The game "Wormix". How to defeat bosses in Wormix?

The developers of large computer games have an impressive budget, a team of excellent specialists, as well as the full power of a modern computer. Accordingly, they can create a full-scale masterpiece that will surprise and amaze all gamers with their various aspects. But we will not talk about such projects, but about those that have not too much funding, and also do not have such great power, because they run on mobile devices and through social networks. There are a large number of diverse examples of the success of such projects, but this article will focus on one specific game - β€œWormix”. How to defeat bosses in Wormix? This issue will be discussed in more detail below.

Wormix - what is it?

Wormix how to defeat bosses in Wormix

Today, there are a large number of games that are created for social networks. Every day more and more new projects come out, and this happens, naturally, for the reason that they are in demand. If you are sitting at work or studying and want to get distracted, then this option of games is ideal for you. Moreover, most people spend part of their free time on social networks, where they can quickly access the right game. Thus, it is impossible to challenge the popularity of games such as Wormix.

How to defeat bosses in Wormix? This question is asked by many gamers who are just starting their journey in this exciting universe. Here you have to choose your character, which you will fight with other players on a variety of maps using dozens of weapons. However, the most exciting part of the game is precisely the confrontation with powerful opponents - bosses. They are very strong and cause serious difficulties for many players - this is the feature of β€œWormix”. How to defeat bosses in Wormix? You will learn more about this later. Naturally, it is very difficult to capture all the bosses, so strategies for completing the most difficult ones will be described.

The emperor

how to get boss in vormiks

One of the bosses that causes users the most difficulties is the Emperor. The problem with him arises for the reason that the players immediately try to inflict as much damage as possible, and this is definitely not worth doing, as this will harm you. Unfortunately, there is no universal Wormix strategy. How to defeat the bosses in Wormix, you have to deal separately, because each of them needs a special approach. The emperor, for example, needs to be constantly attacked with weak blows that will cause him no more than 50 damage - then you can calmly fight and get rid of him without any problems. You will just need to try to block the use of his abilities, dodge those that were not blocked, hide in the ground and so on, constantly taking him a little health, until you defeat him completely. That's the whole secret - now you know how to get through the boss in Wormix. But this will not be enough to successfully complete the game - there are still many powerful opponents ahead.


Wormix how to defeat the boss hunter

One of the hardest bosses in the game is the scientist. Even if you know how to get through the boss in Wormix, you will need a lot of luck to deal with it. To get started, put on as many items as possible increasing the resistance to electricity, and in battle attack the control panel - you need to destroy it in order to deprive the Scientist of a powerful weapon. You can hide in a special circle on the map - there you will be safe, but at the same time, the Scientist will begin to reload the console even faster. In general, the combination of all this makes the boss extremely difficult, so you have to try to defeat him. The most frequently asked question by Wormix fans: β€œHow to beat the boss?” The hunter before investing in the game will be able to cope with this task very simply, but if you do not want to spend money on entertainment, you will need to count your every move.


Wormix how to defeat the boss maniacs

The next boss who will cause you a lot of questions is Symbiote. It is not so easy to immediately understand how to defeat him, because in the first part of the battle he completely refuses to take damage. The fact is that at this stage he receives only the damage that you receive, so stock up on regeneration before the battle and make sure that you take as much damage as you can recover later. Well, in the second half of the battle you will need to stay as far as possible from the exploding Symbiote satellite and attack it with all your might. That's the whole Wormix secret of how to defeat the boss. "Maniacs" gamers who try to defeat him without inflicting damage on themselves are unlikely to succeed.


You cannot defeat this boss alone - the fact is that he creates sarcophagi on the map, from which his minions can appear. So one player needs to destroy these sarcophagi, and another needs to attack the Paladin himself. And before the final blow, make sure that there are no sarcophagi left on the map. Otherwise, everything will be wasted.


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