Wisteria from beads: a master class for beginners

Wisteria is an incredibly beautiful subtropical plant. This curly tree with a pleasant sweet smell is often used as a decor of the facade of the house, a bright decoration of the garden, arbors and summer verandas.

Did you see this fabulous, bright plant live? It is impossible to forget it, blossoming with magnificent falling clusters, it is remembered for a long time. Wisteria is a source of inspiration. Seeing him, you will certainly want to have such, at least a modest copy, made of beads. Let's learn how to weave wisteria together using a detailed workshop. Wisteria from beads made in this way look amazing.

It is worth warning before weaving - stock up with a bag of patience, because this work, although simple, takes time and perseverance. Let's get started.

Blue wisteria

Materials and Tools

Weaving wisteria from beads has a slight advantage, significantly reducing waste. If for normal weaving it is recommended to use Japanese or Indian beads - even, smooth, of the same size, without chips, then for weaving flowering bunches you can use Chinese - different sizes of beads diversify the bunch of small flowers, imitating their natural difference.

So, for weaving beautiful wisteria from beads you will need:

  • beads lilac, pink, light pink, white;
  • beads light green + with a yellow tint;
  • glossy pink;
  • glossy yellow;
  • melange green;
  • weaving wire;
  • thick wire for the base (1 mm in diameter);
  • brown floss threads;
  • gypsum;
  • acrylic paints and decor material.

The variety of colors used to weave wisteria attracts the eye, fills the room with a spring mood.

Let's start the master class. Wisteria from beads for beginners require care and scrupulousness.

Beautiful tree

Flower clusters

Weaving of wisteria from beads begins with the creation of small blanks for brushes. Take a look at the photo of live wisteria to understand how to distribute colors on clusters. As you can see, the end of the flower brush has a dark shade, and the farther from the end, the brighter the bunch becomes. This should be considered when weaving. Therefore, weaving we begin with a dark color.

Fine Wisteria
  • Take a piece of wire 40 cm long, put on it 6 beads of lilac color, the darkest in our palette. After placing the beads in the middle of the wire, form a loop, twisting the ends at the base of the beads several times. Make 5-6 turns and spread the ends to the side.
  • To make the next loop, take one of the ends and collect 7 beads on it, bring them closer to the loop, step back a few millimeters and twist the loop. Do one more.
  • The next two loops are woven of 9 beads, but with the color mixing, dial 3 pink and lilac + 3 more pink beads.
  • For the following two loops we use 10 beads: 2 beads of a light pink shade, 4 pink and light pink each.
  • The next pair consists of 12 light pink beads and 13 white.
Wisteria leaves, another way

All this is braided on one end of the wire. The same must be done with the second, mirroring the pattern.

As you can see, there should be a lot of loops on both sides. Further, the two sides are twisted together, the loops bend closer to the end, to the dark beads and slightly bend to the side. This way you get small, graceful brushes.

To weave wisteria, such branches will need 32 pieces.

Tassel weaving pattern


And although most of the wisteria from beads are blooming clusters, you can not leave it without green foliage. For ordinary trees: bonsai, mountain ash, birch, conifers, foliage weaves in the same way as for clusters, but to make your tree look more original, more diverse, you can use another way of weaving. The scheme will help to form the leaves of the plant - wisteria from beads look very gently framed by greenery. Let's consider several options.

Peach shade

First way

Foliage weaves in the same way as for clusters, but with much larger loops. To do this, most often, the craftswomen mix two shades of green and pick up beads on the wire without looking at the color. Looped looped leaves are woven in the same way. Each loop consists of 10 beads, on one side of the branch there are 11 loops.

For wisteria, 32 branches are needed.

It’s not a simple matter - pick a whole thread from small beads, a spinner is used. This is a small rotating bowl, electric or manual, which is filled with beads and with its help, lowering the end of the wire, a long chain of beads is typed without much effort.

wisteria bead pattern

Alternative way

Parallel weaving is one of the easiest. With proper tightening and observing the scheme, you will get a wonderful leaf of wisteria.

To do this, take a piece of wire 25-30 cm long. On it we will pick up one bead of a light shade and place it in the center. Next, two more light beads and, bringing them to the first, we will stretch the second end of the wire in the opposite direction. That is, the second end will extend two beads from the dialed to the first. Tighten tight. This way you get a small triangle, the beginning for parallel weaving. Next, picking up on one end, thread the beads in the opposite direction with the second end. Pick up the beads following this pattern:

  • 3rd row - light, dark, light;
  • 4th row - light, 2 dark, light;
  • 5-8th rows are woven so up to 6 dark beads in the middle;
  • 9th-13th rows are woven into a decline of dark beads in the middle to one bead;
  • 14th row - 2 bright;
  • 15th row - one bright.

Twist the two ends of the weave tightly, thereby completing the leaf. They need 2-3 for each bunch. Vary the size of the leaves, changing the number of dark beads from 3 to 6. Weaving the leaves with bunches further, try to vary the sizes.

Delicate flowers

Wisteria Trunk

When all the parts are ready, we can assemble them into full-fledged clusters. We take 2 branches of wisteria, the same amount of foliage and twist them together. Connect the branches at different distances to make them appear more natural and the tree more fluffy.

Further large branches gather. To do this, you need a thick wire or rod. Attach 2 branches to it and wrap the floss with thread. Through each centimeter, add another branch, and so - 4 pieces per branch. You should get four of these branches. Attach 2 more branches to the last.

The final step in weaving wisteria from beads is the assembly of wood. To do this, take one branch of 6 small ones, wrap the floss with thread, hiding the irregularities of the wire, a little lower, at a distance of several centimeters, another branch is attached and also wrapped. Branches weave together loosely, like a vine.

Wisteria from beads


A wisteria stand is made in the same way as for other bead trees. To do this, spread plaster, take a small mold for filling or a small flower pot. Put stones or gravel in it, so as not to spend a lot of gypsum. Position the wisteria, fasten with rubber bands or in any other convenient way and fill it. When the gypsum hardens, the mold must be removed if you used it. Paint the gypsum with acrylic paint and decorate. See how you can decorate a bead tree, you will definitely find an idea for yourself.

We told how to make a wisteria tree from beads. It is gentle and beautiful. We hope you find this workshop useful. Wisteria from beads is a beautiful decoration for the home and a nice gift for loved ones.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F23786/

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