Origin of the name Doronin: the spiritual path

If we analyze the origin of surnames that are in use in Russia, we can see that there are several sources, each of which has become the basis for the formation of the name of the genus. In ancient times, nicknames were given in Russia, which later became a family name, such as Medvedev, Zaitsev, Sokolov, etc. And the origin of the surname Doronin has Greek roots associated with the spiritual growth of a person, which obliged its bearer much. There were several reasons for getting this surname.

"Spiritual regulations"

In order to understand the origin of the surname Doronin, let us turn to the historical events of the times of Peter I. By his order, the then archbishop Feofan Prokopovich created the “Spiritual Regulation”, according to which the church was controlled by the Holy Synod, which was controlled by the chief prosecutor and subordinated to the emperor. Some time later, this document was agreed with the bishops and the abbots who headed the monasteries.

Emperor Peter I

During this period, Orthodox priests should have surnames. However, as it often happened in Russia, changes occurred more often on paper, and life went on. However, one can argue about the emergence of prerequisites for the appearance of the surname Doronin, whose origin is closely connected with the Russian clergy.

Empress Anna Ioannovna

Anna Ioannovna ascended the throne in 1739 and issued a decree on the establishment of a seminary at each diocese. However, a little money was allocated for this project, and therefore, a special "teaching priest" was attached to each parish, who was charged with the duty of preparing the "child of priests" for the spiritual field. After some time, it became clear that the number of newly-graduated seminarians increased significantly, and therefore the need arose for the corresponding surnames for a separate estate. The origin of the surname Doronin belongs to this period.

God's gift

The spiritual estate was finally formed by the 19th century, and surnames became commonplace during this period. However, in practice, they turned to the priest in the full name with the designation of the dignity, for example, “father”, “father,” pop, and the parishioners might not know the names. it was a natural order.

However, there was another possibility: the origin and meaning of the surname Doronin confirms this. It is formed, according to some researchers, from the nickname "Doron", dating back to the Greek word doron, which translates as "gift" or "gift". This was due to a certain event or qualities of a monastery inhabitant distinguishing him from others.

Church painter

It could be that the baby thrown to the gates of the holy monastery was noticed and saved, and therefore, as it were, he received his second birth as a “gift” from the Almighty. Or the student clearly stood out with his abilities among the rest, which testified to his talent, that is, that the Lord endowed him with a “gift”.

Children marked in this way received a nickname, which later, by adding the Russian suffix "in" - could become the name Doronin, which means "gifted from above." Among the Russian clergy you can find many derivatives of nicknames that had a "supernatural" origin.

Second Life

The surname, which also had a connection with a miracle, acquired a slightly different meaning. For example, when a terminally ill person, who was referred to as “not a tenant,” for some inexplicable reason, suddenly got better and returned to life. It was a gift of a "second life", according to which a person was given a new nickname, and after a while it was fixed as a surname.

One way or another, but it was not given by chance, but because its carriers can be sure that their ancestor was either associated with the clergy, or inexplicable events occurred in his life.

Baptismal name

After baptism in Russia, orders gradually changed, including those concerning the naming of a newborn. Many ancient pagan names were replaced by Greek, collected in special church books - "Saints". However, on Russian soil, these names were changed in accordance with the national color.

Russian monks

In particular, the ancient Greek name Doron was transformed into Russian Dorotheus, which in no way affected its meaning - it still meant "the gift of God." In the home environment, Dorotheus could be affectionately called "Doronya."

And another option for education: in Russia there are many ancient settlements with the name "Doronino", where the name Doronin came from.

It should be noted that the metrization of the population of Russia was finally completed only by the middle of the XIX century. Representatives of the boyar and noble families had surnames already in the 16th century, but the clergy, like the rest of the lower classes, acquired this right later. Therefore, the Doronins began to be introduced into metric books from about the 18th century.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F23836/

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