Vacuum grip for sandwich panels: instructions for use

Sandwich panels are today considered one of the best finishing materials for the facade. With their help, a multi-level ventilation system of the cladding is organized, combining functionality, reliability and decorative qualities. However, the installation of such plates at high altitudes is rather difficult, therefore, installers rarely do without connecting auxiliary equipment. Such tasks are increasingly being solved by vacuum grip for sandwich panels, the photo of which is presented below. There are various structural designs of this technique, but in each case, to obtain a decent result, you must strictly adhere to the instructions for its use.

Capture device and principle of operation

Moving sandwich panels by vacuum grab

Equipment designs are different, but they are all combined by the presence of suction cups, which perform a direct capture of building panels. The configuration, dimensions and carrying capacity of the vacuum system also vary. But the main differences are reduced to the supporting infrastructure with a manipulator. The crane, which directly performs the movement of the panel, can be controlled either manually or through a remote control using the engine and chassis. The most modern vacuum grips for installing sandwich panels include transport pairs of wheels and swivel beams in the design, which make it possible to install slats at the right angle to the facade, facilitating the work of the facing. The simplest systems can even do with only one carrier beam with a chain, which is manually moved by the operator. Also, installation is carried out without mechanical manipulators - vacuum suction cups only make it possible to deliver material over short distances.

Working conditions

Capture Sandwich Panels

The workflow is very dependent on external conditions, so the weather factor is taken into account in the organization of installation activities. But to begin with, it is worth correlating the technical characteristics of the equipment with the load. So, the maximum load capacity is on average 1000 kg, and not only the weight of the panels is taken into account, but also the weight of the suction cups with replaceable accessories. It also takes into account the maximum lift height (about 1200 m) and the condition of the material - the gripping points can provoke the destruction of siding if there are bumps or other defects in certain places.

With regard to external conditions, it is recommended to use a vacuum grip for sandwich panels in dry weather. If this is not possible, then the dryness of the surface with which the equipment works must be guaranteed. Also excluded are the risks of disruption of the transportation process in the course of work. For example, wind can be a critical obstacle - therefore it is forbidden to use vacuum manipulators at a speed of air flow of about 10 m / s.

Sandwich Panel Transportation

Checking safety devices

Reliability and safety of installation and transportation operations depends not only on external conditions, but also on the technical condition of the protective systems. This is an infrastructure formed by safety belts with hooks that cling to the hoist. During the inspection and operation of vacuum gripping safety devices for sandwich panels, the following rules must be kept in mind:

  • The device must be mounted on the intended site on the lifting mechanism.
  • Before fixing the device, it is necessary to raise the element above the ground by about 50 cm using a lift.
  • Safety belts are put on the panel from two sides so that the element is held by the elongated side parallel to the ground.
  • Clamping belts with sufficient force is carried out with a special buckle.
  • If cuts, chips, cracks and tears are found on the safety nodes and support mechanisms, the damaged element is replaced.
Vacuum manipulator for sandwich panels

Transportation Base Management

Work begins with the delivery of a crane with vacuum suction cups to the point of capture. The module moves both with a forklift and along the rails of a stationary crane. In the second case, using the remote control, the operator controls the movement of the system along the chassis. By setting the crane in the desired position for grabbing, the user proceeds to control the swing beam. Different designs can be used on the same platform - it depends on the panel format and the angle at which it needs to be fixed, moved and installed. For example, the instructions for using vacuum grippers for sandwich panels allow you to mount swing beams without a special tool using a mounting plate. In modern manipulators, a mechanism for automatically fixing the beams with a spring pin is provided. Another thing is that due to the large mass of equipment when hanging, it may require the help of a partner.

Vacuum Grab Manipulation for Sandwich Panels

The technology of working directly with panels is performed according to the following instructions:

  • Using the mounting hook, the lifting eye is equipped with a grip of the required size. Suction cups should be solid, clean and dry at this time.
  • When operating a lever or remote control, it is necessary to transfer the suction cup to the correct position for fixing, turning it to the load.
  • The material gradually rises by about 50 cm, after which the workers insure it with belts. The standard vacuum grip instruction for sandwich panels indicates that at this point the operator must control the air supply to the suction cups. In automatic mode, the system provides supply for 30 seconds, after which air access to the mechanism is suspended.
  • The suction cup is released from the load after the appropriate command on the remote control.


Vacuum grip for sandwich panels

The operation of a vacuum manipulator for facing materials, of course, requires certain organizational costs, however, in conditions of in-line production or installation, they are justified. As practice shows, vacuum grip for sandwich panels increases the speed of technological processes, reliability and safety of work. This is especially important when handling damage-sensitive cladding material. By the way, such equipment is also used for roofing in a suitable format. It remains only to choose a manipulator with suitable characteristics and provide the necessary conditions for its use.


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