Cat's dirty ears: reasons and what to do

The zeal with which cats and cats clean and lick themselves is worthy of the deepest respect and admiration. Some representatives of the human race would be useful to take an example from them. But for all its phenomenal cleanliness, there remain some places that are difficult to access for the animals themselves, where they find it difficult to independently carry out hygiene procedures. One of such difficult places for the penetration of the tongue is the inner surface of the ears. And here only a person can clean it.

Features of the problem

dirty cat ears

If the cat has constantly dirty ears - this should prompt the owner to the idea that his pet has something wrong with his health. The presence of dirt inside the auricle is often the result of a disease. In healthy cats, the inner surface of the ear has a pleasant light pink color. And even if they accumulated a small amount of sulfur and dust, they look quite healthy and well-groomed. In this case, the animal does not bother, it behaves calmly and adequately. However, a large accumulation of dirt inside the ear and the appearance of an unpleasant odor definitely indicate the presence of an infection in the body of the animal. Most often, ear mites become a source of contamination of the ears. You should be very attentive to your pets, notice any deviations from the norm of behavior, because constantly dirty ears in a cat in the near future can provoke her hearing problems.

Show increased interest in your pet at least once a week, conducting a thorough inspection of his ears and cleansing them of impurities. In order to avoid the accumulation of dirt, it is necessary to regularly carry out preventive measures. If nevertheless your kitten could not avoid this fate, do not try to cure it yourself - be sure to show it to a specialist and strictly follow his recommendations. Remember that self-medication can aggravate the disease and seriously damage the health of the pet.

Causes of contamination in the auricles

how to clean the cat’s ear

The main reasons for the accumulation of a large amount of dirt and sulfur in cats' ears, as well as pus secretion, are such cat diseases as:

  • Otodectosis, the causative agent of which is an ear tick. The constantly dirty ears of a cat become a provocateur of the fact that these parasites attach to the ear external auditory meatus and live there comfortably, feeding on the epidermis. As a result, fluid begins to ooze from the damaged areas of the ear. After drying, it turns into a dirty crust. Ticks can appear in a cat from contact with other animals that are mite carriers.
  • Otitis - can occur with a head injury or infection. Due to this disease, a sick animal secretes sulfur with pus in the ear area, sometimes even with blood.
  • Allergic susceptibility.
  • Infectious diseases of fungal, yeast and bacterial nature.

Other reasons

ear mite

Why do cats get dirty ears? In some cases, excessively large auricles can cause contamination. They accumulate much more dirt inside themselves than normal-sized hearing organs. In any case, medical procedures must be preceded by a qualified consultation of a veterinarian. Hairless cats can also accumulate more dust in their ears. For their auricles are completely not protected by wool from various external influences. Inspect the ears of a kitten already from two months of life. The first inspection and cleaning of contaminants should be carried out at the veterinarian. It is also worth consulting with a doctor about how to clean a kitten’s ear correctly and painlessly. This will allow you to protect the baby from serious problems in the future.

What is an ear tick in cats. Symptoms and treatment

how to clean a kitten’s ear

Excessive accumulation of sulfur in the ear can affect the hearing of a pet very negatively, as well as cause a cork. But the most common concern for cats is parasites such as the ear tick. We will talk about him further. If your cat shakes its ears and behaves uneasily - this is already sufficient reason to check for an ear tick. This type of parasite is very common among domestic animals. And the risk of getting it is always high enough in the presence of contacts with other animals. The ear mite causes severe irritation of the skin of the auricle and its inflammation - not only in the outer part of the conch, but also in the ear canal. In severe advanced cases, the ear canal is completely closed by the secretions that provoke the ear tick in cats. About the symptoms and treatment of this ailment is best told by a qualified specialist in the field of veterinary medicine. To treat such a disease, both ointments, powders, and drops are used. But in choosing a remedy, it is worth consulting with a veterinarian.

The algorithm of actions during medical procedures

When taking a pet into the family, first of all consult your veterinarian how to clean the kitten’s ear when it is dirty. There is a certain sequence of actions, following which you can easily carry out a hygienic procedure. To clean the ears of a kitten, it is necessary to carry out such actions:

dirty cat ears
  • lay it on the table and press it a little to the countertop;
  • pull the ear over the edge with your thumb to inspect the inside;
  • pay attention to the condition of the auditory canal - are there any redness or secretions; if internal contamination is detected, carefully remove the dirt with a cotton swab treated with hydrogen peroxide;
  • gently pull the edge of the auricle to open the ear canal;
  • then you need to pour in the right amount of drops of the drug prescribed by the veterinarian for treatment;
  • without releasing the kitten, gently massage the base of the ear so that the healing fluid is evenly distributed;
  • gently clean the ear canal with a cotton swab;
  • thoroughly blot the inside of the ear with a cotton pad;
  • at the end of the procedure, reward the kitten for patience with any of his favorite treats.


As we see, a cat’s dirty ears are not a sentence at all, but simply a signal for a more attentive attitude towards it. It is necessary to carry out activities for the prevention of the disease. Be vigilant, protect your pet from unpleasant diseases, and he will thank you with his boundless love and devotion!


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