Tarragon - a healthy and fragrant herb

This unusual herb has several names. It is sometimes said that it is dragon wormwood, it is sometimes called tarragon, but the most used name is tarragon. This Syriac name spread from Asia Minor throughout the Asian region and Russia. The habitat is very wide, this grass can be found in all regions of the northern continents. Siberia and Mongolia are considered the homeland of tarragon. In Russia, it grows almost everywhere. He prefers to settle on the southern slopes of the mountains and on well-lit forest edges.

Tarragon grass
Two types of tarragon

Tarragon - perennial grass, reaches a half meter height. The leaves are narrow elongated, inflorescences in the form of baskets of yellowish-green color, collected in panicles at the ends of branches. In nature, there are two forms of this herb, which are divided into varieties. In Europe, the spread of the French type of tarragon. It has a strong smell and is more elegant in appearance. But practically does not bloom and does not bear fruit. In Asia and Russia, a large, branched tarragon grows. It is more frost-resistant than its European counterpart, but its smell is weaker. But it blooms and even bears fruit in warm places.

Pantry of nutrients

As a cultivated plant, tarragon grass has been used in Western Europe since the 10th century. In Russia, widespread use began in the 18th century. A plant is endowed by nature with remarkable properties that make it useful for the human body. In particular, tarragon greens contains:

Tarragon plant

  • alkaloids with antibacterial properties;
  • flavonoids that contribute to the activation of enzymes;
  • essential oil, sedative ;
  • carotene - enhances immunity;
  • coumarins that strengthen capillaries;
  • ascorbic acid, accelerating the absorption of iron.

Tarhun grass has long been used in many cuisines of the world, but it is especially popular among the peoples of the Caucasus.

Cooking use

Due to the unusual smell and taste, tarragon as a spice began to be added to food in ancient times. Young shoots collected during flowering and pre-dried are used. Taste of tarragon grass has a sharp, slightly spicy aroma. In Transcaucasia and Central Asia , salad varieties are widespread, and in Ukraine and Moldova spicy and aromatic prevail. Fresh green mass of grass is used as seasoning for pickling cucumbers and tomatoes. Various marinades are prepared from it. As a spice, tarragon is used in Chinese cuisine for dishes of rice and boiled fish. It is used as an additive to sauces.

Grass tarragon application
With its help, you can refine the taste of fried game, lamb, pork. And tarragon is a plant that is used to make a tonic drink and aromatize some wines and liquors.

Medicinal plant

Tarragon grass has found application in folk medicine. It has long been noticed that tarragon greens effectively help with scurvy and edema. The plant also has such healing properties:

  • strengthens blood vessels;
  • tidies up a dream;
  • displays helminths.

The tincture of the herb is drunk for arthritis, cystitis, rheumatism, with inflammation of the oral mucosa is used in the form of rinses. As an external agent used to treat scabies, eczema, burns. Tarragon should be used as a medicine in small quantities and only after consulting a doctor.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F23809/

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