profiles, simple shape and affordable price. VEKA SOFTLINE is a classic product with enhanced durability, spectacular appearance and sound insulation.

The VEKA ALPHALINE line is distinguished by a large selection of colors and shapes and has the most powerful thermal insulation (three-loop). Prices for these quality windows range from 3.5 to 5 thousand rubles, depending on the line you choose.

KBE windows

Today, many people who begin major repairs are interested in: “What windows are better to put in an apartment?” Plastic constructions of the German company KBE, owned by Profine, are well known in the Russian market. The brand represents five modifications - from the budget line “Engine” to the elite products “Select”.

KBE profiles have been manufactured in Germany since 1980. Today they are produced at two Russian plants: in Khabarovsk and Voskresensk. The quality of their double-glazed windows is as high as in Germany.

In the production of the company's products, energy-saving spraying and argon filling of the cameras are used. The cost of such windows is from 6.2 to 8 thousand rubles.

"Samara window structures"

Today, many of our compatriots, who cannot decide which plastic windows are best to put in the apartment, have the opportunity to support the domestic manufacturer by choosing “SOK” windows. Since 1999, the company has been a member of the German concern Profine. Production is located in the city of Syzran (Samara region). Accessories are manufactured by Aug. Winkhous Gmbh. & Co. KG, which celebrated its 160th anniversary last year. She specializes in the manufacture of window and door mechanisms.

KBE profiles are not only produced in traditional white, but also laminated, which allows you to order models that fully meet the design of your home.

The company presents three types of profiles: SOK 3, SOK 4 and SOK 5. The number means the number of cameras in the glass units. These designs comply with European standards. The cost of a standard window varies from 5 to 7 thousand rubles.

plastic windows which company is better to put


The German company SALAMANDER is represented on the Russian market by three modifications of window profiles: 2 D, 3 D and Streamline, which has rounded frame and sash shapes. Judging by customer reviews, the company's products do not stand out except for traditional German quality.

By the way, the company produces not only windows, but also balcony pairs, as well as doors. The main advantage of this company is experience and quality. SALAMANDER windows are regularly tested and meet international standards.

Prices for all brand products are much higher than those of the nearest competitors. This significantly affects the demand for these products. In addition, SALAMANDER windows are available in white only. Forms are standard - rectangular. Prices are quite high and depend on the class of selected products. A dull window will cost you from 3 thousand rubles, a standard rectangular opening - from 6 thousand rubles. Elite line models can be purchased for 15,000 rubles (initial price).

plastic windows which company is better to choose

Windows Deceuninck

Designers often help their clients in resolving the issue of “how to choose reliable plastic windows for an apartment”. Recently, they are increasingly recommending paying attention to the products of the Deceuninck concern. This is one of the pioneers in the production of PVC systems in the world. In addition, the brand became one of the founders of the Union of Manufacturers of Plastic Profiles of Russia. The concern owns Thyssen Polymer. It has been producing PVC windows since 1965, the company appeared on our market in 1997. A few years ago, production was organized in Russia. Today, Deceuninck windows compete with such well-known brands as Veka, Rehau, KBE

The first samples presented to the Russian buyer were Zendow, AD, Favorit, Bautec, Forward, which met all the requirements of their time and at the same time had quite affordable prices. However, time passed, requirements grew, materials and technologies improved. Only the last three models are left from the list today (although Favorit and Bautec are also obsolete today). However, they were replaced by two models that were much better adapted to the harsh Russian climate: Favorit Space and the elite Eforte. The cost of brand products is from 4 to 15 thousand rubles.

Schuco Company

Not all consumers know which windows are best to put in the apartment. Some people think that the more expensive the product, the better it is, others are sure that the environmental safety of the material is most important, while others think that the main thing is the level of sound insulation. In fact, quality PVC windows should have all of these characteristics.

As for Schuco windows, even very popular brands cannot always compete with them in quality. The fact is that all production is concentrated in Germany. In this regard, the brand’s products are the highest quality products.

The company supplies three types of profiles to the Russian market: three- and five-chamber double-glazed windows. In addition, the company produces seven-chamber models. All products in Russia are considered elite. The price varies from 6.8 to 18 thousand rubles.

what windows are better to put in the apartment


Often people do not consider the products of domestic manufacturers when they think about which windows are better to put in the apartment. Photos in special publications most often advertise products of well-known world brands. Nevertheless, we advise you to pay attention to the Russian company Montblanc.

The production is based on German equipment, but the plants are located in Russia - in Elektrostal and Khabarovsk. Their products have appeared on the market since 2001.

The company presents six profile modifications: three three-chamber, two five-chamber and one six-chamber. This product is classified as an economy class. Price - from 3.5 to 6.2 thousand rubles.

Windows WDS

When we decide which plastic windows are best to put in the apartment, often the price factor is decisive. Thanks to him, the products of the famous WDS window profile very quickly gained a good distribution in our market.

The company relies on a middle-income buyer. WDS windows have two main characteristics - an affordable price and good quality. Models do not differ in exquisite shapes and a variety of color solutions, they do not have excess functionality. Traditional rectangular double-glazed windows are issued deaf or opening, average and strongly warmed. Therefore, the prices are reasonable: the opening window costs from 4,5 thousand rubles, and the deaf - from 2 thousand rubles.

Which plastic windows are better? Customer reviews

We introduced you to the main manufacturers of these products, which today share the Russian market. However, we are sure that the information received does not yet allow you to decide which plastic windows are best to put in the apartment. That is why we want to refer to the reviews of the owners of profiles of various companies. This will allow you to make the final choice.

plastic windows which company is better to choose reviews

About REHAU windows, we were not able to find negative reviews. People assure that these products are really high-quality, the contractual deadlines are respected, the technical specifications are fully consistent with the declared manufacturer. There are some complaints about the high price, but as you know, a quality thing is never cheap.

Veka company captivates its customers not only with excellent quality, but also with the perfectly organized work of the staff - managers, gauges, installers.

The windows of KBE are mixed reviews. At not the lowest prices, some buyers are satisfied with the purchase, but there are many who complain that the windows are flowing and moldy. Therefore, people recommend purchasing the “Standard” and “Standard” windows, as well as choosing high-quality fittings.

With the products of "Samara window structures" there may be problems with the contractual terms. Unfortunately, they are not always respected. Many complaints about the work of installers.

SALAMANDER windows do not cause any complaints about the quality. However, many are not satisfied with the rather high price.

Deceuninck designs, as it turned out, are not so good. Many complain of poor sound insulation, black spots appear on the profile. A lot of angry words addressed to the company management regarding poor-quality installation.

But the majority of customers are satisfied with Schuco windows. The products are of high quality, and besides, there is such a service as five years of free maintenance.

The same can be said about the products of the domestic company Montblanc. At an affordable price, the quality is excellent. Customers also note the professionalism of employees.

Windows WDS fully meet the declared characteristics, while a reasonable price pleases. Only a small selection of colors and shapes of models upsets.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F23760/

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