Clover medium: description and application

The photos of middle clover are very similar to the well-known meadow type. It is also often called a trefoil or porridge, but unlike a common relative, its petals are more elongated and oblong.

You can meet this plant in the forest, at the edges and glades, and it is also found in meadow areas. This flower is very fond of bumblebees, so during flowering the meadow with it is usually filled not only with a pleasant aroma, but also with the buzz of insects.


Clover medium is a perennial herb with medicinal properties, and it belongs to the legume family. It has branched stems, the height of which can reach 65 centimeters. He also has leaves divided into three parts, located on cuttings. And the higher they are, the shorter the cuttings.

medium clover

The flowers of the named clover are small, have a dark pink color and look like capitate inflorescences. The plant has a stem root with tubers on branched tips. At the end of flowering, beans appear that have seeds of an ovoid shape, yellow in color.


The flowering period can last from May to June, and this makes it possible to use the plant as a basis for honey. But the stems, leaves and root of the plant are used to create medicines and decoctions. Dried flowers are also used, plucked from the top leaves and dried in the shade.

At the moment, the chemical composition of the plant has not been studied, but for a long time the flower has been used by traditional healers, and the properties of medium clover are highly valued.

Beneficial features

Since ancient times, clover has been used to treat various diseases, both in traditional medicine and in official medicine. Now you can find various potions and preparations based on this flower. In addition, it is often included in drug collections. From it you can prepare various decoctions, tinctures, sometimes they extract juice for medicinal purposes. Some of them are used inside, some are used to rinse or lotions. In addition, medium clover is used to create skin and hair care products.

Healing properties

The plant is able to have a diuretic, diaphoretic and choleretic effect. It is an excellent antiseptic, relieves inflammation, causes the effect of expectoration. With it, you can restore the composition of the blood.

The healing properties of middle clover can cure diseases of the kidneys, liver, appendages. It helps to cope with inflammation and eliminate urolithiasis.

clover medium description

The flowers of this plant fight swelling and inflammation, can cleanse the blood, which will positively affect the general state of health. And with the help of lotions from flowers they treat varicose veins.

Decoctions of plants are often prescribed for bleeding, anemia, tuberculosis, rickets. They perfectly help with dizziness and headaches.


Due to its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, this flower is used to treat bronchitis, colds and sore throats. Also, the use of medium clover allows you to cope with burns and skin diseases.

Decoctions of clover can contribute to the removal of excess fluid from the body, improve the process of perspiration. This plant is also used for dental purposes - with the help of tincture of clover, stomatitis, gingivitis and tonsillitis are treated by rinsing.

clover medium photo

It is often used to treat atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease. It affects the walls of blood vessels, strengthening them, lowering cholesterol and lowering pressure, which eliminates pain in the head.

With the help of decoctions, you can strengthen the veins, improve the blood composition and normalize the level of hemoglobin. In addition, clover is used in cooking, adding to salads and green borsch.

And for pets this is a wonderful feed, it is often collected as blanks for the winter, in the form of hay.

Clover honey

Clover middle is a wonderful honey plant, and honey from it is considered one of the most delicious and healthy. A pleasant product with a delicate aroma is perfect for cooking, and for treating various ailments. He copes with hypertension and atherosclerosis.


The described plant, like other medicinal herbs, has a large number of useful substances, but not everyone needs to use it. Infusions and preparations containing medium clover are contraindicated in people with thrombophlebitis. It is also undesirable to use it in patients with estrogen-dependent forms of cancer. It should not be used during pregnancy. And if a person has diarrhea, the use of clover can aggravate the condition.

lever medium application

In addition, there is always a chance of individual intolerance to the components contained in the plant. You should not use clover in the treatment of children who have not reached the age of two, at least without special doctor's prescriptions. Self-medication of an adult can also end badly. Only a specialist can clearly understand whether treatment with this plant will help in a particular case.


Finding clover is not so difficult as, in fact, making a harvest of the plant for use. Traditional medicine widely uses this flower to treat a wide variety of ailments. Many tinctures and decoctions can be easily prepared at home. Moreover, dried roots and inflorescences can be purchased at any pharmacy.

clover medium properties

Many healers recommend using infusions of flowers for painful menstruation, kidney ailments and urolithiasis.

To prepare the tincture, you need to take a tablespoon of dried inflorescences, pour it with a cup of boiling water and insist for thirty minutes. After filtering, the infusion should be applied three times a day, for 30 minutes. before meals, 70 ml. The same decoction will help with menopause, mitigating the body's unpleasant reactions to hormonal changes. Only in this case, you need to drink half a glass, and insist for at least an hour.

clover medium healing properties

If you treat with the infusion of migraine, neuralgia and hypertension, then for its preparation it is necessary to take 20 dried flowers and pour a liter of boiling water for 15 minutes. You need to drink this broth twice a day for a month.

Clover infusions treat diabetes. Within half an hour, a medicine is infused, which is prepared in proportion - 5 g of dried inflorescences per glass of boiling water. You need to drink several times a day for a teaspoon for three weeks, and then repeat the course after a ten-day break.

To get rid of skin diseases, traditional medicine suggests taking baths with leaves and flowers of the plant. It is necessary to grind 400 g of dry clover, pour it with several liters of boiling water and let it brew for four hours. For the therapeutic effect, you need to take about ten of these baths, with a break per day.

With a stomach ulcer, a clover decoction is also recommended. It is suitable for washing purulent wounds and boils. And with atherosclerosis, alcohol tincture and honey are used.


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