Variegated derain: description, planting and care, reproduction

Among the plants used to create hedges, a special place is occupied by variegated derain. This ornamental shrub is loved by many gardeners because of its lush and variegated vegetation, as well as the unusual appearance of the bark. And due to the unpretentiousness in the planting and care of variegated varieties, it is very often found in city parks and gardens. Today, from our article, you will learn all about growing this ornamental plant in your area.


Variegated derain - a plant created artificially. Its main feature is the original color of leaves and shoots. Derain is a deciduous decorative bush with a large and spreading crown. The height and diameter of such a plant reaches from one and a half to five meters. Green leaves of the bush have a fringing of different shades - from snow-white to brown-red. The main flowering period takes place in May and June. At this time, the shrub is covered with white flowers, collected in small inflorescences with a diameter of about 5 centimeters. In the fall, inedible fruits ripen in the form of light blue berries. Thanks to frost resistance, the culture is often used to decorate sites in the northern regions.


Derain variegated

Variegated derren has several varieties. Each of them is distinguished by its external qualities, the methods of cultivation are almost the same.

  • Derain Elegantissima. This variety is distinguished by concave leaves of a gray color, having a snow-white edging on the edges. The height of the shrub can reach three meters, and the diameter of the crown - five. Most often, Elegantissima derain is used to create hedges, since this variety grows quite quickly.
  • Gauhult. A winter-hardy shrub that grows one and a half to two meters in height. The leaves of this variety have a yellow border, as well as pinkish spots.
  • Derain is red. Another variety of deciduous shrubs, which reaches four meters in height. The branched crown consists of shoots of various colors - from pale green to juicy purple. Rounded leaves in the summer have a green color, which changes to bright red with the advent of autumn. It is because of this color of leaves of derain that red got its name.

Landing Features

Planting Deren

In fact, variegated varieties can be grown in almost any environment. However, the absence (or presence) of fertile soil, sufficient lighting and moisture can greatly affect the decorative qualities of the bush. For the cultivation of this plant, it is advisable to use a soil rich in nutrients, as well as provide adequate lighting and moderate watering.

In order for the bush to grow stronger before the arrival of winter, planting must be carried out in the spring. Despite the average frost resistance, spring planting allows the derain to gain strength. It is preferable to plant seedlings of derain in partial shade, on a site with acidified soil. Do not plant a bush next to conifers.

If groundwater runs close to your site, be sure to prepare for drainage in the pits for planting seedlings. Compost and humus are also added to prepared wells. Planting is carried out strictly according to the level of the root neck, since with a deeper penetration, the plant may die, and with a more shallow one, excessive formation of weak shoots occurs. After planting, the plant is well watered, the topsoil is loosened and mulched a little.

Watering and feeding

Watering a plant

Derain variegated in landing and leaving is quite unpretentious. It is quite enough to monitor the moisture of its soil and periodically apply fertilizers.

Younger seedlings need more frequent watering, and an adult plant needs 2-3 waterings per month. In this case, one bush requires no more than two buckets of water. Watering becomes more frequent only in arid summer periods.

On the whole, top dressing of variegated turf is a completely optional process. But to reveal all its decorative qualities once or twice a year, itโ€™s worth adding fertilizer. The procedure is performed in the spring with the help of mineral dressings and in the summer, when organic fertilizers are applied under each bush (for example, compost or humus).

Crown formation recommendations


A more important stage of care is pruning of variegated derren. If you decide to do without pruning, then be prepared for the fact that instead of a hedge on your site will appear a sloppy plant with branches sticking out in different directions.

In order to shape, pruning is carried out in spring. When growing separate bushes, crown formation does not begin earlier than three years after planting. This removes no more than a third of all branches. Only dry and damaged shoots are completely removed. Healthy branches are partially trimmed, depending on the shape you want to give the bush.

To create a hedge of variegated varnish, pruning is carried out twice: in early July and in late August. Shear the bush after new shoots begin to break out of the general shape of the crown. The more often the pruning procedure will be carried out, the neater the appearance of the bush will turn out.

Shelter for the winter

Variegated bush

Additional protection requires only young trees. Adult bushes have enough strength to withstand frost. Seedlings planted in the spring grow greatly during the summer and autumn, and therefore are especially in need of shelter. The lower part of the bush (and in the first year of cultivation - the entire bush) is covered with spruce spruce branches or agrofibre. In addition, before shelter, all dried or diseased shoots that can provoke plant diseases in the winter, when it is especially weakened, are removed.

Diseases and Pests

A nice bonus when growing variegated deren is the taste of its leaves, which is quite unpleasant for many harmful insects. The only pest that can infect a shrub is aphid. It can not only spoil the decorative qualities of the plant, but also completely destroy it. There are two ways to deal with it: mechanical and chemical. The first method is to flush insects from the bush by the pressure of water from a hose. But this method does not save for long, therefore it is considered ineffective. Preferred is the second method, which consists in treating the plant with a soap solution or a chemical preparation.

Of the diseases that threaten derain, only fungal infections can be called. It is easy enough to prevent them - it is important to monitor the state of the soil, preventing its overmoistening. In case of late blight infection, the bush is treated with Fundazol.


Propagation by cuttings

Like many other plants, variegated derren has several methods of reproduction. In this section we will share the most effective of them.

Seed propagation of variegated derren has a 100% result, however, this method is quite laborious and time consuming. Seeds are collected from a plant that has reached the age of three. Sowing is done in late autumn, until the soil is completely frozen. Before planting, seeds must undergo prolonged hardening. They land in a multilayer substrate, consisting of sand, sawdust and moss. The first two months of seedlings are kept at a temperature of 5 ยฐ C. When propagated by seeds, the standard size of the shrub is reached no earlier than after 5-7 years.

Cuttings are the most recommended method of reproduction, in which all the characteristics of the mother bush are preserved. Planting material is prepared during the spring pruning period. The strongest shoots are selected for cutting the cuttings. A shank with 7-9 buds is placed in a container with fertile soil and sent to the greenhouse. Throughout the summer, plantings are fed with mineral and organic fertilizers, as well as regularly watered. By the onset of autumn, seedlings will take root sufficiently and will be ready for transplanting to a permanent place.

Quite often, derain propagated by dividing the bush. To do this, choose a strong and healthy maternal bush and free it from the ground. After that, they are divided into several parts with a sharp knife or a shovel. The resulting parts are planted in prepared wells with fertile and fertilized soil. Further care for the plant is carried out according to the same scheme as for the mother bush.

Another, quite simple, method of reproduction - layering. With the onset of spring, young shoots are pinned to the ground with metal brackets, and then sprinkled with earth. By next spring, the shoots are sufficiently rooted and fully ready for planting.

Variegated derain in landscape design

Derain in landscape design

This plant looks great both in the form of a single bush, and in composition with other trees, shrubs and flowers. Due to the ability to change the color of leaves, derain are often used to create a bright accent. Low decorative bushes look great against the background of tall trees. Cute compositions are obtained from deren with roses and juniper, as well as barberry and viburnum.

But most often variegated sweetwood is grown to create a hedge that requires constant pruning and molding. However, due to the rapid growth of greenery, dera with insufficient care turns into sloppy thickets.


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