How is a wicket made of corrugated board

One of the most common building materials in recent years has become corrugated board. It is used to create temporary structures, for cladding buildings, to create a roof, etc. Moreover, there are a large number of varieties of this material, which can significantly expand its scope. Such a structure as a wicket from corrugated board also works great. The price of the final product is much cheaper than when using any other material, and reliability, strength and appearance make this material indispensable.

corrugated door

Material selection

To make the gate, you need to choose the right material. It should be light enough not to load the hinges and at the same time strong. Many instructions that teach how to make a wicket from corrugated board recommend using a square pipe for the frame . However, experts believe that it is best to use a metal corner. The fact is that in addition to its light weight, it has great strength and is very convenient to use. As the sheathing, it is worth using the same type of corrugated board from which the fence is made. Otherwise, any suitable type of material may be used.

Frame manufacturing

When creating a frame, you need to remember about such a concept as stiffeners. The fact is that the wicket from corrugated board should not receive its strength only due to the sheathing. The sheet of metal must be attached to a solid base, which is mounted taking into account all the rules of geometry. When creating a frame, you need to take care of the mounts for locks, handles and hinges in advance.


After the frame is ready, it must be painted. This is done despite the fact that the wicket from corrugated board is a product resistant to corrosion. First you need to apply a primer layer, and after it dries, you can paint the entire structure.

how to make a wicket from corrugated board


After the paint dries, sheets of metal are installed on the frame. Wicket from corrugated board can be made using special screws, which will be used to fasten the profile. However, it is best to use special rivets. At the same time, the installation process will be more time-consuming, but as a result, the product will become very reliable and resistant to penetration. After that, the gate is painted. This process can be avoided if a metal sheet with a pattern already applied is applied or the host is about to leave the metal in its original form.

corrugated door price


Wicket from corrugated board is installed on the hinges using special gaskets made of soft metal. In this case, it is necessary to leave a small gap, which will impede the friction process of the door at the time of its shrinkage. It manifests itself even in such designs. For greater ease of maintenance, a small hole is drilled on top of the hinges, into which grease must be periodically filled. It is also worth taking care of such a device on a valve to ensure its smooth operation.


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