Fireplace scheme: types, drawings, examples and description with photos, design and work plans

The article will describe as much as possible the schemes of a brick fireplace, available for repetition to novice masters. It’s not a secret for anyone that the services of experienced stove-makers cost a lot - at least you will pay 18,000–25,000 rubles for all turnkey work. It seems that making a fireplace on your own is a simple matter that everyone can do. But is it? Will a beginner master be able to do everything? We will try to figure this out.

Classic fireplace design

If you look closely, open hearths are not suitable for heating a private house, since the efficiency of burning wood (fuel) is extremely low. And the efficiency of such fireplaces rarely exceeds 30%. Of course, as long as a flame burns in the firebox, all the heat disperses around the room. But as soon as it dies out, the masonry cools down. And it will become cold after 3 hours.

Fireplace BBQ Scheme

Note! Even a small wood stove cannot be built in a multi-storey building, as a lot of difficulties arise. One of them is the impossibility of removing the chimney. The second difficulty is that the floors will not withstand the mass of the structure, since the smallest one has a very large weight - about 700 kg. Moreover, this mass is distributed only half a square meter.

The main elements of fireplaces

But despite the low heat transfer rate, fireplaces are very attractive for ordinary homeowners. They are able to create a cozy atmosphere in the house. Schemes and drawings of fireplaces are given in our material, the classic hearth includes such elements:

  1. A foundation is a part of a structure located underground.
  2. The base of the fireplace and the first 2-3 rows of brickwork.
  3. Front part and protruding pre-furnace platform.
  4. A portal is a frame of a brick firebox.
  5. A smoke collector is a channel that narrows upward and has the shape of an umbrella. Located directly above the combustion chamber.
  6. At the very beginning of the smoke box there is a chimney tooth, which allows you to select hot gases as high as possible.
  7. A chimney is a part of a pipe that goes to the roof.
  8. Gate valves are devices that regulate traction.

In the event that you have enough funds for the construction, you can perform external cladding with tiles. But practice shows that it is not necessary to do this at all - if the brickwork is done qualitatively and beautifully, then it looks very good.

Hearth dimensions

First you need to familiarize yourself with the schemes. It is not very difficult to make a fireplace with them yourself. Of course, practice is needed in everything, it is likely that the first time you will not be able to beautifully and accurately lay out a brick. Therefore, it is recommended to practice at some less significant object. For example, try to make a simple brazier on the street.

Fireplaces scheme drawings

Now let's talk about the size of the structure. The following proportions should be adhered to:

  1. At the chimney pipe, the cross-sectional area should be less than about 9 times less than the corresponding size of the portal.
  2. The firebox must have a depth of 2 times less than the height of the portal opening.
  3. The total area of ​​the open part of the opening should be approximately 50 times less than the quadrature of the room in which the fireplace is placed.

In that case, if you put a large fireplace in a small room, then the draft will not have enough air. In this case, the fireplace will begin to exhaust smoke into the room or to draw air from adjacent rooms. But you can put a small fireplace in a large room. The only minus that you get is insufficient heating of the room. But the fireplace will stand as a decoration.

Fireplaces Location

Carefully study the schemes of fireplaces available for making with your own hands. The photo shows a variety of designs. In fact, all of them can be divided into two types of fireplaces - corner and wall. The latter are the simplest, they are available for repeat even to beginners in the business of oven masonry. Once you decide on what size the fireplace will be, you can begin to search for the most suitable place for it in the room.

  1. You can put it in the center of the partition between the rooms. In the event that a private house is not yet completed or it is being renovated, redevelopment, then the back wall can be moved to an adjacent room. For this, it is enough to make an opening in the partition.
  2. It is not very advisable to put a fireplace near the outer walls, because most of the heat will go to the street.
  3. Think about whether the location of the fireplace is convenient. It is not recommended to put it in close proximity to interior doors.
  4. Check the ceilings and the design of the rafter system. It is necessary that the chimney does not rest against the supporting elements. It is recommended to maintain a distance of at least 10 cm from the walls of the chimney to the rafters.

In addition, we must not forget that it will be necessary to equip the foundation. To do this, you need to remove the flooring, and then completely dismantle the existing screed. After you definitely need to dig a pit (the foundation of the house itself does not need to be touched). Cases may be a problem if communications are laid under the house in the fireplace construction site or there is a basement.

The main stages of construction

Fireplace stove circuits

In the manufacture of a fireplace stove according to the schemes given in the article, you will need to follow approximately the following sequence:

  1. Choose building materials and purchase them in the required quantity.
  2. Prepare the necessary set of tools.
  3. Equip the foundation under the fireplace.
  4. Carry out the laying of the stove and the chimney directly.
  5. Dry the masonry and melt the oven.

And now let's look at all these stages in more detail in order to dispel all ambiguities.

What tools are needed?

Of course, it is unlikely that you will find a set of tools that are used by experienced stove-makers, so you need to purchase all of them separately. And more specifically, you will need:

  1. Pickaxe and rubber mallet.
  2. Building level and tape measure.
  3. Cord, square, plumb.
  4. Wide brush.
  5. Master OK.
  6. Pliers.
  7. Scriber and ruler.

It is also desirable to have dense fabric and a bucket, an iron scoop and a simple broom.

Stove brick selection

Do-it-yourself fireplace

When making a fireplace-grill according to the scheme, you need to choose the right brick at the first stage. Use these recommendations:

  1. For the main masonry, a red solid brick 250 x 120 x 65 mm in size is ideal. The use of hollow marks is not recommended.
  2. At the firebox, all the walls must be laid out of fireclay bricks (refractory grades).
  3. Instead of refractory grades, full-bodied clay bricks can be used, but be sure to select them by quality - there should not be chips, cracks, or other defects on the surface.
  4. The fireplace body can be laid out from used bricks. But only under the condition that he did not lose strength and did not crack.
  5. If possible (financial), buy bricks with rounded edges.

These are all recommendations that must be followed when choosing a brick.

Masonry mortar

The easiest way to make a quality mortar for masonry is to purchase a ready-made mixture of clay and sand. It is enough to add water to it, mix thoroughly, after which you can proceed to masonry.

Fireplace layout

But if you decide to save, then you can make a solution yourself. To do this, you will need:

  1. Remove all impurities from the clay - soil, stones, glass, plant debris, etc.
  2. Pour material into a container (the more the better) and fill it with water. Soaking should be carried out for about 2 days.
  3. Bring the composition to a consistency, like a cream. To do this, add water to it. Then, to remove foreign objects from the composition, you need to pass it through a sieve.
  4. Add dry sand, also passed through a sieve. A sieve with a mesh size of 1.5 mm is recommended.
  5. Get the optimal fat content by constantly mixing the composition.

Make a “sausage” from the resulting solution. If it does not crumble and does not become cracked when wrapped on a stick of wood (diameter should be 4-5 cm), then the solution is just perfect.

Foundation laying

The scheme of the fireplace photo

According to the brick fireplace scheme, it is clear that this is a massive structure, and it needs a good foundation. Let's look at what the main stages of the construction of the foundation can be distinguished:

  1. First you need to dig a pit. Its dimensions should be approximately 10 cm larger than that of the outbreak. As for the depth, it should not be less than half a meter.
  2. Pour rubble stone, strengthen it with a lime mortar or liquid clay.
  3. Lay two layers of roofing material.
  4. Install the formwork and fill the concrete slab. Do not forget about reinforcement.
  5. Should freeze for at least a month. After this time, you need to soak the felt in liquid clay and lay it on the base. On top you need to build two continuous rows of ceramic bricks.

Please note that at the bottom of the fireplace there is no connection with the foundation of the house. It is recommended to maintain a distance of 5-10 cm between them. All side surfaces that are accessible should be treated with waterproofing material.

Front row bookmark

The highest quality brick should be allocated for the construction of the firebox. If you use a used brick, then it must be cleaned of dirt, soot, old mortar. The technology of laying the first row looks like this:

  1. Step away from the edge of the foundation 5 cm and lay out the first row on a dry. First put the outer bricks (the most beautiful), then fill the middle part.
  2. Using a wooden plank and a ruler, carefully align all the bricks in one line, observe a right angle.
  3. Using a tape measure, measure the diagonals - they should be equal or differ by no more than 5 mm.
  4. Controlling horizontality, you need to lay all the bricks on the solution.

The subsequent rows are laid out by a similar technology. First put the bricks on dry, then customize and cut them if necessary. The vertical and horizontal positions are controlled using a plumb line and level.

Rules for the construction of the walls of the fireplace

There are several simple rules that can help you build a fireplace as quickly and efficiently as possible:

  1. Before laying, immerse the red brick in water for a couple of minutes so that air escapes from it. Refractory bricks do not need to be soaked, it is enough to rinse them with water from dust.
  2. Maintain a joint thickness of no more than 5 mm.
  3. Make the walls at the gas channels as smooth as possible. The flat edge of the bricks should be turned inside the chimney.
  4. Ceramic and fireclay masonry with different expansion coefficients. Therefore, they cannot be linked together. It is necessary to lay basalt cardboard.
  5. Doors before installation must be treated with asbestos lace in those places in which they come in contact with the masonry. All elements must be fixed with a knitting wire.
  6. The valve is installed on a solution of clay. To do this, the shutter opens, and the solution is applied to the frame.

That's all the rules, after completion of work you need to let the solution dry for two weeks. Closely observe the masonry all this time. If small cracks appear, they need to be repaired with a solution.

Brick fireplace layout

After two weeks you need to kindle. To do this, open the valve and light a small armful of chips and brushwood. Next, you need to add small firewood little by little. As a result, the solution should dry completely. Observe the masonry, if there are no cracks in the first 4 hours, you can add firewood. There is no need to rush, make sure that all the walls of the hearth are evenly warmed up. As you can see, the layout of the fireplace masonry is not difficult. It is enough to follow all the recommendations, and you will be able to make a high-quality and reliable design that will delight you for many years.


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