Jasmine - a delicate and fragrant flower: care tips

Jasmine is a flower of incredible beauty from the olive family. His homeland is the tropics and subtropics of Africa, Asia and America. There are a lot of species of this plant. It has lignified stems, cirrus leaves and white flowers, collected 5-6 each (in some species more) in an interesting racemose inflorescence. The flowers themselves are small - about 2.5 cm in diameter, in fact - they are very fragrant. Begin to bloom in adulthood.

Several of their species can be grown at home - indoor jasmine plants. All of them grow like lianas, and the flowers are collected from them in inflorescences. The most popular are plants with fragrant white flowers, however, not all of them bloom in this way. There are, for example, also with yellow flowers. The basic rules for successful, successful cultivation of these flowers are reduced to obligatory keeping cool in winter, keeping them outdoors in the summer, tying them to stalk supports and bright light, without possible drying out of the soil. But you can delve into the details.

Jasmine: indoor flower

Temperature: in the summer, jasmine is kept at the most ordinary temperature. In winter, it should be kept at a temperature of about 8-10 ° C, well, at least 6 ° C. Sambak species is kept in winter at temperatures of 17-18 ° C, the minimum is 16 ° C, but in no case is higher than 22 ° C. If suddenly the temperature is higher, it is necessary to maintain a corresponding high humidity in the air.

Lighting: jasmine is very photophilous. To achieve good flowering and development, he still needs good lighting, with reliable protection from the hot direct rays of the sun. A flower grows well on eastern windows without any shading.

Watering: In summer and spring abundant, the soil must be slightly moist all the time. In winter, watering is better more moderate. The jasmine flower does not tolerate even the slightest drying of its earthen coma, but excessive stagnation of water under the roots themselves should also be avoided. Prepared water for irrigation should be a little tepid and necessarily soft. It is better, of course, to use filtered, boiled or rain.

Fertilizing watering should be carried out during the period of sharp active growth, which falls in the spring-summer (April-August), once a week. This should be done with liquid fertilizer for specially flowering indoor flowerpots (potash fertilizers).

Humidity: It is important in the summer to regularly spray jasmine with soft water.

Transplant: Transplanted in the spring, in March. If the plants are still young, they are replanted annually, and when they are old, then usually after 2-3 g. The soil is: 1 part clay-soddy, 1 part leaf and 1 part sand - this is for young plants. And for the old - clay-sod land is used in 2 hours.

Reproduction: Cuttings in summer and early spring, as well as layering. It is better to take lateral one-year shoots on cuttings, because the plants obtained from them will begin to bloom earlier. Cuttings with a slightly lignified stem root in late summer. It is advisable, of course, to carry out rooting with good soil heating. Jasmine cuttings are rooted in moist soil or in water, while closing the stalk with a jar with a dense plastic bag.

Garden jasmine

This flower, as you know, was obtained in France with the filing of the famous company Lemoine. The small-leaved marshmallow and the crown marshmallow were crossed, and the Lemoan mock-up was obtained, from the hybrid of which many quite successful varieties were bred: Ermine Mantle, Alabaster, Gletcher, Mont Blanc, Charm, Avalanche, Maiden (Virgin).

Fortunately, all varieties of chubushniks have different flowering periods, so you can stretch the joy that these unusually exquisite bushes with a pleasant strong aroma give in time. They can be very high (up to 3 m). Jasmines bloom (which is very pleasing) at the same time with many beautiful bright perennials, which against the background of bushes densely strewn with white flowers look rather advantageous. Golden jasmine is perfectly and tastefully combined with bright red-leafed barberries and dark conifers.

No wonder why garden jasmine is so popular. The flower adapts to any environmental conditions without any problems. It blooms lushly in well-lit areas, and in the shade it is weak, from below the bushes are bare.

Its reproduction is very affordable - by dividing the bush, shoots, sowing seeds, cuttings, green or lignified cuttings.

Like indoor ones, they really need moisture, so sometimes they require plentiful additional watering.

Jasmines look very nice near fences or outbuildings. Be sure to drop him off at home and enjoy the wonderful creations of nature!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F23774/

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