Water circuit heating and cooking stove: model overview, advantages and disadvantages

Since ancient times, one of the most important items in the house was the stove. For many centuries, when there was no gas or electricity in the premises, the stove gave heat to all households. They usually put it in the middle of the room for uniform heating of the room. But the furnace played not only its direct, ordinary role. She is the personification of life itself in the house, brought comfort and warmth to the house, helped to cook food and warm water, which played a huge role for the health and full existence of people of that time. In this regard, the stove enjoyed the well-deserved love of all family members.

Although at present such structures are no longer of such great importance and are not used everywhere as before, they are nevertheless an integral part of the life of rural residents, where for some reason there is no central heating system.

There are many types of stoves that differ from each other in their qualities.

Types of heating systems

  1. Heating furnaces (Dutch, rectangular, triangular, plastered). The most unpopular kind of heating devices, because it has only one function - space heating. In addition, they are massive and occupy a fairly large area.
  2. Kitchen stoves (with oven and boiler, with shields, on trenches). Small structures with excellent qualities: provide long-term heating (in the presence of special heat shields), they can cook food and warm water. At the same time, in comparison with other options, the cost is low.
  3. Bath or so-called stove-heaters. This design is an excellent option for a bath, as it retains heat for a long time, has excellent dry steam and high fire safety.
  4. Heating and cooking. This kind of stove is the most popular. It is to this type of heating system that our article will be devoted. And now let's take a closer look at what's special about it.
Furnace Elements

So, a heating and cooking stove with a water body is a device for raising the room temperature, which also has the function of heating water and cooking.

Furnace Elements

The main elements of heating and cooking structures:

  • plate;
  • register;
  • chimney (removes smoke from the house, creates draft);
  • blowing (channel, which is also involved in the organization of traction);
  • a furnace (fuel burning occurs in it, helps to transfer heat, includes a grate, on which fuel is put);
  • an ashpit (collects ash from fuel, serves to clean the structure);
  • fire fighting elements.

These are the basic components. In addition to them, it is necessary to use other materials that are specific to this type of furnace.

Water heating circuit

A heating and cooking stove with a water circuit for heating a house is becoming increasingly popular. The principle of its operation is quite simple: instead of air, water is used, which is much better, retains heat longer. It heats up and runs through the pipes, bringing heat to the house.

Types of furnaces

One of the disadvantages is one of the qualities of water. When it turns into ice, it increases in size, which will inevitably lead to damage to the pipes. You can call this drawback not very significant, because you can always drain the water if you are not going to use the stove in winter or autumn. In this case, of course, you can no longer use the design. If this option is not relevant, you can use special substances.

Non-freezing fluids for pipes

There are such non-freezing pipes:

  • Antifreeze. Propylene glycol or ethylene glycol, a toxic liquid that tends to not freeze at very low temperatures, up to - 60 degrees.
  • Coolant with glycerin. In contrast, antifreeze is not toxic, but costs much more. Does not freeze to minus 30 degrees.
  • Bischofite. It is a natural mineral, specifically magnesium salt. It is the best, but at the same time the most expensive non-freezing liquid. It retains its properties up to minus 20 degrees.

Each furnace with a water circuit has a radiator (also called a coil) - this is the most important device for heat exchange. Using it, you can heat any amount of water.

The register is the most important part of the furnace

The heat exchanger is most often arranged in a furnace. But this is not the safest option, so it is better to use the top of the chimney. When installing a furnace with a water circuit for heating a house, it is better to use the services of a professional, since it is unlikely that you will be able to independently calculate the size and power of the radiator. Do not save on this, because experts have all the necessary data and will be able to choose the best option for the size of the house and stove.

The coil, also called the register, plays a major role in the operation of the furnace with a water circuit, so you must carefully select the metal from which it will be made.

Types of heat exchangers :

  1. A cast-iron coil is not in great demand, because this metal is not very durable, which means that it is clearly not worth counting on its durability (with stable temperature changes).
  2. Steel heat exchanger is a favorite in this matter. It is durable enough and works well. For those who decide not to spare money for stove heating at home, we recommend stainless steel, which is much better and more durable than other materials.
  3. The copper radiator conducts heat very well. But it’s interesting to note that this type of heat exchanger cannot be used when installing a brick furnace, because the temperature of the board of this metal is 1,085 Β° C, and accordingly there is a high risk of fire.
Types of heating and cooking stove

Reviews about the furnace with a water circuit are mostly positive, because there is water everywhere, while it does not harm human health. You will not need fans and large diameter pipes, which means that you can save space financial resources.

Widespread use of the furnace

As mentioned above, one of the advantages of choosing a heating and cooking structure is its great functionality. Therefore, using a wood-burning stove is a great idea. The presence of a large space will turn cooking into a pleasure, and the heat of the oven will give the dish a unique taste. In addition, many people like to watch the movement of the light.

Benefits of stove heating

The stove will give such an opportunity, unlike boilers in which the flame is closed. The models that are currently being produced are very beautiful, often executed using glass. Such a device will not only not spoil, but will also decorate any living room. The heating and cooking furnace with a water circuit is made of various materials.

Types of heating and cooking stoves

  1. Cast iron.

Aqua furnaces with a water circuit from this alloy are very durable, they can quickly increase the temperature in the room. But if you need to give warmth to the whole house, cast iron will not work, since without a heat exchanger it can heat a small space. But in one room it will not leave cold corners, the heat will disperse evenly. Also, a cast iron furnace with a water circuit is easily susceptible to corrosion.

Of the advantages, a high service life has already been named, the material can withstand a constant temperature drop. And, unlike brick kilns, the cast-iron construction is easy to install and operate.

Cast iron stove

2. Wood burning.

This type of heating system is made of steel. Of course, a wood-burning stove has huge advantages:

  • It does not require any additional resources - you only need firewood, which can be obtained without spending money. So, you do not depend on environmental factors. At the same time, this circumstance is also a minus, because a lot of space is needed to store this type of fuel.
  • Functionality: a wood-burning stove with a water circuit is also perfect for cooking, as well as for washing and hygiene procedures.
  • Appearance: such stoves look very elegant, create coziness and can decorate any room.
  • No harm to health.

As you can see, there are many positive qualities, but there is also such an important drawback as the risk of fire. Therefore, do not place furniture or decoration near a wood stove.

For those who do not want to abandon the stove for cooking on wood, you can buy a stove on coal. A long-term (slow) burning device will help in this, which combines the possibility of using both types of fuel.

Wood burning stove

3. Buleryan (buller).

Canadian model of a heating and cooking stove. This is a universal type of device that is suitable for any room. It works on almost all types of solid fuel (it is not recommended to use carbon, the combustion temperature of which is very high, and it is not recommended to use strong heat for buleryan, since the surface can begin to crack and collapse, and in this case, the risk of corrosion).

Buller has a low heat capacity, works on the principle of a heater (pipes with steam, hot water or air).

Furnace order

4. Brick construction.

It is the most traditional and practical option. We already discussed above that brick devices are very reliable and retain heat for a long time. Brick oven is very environmentally friendly and cheap to bookmark. And it works on almost any type of fuel (peat briquettes, coal, firewood), which is also important. Unlike a cast iron stove, it is well suited for heating a large space.

Now let's talk more about bricklaying. This activity is difficult, so before you start it is better to write a diagram. Currently, this can be done on a computer in a special program.

Ordering a heating and cooking stove

Ordering - making a diagram of the laying of bricks in rows. This is a necessary action, because the construction of stoves and fireplaces is a laborious process. You can create the order of the existing brick kiln, which is useful when laying subsequent designs. For example, when working as a professional stove maker.

  1. Before starting the ordering, a concrete base and waterproofing (foundation) should be laid out.
  2. 1-2 row - laying of bricks.
  3. 3-5 row - the walls of the blower (blower chamber).
  4. 6-7 row - installation of a grate.
  5. Next, the fuel register (coil) is mounted.
  6. 14 row - lay out the hob.
  7. Chimney pipe.

This is a brief description of the order of the furnace. When building the foundation, do not forget that it should be 5-10 centimeters more than the stove. And between concrete, floor and walls you need to leave a gap of a few centimeters.

Brick oven

There is a second meaning to this term. In this case, the ordering is a special device for smooth bricklaying. With it, you can track the neat masonry both vertically and horizontally (this will help a special twisted cord-mooring, its diameter is 3-5 meters). Make the order in the form of a metal or wooden profile with divisions. Such a device is applied to the outside of the brick wall so that the stove can comfortably control the process.

Since the thickness of the brick is different, the distance between the divisions also varies. When calculating this distance, several elements should be considered:

  • a seam (its thickness is usually 12 mm);
  • brick (single or thickened, 65 and 88 millimeters, respectively).

Thus, the distance can be from 75 to 100 mm. Do not forget that the dimensions may vary depending on the building material used. It is worth noting that such orders are applied not only in the construction of furnaces, but also in the whole room, individual elements of the house using brick.

Materials for laying the furnace

For independent construction of the furnace you will need:

  • solid red bricks;
  • fireclay refractory bricks;
  • blowing door;
  • ash pan door;
  • grate;
  • valves for the cooking chamber and furnace;
  • register;
  • cast iron stove;
  • steel corners.
Styling materials

The right choice of stove is the key to a comfortable stay

As you can see, there are a lot of models on the market, eyes are flying wide. Identify criteria that are important to you. Appearance, functionality, environmental friendliness and ease of operation - these are the qualities that you should pay attention to when choosing a heating device. The prices for them are also very different, so when buying, you should choose a design with an ideal ratio of cost and quality.

By the way, in addition to stoves, there are boilers and fireplaces with a water circuit. Each design includes a solid fuel boiler. Which heating system to choose is up to you.

A heating and cooking stove with a water circuit is a complex device that requires the participation of a professional stove-maker during installation. In this case, special attention must be paid to the correct ratio of the power of the heat exchanger and the size of the furnace, taking into account the dimensions of the room.

In addition, it is better to choose a factory model than a do-it-yourself model. This will guarantee the reliability and safety of the structure. After all, you can’t save when it comes to the health and life of people. There are Russian (Karakan, Bavaria) and foreign manufacturers (Hark, Kastor).

Furnace selection

A house with stove heating always creates a special cosiness, while, unlike an apartment, you can independently adjust the temperature in the room, because it can become cold on a summer day.

A heating and cooking stove with a water circuit is an excellent option for those who want to get a device that takes up little space, fits well into the interior and has a high heat capacity.

We hope that this article helped you understand the varieties of heating systems, to understand the advantages and disadvantages of each model. And now you can safely begin to build your own reliable, safe and multi-functional stove for the home.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F23765/

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