Shnol Simon Elyevich - Russian biophysicist: biography, family, books, scientific work

In the article we will talk about a rather interesting and extraordinary personality who diversified and adorned modern science. We will take a closer look at the biography of Simon Schnoll. You may already know this name, but some may hear it for the first time. At the moment, this man is 87 years old, and he is still interested in news in the world of science. He owns a number of works in various directions. This scientist is definitely worthy of your attention, since his contribution is really very significant. This is a person who is 100% dedicated to his work.

First meeting

So, we will begin to consider the life of Simon Schnoll. We will examine his biography in more detail below, until we just get to know this person better. He was born in 1930, in March, in the capital of Russia. He is a fairly famous and respected Soviet and Russian historian and biophysicist. It is funny that he combines such different fields of knowledge. But at the same time, in each of them he is really a specialist, of whom there are few. This is a man of tremendous fortitude and intellectual abilities. He worked as a professor in the Department of Biophysics at the Faculty of Physics at Moscow State University. He also headed the biochemistry laboratory at the Institute of Experimental and Theoretical Biophysics, Pushchino. Simon Schnol is a doctor of biological sciences, as well as a full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. Alma Mater of our hero is Moscow State University.

Among the famous students, it should be noted Anatoly Markovich and Anatoly Zhabotinsky, which we will talk about below. Simon is the brother of the famous teacher and mathematician Emanuel Shnol. He also has a brother to the doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences Yakov Yudovich. In addition, Simon is the father of a geneticist, evolutionist and geologist Alexei Kondrashov.

simon shnol

Detailed biography

So, as we already know, Simon Shnol Elievich was born in Moscow in a Jewish family. His father, Eli Gershevich, worked as a philosopher and linguist. Unfortunately, for political reasons, the authorities repressed him in 1933. The mother of the hero of our article was called Faina Yakovlevna. She taught Russian language and literature. By the way, it was the mother who instilled in the boy a love of a beautiful word. In the future, this resulted in the fact that he became interested in history and various important events. During his training, the boy worked as an electrician and a shepherd. Again, here you can find the inconsistency characteristic of Simon. Such moments filled his whole life. In 1944, he became a pupil of an orphanage in Moscow. By the way, it was Orphanage No. 38. He managed to pass exams externally and enter the 10th grade, at school No. 352 in Moscow. Already in 1946, the guy managed to enter the Moscow State University, at the Faculty of Biology.

Shnol Simon Elevich


Biochemistry and biophysics have always attracted this person, but he did not immediately come to this. After completing his studies at the Faculty of Biochemistry, he was sent to work on the use of radioactive isotopes. Then he got to the Department of Medical Radiology at the Central Institute for Advanced Medical Studies. He worked as a senior laboratory assistant. In 1954 he became an assistant, and five years later he was an assistant professor. In 1960, Shnol Simon Elyevich transferred to work at Moscow State University. At first, he held the position of senior researcher, in 1962 he became an assistant professor of the Department of Biophysics. Moscow State University gladly accepted a new talented person into its ranks. Since 1975, he was a professor at the Department of Biophysics. All this time he read his famous lectures on biology and biochemistry. Currently it continues to work, as we noted above. At the moment he teaches lectures on the history of science. They are visited by a lot of people who are really interested in this issue and want to get verified information from the mouth of a trusted person.

Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University

Up the career ladder

In 1963 he became the head of the laboratory of physical biochemistry. All this happens at the Institute of Biophysics in Pushchino. The scientist devotes his first scientific work to the properties of enzymes, the nature of macroergic phosphates and ATP-cleaving ones. He also examines in detail the use of radioactive isotopes in clinical and experimental studies. It should be noted that these issues, like lectures on biology, are a business card by which he is immediately recognized and trusted in the scientific community.


The hero of our article continues his work at the Physics Department of Moscow State University. In the period from 1954 to 1957, he dealt with the issues of vibrational modes in chemical reactions. He shows their high probability, and reinforces this with practice. It is to these issues that he devotes almost all of his subsequent work, which are distinguished by their fundamental nature and professional approach.

Note that the study of vibrational reactions, which was conducted under the guidance of the hero of our article with the help of graduate student Anatoly Zhabotinsky, has become very popular. It was carried out as an example of a reaction that B. Belousov had discovered in his time.

In 1970, Simon Schnol defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic of spontaneous changes in muscle proteins. Naturally, he also defends her successfully. The work was devoted to issues and research, which just in the period of the 1950s began to be examined in detail and continued to be studied until the time of the dissertation defense. Thus, Simon made a really significant, necessary and timely contribution to the development of science.

biology lectures


Note that the hero of our article investigated the fine structure in static distributions. He discovered such patterns, which he later described in detail in his books. The scientist proved that the shape of the histograms at the same local time is very likely very similar to the measurements of the process in different geographical locations. He also managed to prove that nature can change along with a period that is equal to one stellar day.

From here, Simon Schnol concluded that this phenomenon is fundamental, cosmophysical in nature. He conducted all these studies from 1985 to 2002. But this was not easy for him, since other authors did not want to be silent and openly expressed their criticism to him. Of course, this could not but affect the researcher, but he still tried to move towards his goal and not pay attention to outside opinions. As it turned out later, he did everything right, since all his theories were confirmed in practice, but much later.

simon shnol biography

Books by Simon Schnoll

Note that this scientist has written more than 200 scientific papers. These are really impressive figures, since all these works are very fundamental and well-developed, incredibly detailed and explained from different points of view. Probably, you can count on the fingers of scientists who left behind so much concentrated and useful information. He also wrote books on the history of science. We already know that he is still very interested in this area and even gives lectures on these topics, and quite successfully. Such works include his book, which was published in 1997 under the title "Heroes, villains of Russian science." In 2001, a new book was published, which had a similar title, but a little supplemented. Now the book was called "Heroes, villains, conformists of Russian science." In addition, Simon himself trained about 20 doctors of science and 50 candidates. This is just a huge job, which he did with a sense of responsibility and a strict approach to business. All his students say that he is a person of incredible willpower, who goes to certain goals, despite any environmental factors. Note that a small planet is named after Simon Schnoll.

simon shnol books

Popularization of science

We have not yet mentioned that for many years in a row Shnol Simon Elyevich was the chairman of the jury at the school and at the Biological Olympiad at Moscow State University. Thanks to his active participation, the basic principles of assigning tasks for creative olympiad problems in biology were developed. He was very fond of this activity, about which he himself spoke more than once. This was due to the fact that it was in children that he saw the future of science. It is known that children absorb information much easier, and therefore they have great opportunities for learning and discovering some unobvious things. In addition, the hero of our article, on a voluntary basis, lectured to children in a school scientific camp called "Elephant and Giraffe."


We note two people who were the most prominent followers and students of the hero of our article. Firstly, this is Anatoly Jabotinsky, who was a graduate student at Simon. In 1980, he became a laureate of the Lenin Prize. He was also a professor at Brandeis University of Massachusetts. The second famous student is Fazoyl Ataullakhanov. This man is still alive. He is a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor of the Department of Biology at the already well-known and almost native physics department of Lomonosov Moscow State University, and also director of the Center for Physics and Technology.

biochemistry biophysics

A family

Unfortunately, there is no reliable information about the personal life and wife of Simon Schnoll. However, it is known for certain that he has a son Alexei Kondrashov. The boy followed in his father's footsteps and became a fairly significant geneticist and biologist. At the same time, he built his career not thanks to the influence of his father or his famous surname, but solely thanks to his own work and knowledge. Simon Shnol also has a brother named Yakov Yudovich, who is still alive. He is a chemist and geologist by education.

Summing up, I want to say that the hero of our article has repeatedly appealed to the authorities with an appeal that it is necessary to increase the funding of scientists many times. At the same time, he insisted that funding should be made during the heyday of the scientist, and not on the basis of extensive experience and well-deserved years of work. He repeated many times that he had found that wonderful time when biology was really a huge and strong science. This is the time until 1948. As you know, after this, a number of events took place in the country, which contributed to the fact that not only biology, but also other disciplines worsened their quality indicators. By the way, the hero of our article has the award "Soros Professor".


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