Russian Navy. Russian Navy Pacific Fleet: composition, photos, contacts. Day of the Pacific Fleet of the Russian Navy. What is famous for the Pacific Fleet of the Russian Navy?

At any time, any state could be characterized by analyzing three main aspects, namely: the level of freedom of citizens, the prevailing method of regulating social relations, and the development of power structures and armed forces. The last element is of great importance even in the modern world. It would seem, why do we need a strong army today if most of the large-scale military conflicts were over in the 20th century? Indeed, there are simply no truly significant international problems today. Nevertheless, the 21st century, as recent events have shown, is not an “oasis” of stability. Most states do not trust other representatives of the international arena. Such a mode of interaction is a time bomb, which in the future can develop into a full-fledged war. To prevent this from happening, states are obliged to build up military power to suppress any kind of provocation. It should be noted that in some states today there are already highly mobile and combat-ready units. Such countries include the Russian Federation. As part of its armed forces, there is the Pacific Navy, which has an extremely interesting history and a number of characteristic features.

Russian Navy Pacific Fleet

Navy of the Russian Federation

The fleet is the main battle group on the water. Throughout history, this type of troops has been modernized and has become increasingly deadly. As for Russia, our state was not always famous for its developed naval forces, if we compare them with similar units in England, Spain and Portugal. Nevertheless, the “exit to Europe” cut by Peter I made it possible to develop a new sector of military art. Today, the Navy of the Russian Federation is one of the components of the armed forces of the state. It has its own structure and a number of functional tasks that differ in specificity.

Pacific Fleet Russian Navy

The composition of the Navy

The structure of the Navy can be viewed from two perspectives. In the first case, it is necessary to take into account the individual units that are part of the military branch. Today, the Russian Navy includes:

  • surface and underwater forces;
  • maritime aviation;
  • coastal fleet troops.

But in addition to dividing into specific power structures, the entire Navy of the Russian Federation is divided into certain units formed by strategic necessity and territorial location. In accordance with this distinguish:

  • Baltic.
  • Northern.
  • Caspian.
  • Black Sea.
  • Pacific Fleet.

The latter group is one of the largest, given the number of equipment and personnel.

Russian Navy - Pacific Fleet

Today, the Russian Federation is one of the largest countries in terms of territoriality. The fleet in this case is a way to protect the main exits of the power to the oceans. The Pacific Fleet of the Russian Navy is a military group of the same type of troops included in the Armed Forces of the state. It contains a large number of special technical equipment. With their help, the group provides security in the Asia-Pacific region.

The truly legendary history of the presented military group determined its popularity and authority. This fact is manifested in the existence of a memorable date dedicated to this structural unit of the armed forces. Thus, May 21 is the day of the Pacific Fleet of the Russian Navy .

The imperial period in the history of the Pacific group of the Navy

The territory of the Russian Federation extends for many kilometers. Therefore, the state has many access to the sea. But the Pacific Fleet did not always exist. The starting point in its history is 1716, when the Sea of ​​Okhotsk was created. For a long time, this location was the main marine base in the Far Eastern territories. The next stage in the development of the structural element of the Navy was 1731. This date marked the appearance of the Okhotsk military flotilla, the decree on the creation of which was given by Empress Anna Ioannovna.

The Pacific Fleet received its first baptism in 1854. From August 18-24, two ships, the Aurora and the Dvina, resisted the superior strength of the Anglo-French squadron. At the beginning of the 20th century, the Russian Empire began to build up the power of the Pacific group in connection with the aggravation of conflicts with Japan. During this period, the Pacific Fleet of the Russian Navy is based on a point known as Port Arthur.

Pacific Fleet Russian Navy Vladivostok
In 1904, during the Russo-Japanese War, most of the imperial fleet was destroyed, since the enemy’s forces at sea were superior.

Soviet and modern period of development

The Pacific Fleet of the Russian Navy played a significant role in the process of the establishment of Soviet power in the Far East in 1917. Most of the sailors of the group fought for the establishment of the "red" regime. However, the Pacific Fleet was disbanded in 1926. The restoration of the unit took place only after 6 years. And already in 1937, the Pacific Naval School began to function. During the Second World War, the unit fought with the Germans and Japanese.

After the independence of the Russian Federation, the Pacific Fleet of the Russian Navy, the composition of which is presented in the article, began to develop rapidly. The evolution of this unit of the armed forces is explained quite simply. The Far East is of great strategic importance. Therefore, its protection is of paramount importance. In accordance with this, in 2000 the total technical renewal of the Pacific Fleet began.

To date, the presented unit is one of the most combat-ready, if you analyze the entire structure of the Navy. The Pacific Fleet of the Russian Navy, whose contacts can be found on the Internet, has a whole range of functional areas, which will be presented later.

Pacific Fleet Russian Navy Base

The main objectives of the group

Today, many questions arise about what the Pacific Fleet of the Russian Navy does, the composition of which is presented in the article? Even despite the relatively peaceful climate prevailing throughout the international community, the military group mentioned in the article carries out a huge number of functional tasks.

  1. The Pacific Fleet of the Russian Navy ensures the maintenance of strategic forces in combat readiness to deter possible nuclear aggression.
  2. The group protects the main economic areas in the controlled region.
  3. It ensures the implementation of any kind of foreign policy actions: business visits, exercises, peacekeeping operations, etc.
  4. The Pacific Fleet of the Russian Navy, the photo of which is presented in this article, is also involved in ensuring the safety of shipping.

Thus, the unit implements important tasks in the Far Eastern region. In order to ensure the effectiveness of the implementation of the basic functions in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, several grouping bases operate at once. Today, there are five main places where the Pacific Fleet of the Russian Navy is located. Vladivostok is the main base. In addition to it, the technical and personnel of the group is located in Fokino, Bolshoi Kamen, Vilyuchinsk and Sovetskaya Gavan. Thus, the Far Eastern border is immediately blocked in several directions, which allows the formation to more effectively implement its tasks.

Pacific Fleet Technical Equipment

The Far Eastern naval group today includes a large number of different types of equipment. Today, the basis of the Pacific Fleet is the following technical means, namely:

  • submarines;
  • nuclear and diesel-powered submarines;
  • surface ships that operate in the near sea and ocean zones;
  • missile, anti-submarine, fighter aircraft.
    Pacific Fleet Russian Navy contacts

If we analyze the technical component of the Pacific Fleet in more detail, it is based on the Orlan project cruisers, the Sarych destroyers, the Albatros small anti-submarine ships, the Lightning missile boats, the Grachonok anti-sabotage boats, etc. The elite of submarine units type are large and small nuclear submarines "Antei" and "Pike-B".

Features of the Pacific Fleet

It should be noted that in the structure of the unit there are not only submarine and surface forces, but also some special units. For example, marines, anti-aircraft missile units and electronic warfare units are of great importance . These formations ensure the effective fulfillment of functional tasks, as well as a high level of security at the Far Eastern borders.

But a logical question arises: what is famous for the Pacific Fleet of the Russian Navy, in addition to the mentioned technical base? The answer is the legendary flagship Varyag.

Pacific Fleet Russian Navy photo

Flagship Pacific Fleet

The Pacific Fleet of the Russian Navy, whose base is located in Vladivostok, has in its composition the main, leading ship. The flagship of the project 1164 "Varangian" was launched in 1982. Regardless of his age, the ship is perfect for performing combat missions of our time. He is able to reach speeds of up to 32 knots. Autonomy of swimming can last about 30 days. The Varangian can carry 680 crew members on board and cover a distance of 7000 miles. The ship's displacement is 11,300 tons.

Russian Navy Pacific Fleet is based on

As for military power, the Varyag missile cruiser can compete with many modern ships. The armament of the flagship consists of several elements. It:

  • helicopter "Ka-27";
  • 2 anti-aircraft systems of the Wasp type;
  • 2 torpedo tubes;
  • 8 Fort anti-aircraft missile systems;
  • 16 installations of type "Volcano";
  • 6 installations "AK-630";
  • one AK-130 installation.

Thus, the ship, given its technical characteristics, can with dignity carry the status of a flagship.

Flagship activity

Even taking into account the authoritative status of the Varyag spacecraft, it is a combat missile cruiser that can be used to carry out combat missions, as already mentioned. The most striking examples of the flagship activity in recent years is its participation in several operations. Firstly, the “Varangian” took part in the Russian-Indian naval exercises, which took place in 2015 from December 7 to 12. Secondly, on January 3, 2016, the cruiser changed the ship “Moscow” and ensured the fulfillment of the combat mission. His main goal was to cover the Air Force of the Russian Federation, which was operating at that time in Syria. All the goals set before the flagship were met. Therefore, by the summer of 2016, the ship returned to Vladivostok with the entire crew on board.


So, we tried to find out the technical condition and the main tasks that the Pacific Fleet of the Russian Navy carries out. Vladivostok is the main base for the formation today. It should be noted that the group is one of the most deadly and developed units in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Therefore, for the safety of the Far Eastern maritime borders of our country, you can not worry.


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