Needle-punched geotextile: types, technical characteristics, application

Needle-punched geotextile is a unique material combining a relatively low cost at the same time with distinctive technical properties. It has a greater scope of use compared to other types of this material, due to the fact that it is economically more profitable for many projects. The non-woven base is made using needle-punched technique from polymer monofilaments, which are divided into two varieties: polyester and polyamide.

needle-punched geotextile


Of the options for geosynthetic materials, non-woven and woven options are most often found. The latter have a high degree of elasticity, sufficient strength and a homogeneous structure, while they do not differ in good water permeability. Such material is suitable for protective purposes, separation of layers and reinforcement.

Non-woven geotextile is a product of threads or fibers, which are interconnected by a chaotic weave, depending on the method of hardening.

Calendered material is created by combining continuous filaments under the influence of high temperatures. This manufacturing option reduces the likelihood of breaks during operation, increases the waterproof and strength characteristics. Such products have a homogeneous structure with a large elongation and a high degree of elasticity.

nonwoven geotextile

Useful Features

Needle-punched geotextile, in addition to properties that provide convenient use, has a list of obvious advantages:

  • The drainage characteristics of the material are far superior to other types produced by the thermobonding method.
  • Durability and reliability. Similar species have much lower properties, since the organics that are part of it are susceptible to negative external factors and can be destroyed in a few years.
  • Needle-punched geotextiles do not absorb moisture at all, which the organic version cannot boast of.
  • Availability of bandwidth. Such material allows water to pass in several directions at the same time, due to which it also copes with its significant volumes.
  • Compliance during processing operations.
  • It does not attract rodents.
  • Distinctive resistance to damaging external influences (microorganisms, temperature changes, ultraviolet radiation, dampness).
  • Easy and convenient installation.

needle-punched canvas

What is used for

For a better understanding of the possibilities, it is worth considering for two purposes at the same time: according to the field of use and the main application.

Needle-punched canvas found its application in the following:

  • Drainage for high-quality removal of excess moisture from structures of various types.
  • Separation of soil adjacent layers. An example is the separation of sand from the fertile layer in order to avoid mixing and subsequent leaching.
  • Prevention of destruction of materials to increase the duration of quality performance.
  • Liquid filtration and simultaneous separation of solid small particles.
  • Strengthening the soil to prevent landslides in areas exposed to them.

needle punched geotextile

Fields of application

The main areas of use include the following:

  • creation of tunnel passages;
  • construction of highways and railways;
  • the implementation of work related to landscape design;
  • summing up pipes for any purpose;
  • high-quality fixing of artificial protective embankments and slopes;
  • creation of landfills for disposal;
  • arrangement of hydraulic structures (canals, artificial ponds);
  • installation of technical elements;
  • construction of residential buildings.

The list indicated above includes only the main part of the areas of application, in fact, there are much more.

Needle-punched geotextile: production

Creating the foundation is the main step. Fastening threads are subsequently pulled through it, forming a durable canvas with a non-standard structure. The technological process is carried out on a specially developed needle-punching machine. It has jagged sharp needles, due to them this method acquired this name. The manufacturing process takes a lot of material and time, due to this a relatively low retail cost is formed.

needle punched geotextile Price


Needle-punched geotextile, price which varies from 17 to 59 rubles per square meter, has many applications. Before choosing it is worth deciding on the purpose, and depending on this, select the material with the required characteristics, depending on the parameters. Proper selection will allow you to use it more efficiently, extend the period of operation and reduce financial costs.

The main parameter is the type of base used in the production. The most common are polypropylene and polyamide. They have similar characteristics of strength, durability and reliability. The latter are guaranteed by the absence of organic materials, characterized by quick spoilage.

The tensile force reflects the degree of tolerated loads without loss of consumer characteristics and functional properties. Non-woven geotextiles with maximum strength are used in fixing slopes of roads and embankments.

The density in relation to this material shows its thickness, as well as the amount of polymer contained. With an increase in this parameter, reliability and quality increase.

The elongation is indicated as a percentage. There is an extensive range of meanings. But it is not always rational to use material with significant elongation, for example, when working to prevent soil displacement. The lateral and longitudinal values ​​may also differ, this should also be taken into account when laying.

The pore diameter is expressed in micrometers. This property is of particular importance in the implementation of drainage projects, while the type of soil and the moisture content in it should be taken into account.

Filtration parameters reflect the throughput of the material. Most often needle-punched fabric is characterized high ratio.

needle-punched geotextile 300 g m2

Custom use

Needle-punched geotextile "Technonikol" has recently found its application in gardening. It is worth noting that, due to its wide area of ​​use, it becomes an appropriate option for protecting plantings both in summer and in winter. It is able to protect from scorching sunlight, preventing excessive evaporation of moisture, as well as from freezing temperatures. The material does not become a barrier to air exchange, is not saturated with water, due to which it does not freeze and retains its original characteristics.

A needle-punched geotextile of 300 g m2 is also used as a mulching synthetic base. An additional reason for its acquisition is the fact that it prevents further growth of weeds, and when creating an additional fertile layer of soil, the material will act as a separation layer that prevents mixing.

Rational application in terms of a long period of operation. Also, in the case when the root system of trees begins to grow in all directions and destroy the integrity of the soil, it is possible to limit unwanted growth when planning a site. To do this, a material is laid deep into the soil that prevents horizontal growth.

Heat-treated geotextile has gained popularity among landscape designers. With its help, it is possible to create various paths, flower beds of non-standard shape, decorative elements.

heat treated geotextile


This material is relatively budget with extensive functionality, it has gained wide distribution and has technical unique properties. As a rule, such a geotextile copes with its purpose perfectly, showing its versatility and undeniable advantages over other materials.


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